[效果器插件包]Moog Music Complete Moogerfooger Effects Bundle v1.2.3 [WiN](255Mb)

Moog Music Complete Moogerfooger Effects Bundle v1.2.3-TeamCubeadooby| 01.2024 | 255 MB

Moogerfooger 效果插件将原始硬件效果器的传奇音色、音乐性和互联性带到你的数字音乐制作环境中。

Moogerfooger 效果踏板由 Bob Moog 及其工程团队在 90 年代末和 00 年代设计,是原始 Moog 模块化合成器的直接后代,可处理、调制和播放从吉他、声音、合成器到任何可想象音频源的输入。从 MF-104 丰富、温暖的模拟延迟电路,到 MF-103 的漩涡式相位效果,以及 MF-101 的传奇式谐振阶梯低通滤波器,Moogerfoogers 已因其音效和模块化特性而闻名于世,并被世界各地的录音室和表演者所采用。

每种效果器都经过精心再造,保留了原始模拟电路丰富而独特的音色,现在可以集成到你的数字音频工作站中。这些插件具有立体声功能和扩展功能集,进一步为现代数字创作者量身打造了经典的 Moogerfooger 功能。Moogerfooger 效果器插件的所有参数均可自动设置,并能保存和管理预置,因此能围绕音轨进行变异和重塑。

最初的 Moogerfoogers 系列功能强大,可灵活控制电压输入和输出,既能相互配合,又能组合成动态的相关效果,因此远远超出了各部分的总和。

Moogerfooger 效果插件重现了这种 CV 互联性,让每个 Moogerfooger 实例都能在任何主流 DAW 中调节整个项目中任何其他 Moogerfooger 的参数。

凭借立体声功能、扩展功能集、运行多个实例的能力以及预设,这些效果器为现代数字创作者量身定制了经典的 Moogerfooger 功能。

MF-101S 低通滤波器
经典的 Moog 梯形滤波器,带有用于动态控制的包络跟随器

MF-102S 环形调制器
宽范围载波振荡器与 LFO 搭配使用,可实现从柔和的颤音到铿锵有力的环形调制音效

MF-103S 12 级移相器
20 世纪 70 年代充满活力的机架式 Moog 相位控制器的后代,带有
板载 LFO

MF-104S 模拟延时器

MF-105S MuRF

MF-107S Freqbox
一盒带有包络和调频调制的令人毛骨悚然的同步 VCO 音色

MF-108S Cluster Flux

MF-109S 饱和器
基于经典 Moogerfooger 输入驱动级的强大饱和工具

x64: VST3, .aaxplugin

安装即可!(如果你在意 Windows “程序与功能 “是否干净,请先卸载旧版本)。

TCD 注意:插件二进制文件在运行时或任何时候都不会在其文件夹中丢弃愚蠢的日志文件。
Moog Music Complete Moogerfooger Effects Bundle v1.2.3-TeamCubeadooby| 01.2024 | 255 MB
Moogerfooger Effects Plug-ins bring the legendary tone, musicality, and interconnectivity of the original hardware effects to your digital music production environment.

Designed by Bob Moog and his engineering team in the late ’90s and ’00s, Moogerfooger effects pedals were direct descendants of the original Moog modular synthesizers, adapted to process, modulate, and play with inputs ranging from guitar, voice, and synthesizer to any imaginable audio source. From the MF-104’s lush, warm analog delay circuit to the swirling phaser effects of the MF-103 and legendary resonant ladder lowpass filter in the MF-101, Moogerfoogers have become renowned for their sound and modularity, adopted by studios and performers around the world.

Each of the effects have been meticulously recreated with reverence for the lush, distinctive tones of the original analog circuits—now ready to be integrated into your digital audio workstation. With stereo functionality and an extended feature set, these plug-ins further tailor the classic Moogerfooger functionality to the modern digital creator. With all parameters ready to be automated as well as the ability to save and manage presets, Moogerfooger Effects Plug-ins mutate and re-shape themselves around your audio tracks.

Designed with Creativity in Mind
The original collection of Moogerfoogers were more than the sum of their parts due to their powerful and flexible control voltage inputs and outputs—able to play amongst themselves and combine into dynamic inter-related effects.

Moogerfooger Effects Plug-ins recreate that CV interconnectivity, allowing each instance of a Moogerfooger to modulate the parameters of any other across your project in any major DAW.

With stereo functionality, an extended feature set, the ability to run multiple instances, and presets, these effects tailor the classic Moogerfooger functionality to the modern digital creator.

MF-101S Lowpass Filter
The classic Moog ladder filter with an envelope follower for dynamic

MF-102S Ring Modulator
A wide-range carrier oscillator paired with an LFO for effects from
soft tremolo through far-out clangorous ring modulation tones

MF-103S 12-Stage Phaser
A descendant of the vibrant 1970s rack-mounted Moog phaser with an
on-board LFO

MF-104S Analog Delay
A rich, full-bodied delay and modulation circuit that has remained
highly sought after to this day

MF-105S MuRF
A groundbreaking effect combining a resonant filter bank with a pattern
generator and skewing envelope for vibrant animation of an incoming sound

MF-107S Freqbox
A box of gnarly synced VCO sounds with envelope and FM modulation

MF-108S Cluster Flux
A flexible processor that can modulate between chorus, flanging, and vibrato

MF-109S Saturator
A powerful saturation tool based on the classic Moogerfooger input drive
stage that adds warmth, distortion, and compression to any sound

x64: VST3, .aaxplugin

Just install! (Uninstall old versions first, if you care about Windows’ “Programs & Features” being clean.)

TCD Note: Plugin binaries won’t drop the dumb log file in its folder at runtime or any time. heh

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