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Wave Alchemy Glow
In 1981 a reverb was released that would go on to define the sound of the decade and redefine reverb itself. When you think of punchy gated drums, lush ambient synths, and the ethereal, atmospheric vocals of the 1980’s – you’re thinking about the RMX. A truly iconic reverb heard on countless hit records.
1981 年发布了一款混响,它定义了这十年的声音并重新定义了混响本身。当您想到 1980 年代强劲的门控鼓、丰富的环境合成器以及空灵、大气的人声时,您想到的就是 RMX。在无数热门唱片中都能听到的真正标志性的混响。
Brought back to life and taken even further with advanced DSP and modern workflow enhancements, Glow instantly transports you to the 80s.
通过先进的 DSP 和现代工作流程增强功能,Glow 焕发了生机,并进一步增强了效果,瞬间将您带回到 80 年代。
Explore Glow
Dial in the exact sound of the original hardware or take this legendary sound into the 21st century with creative reverb dynamics and modulation. Glow allows you to get great sounds quickly with its clear and concise interface.
拨入原始硬件的精确声音,或通过创造性的混响动态和调制将这种传奇声音带入 21 世纪。 Glow 以其清晰简洁的界面让您快速获得美妙的声音。
A Legendary Reverb, Reborn 传奇混响,重生
Glow was given its name for the distinct and instantly recognizable character it can impart on any sound. Glow is to sound what neon is to colour! Its otherworldly and futuristic reverbs are the perfect complement for synthetic sounds or transforming the ordinary into the unexpected.
Glow 因其可以赋予任何声音独特且易于识别的特性而得名。发光之于声音,就像霓虹灯之于色彩一样!其超凡脱俗且充满未来感的混响是合成声音的完美补充,或将平凡变成意想不到的声音。
The iconic NonLin 2 reverb program, a beast on drums, was meant to emulate the now legendary sound of a gated room, and the Reverse programs can create a three-dimensional space that is both instantly recognizable and like nothing you’ve heard in real life. The vibrant Ambience program can create a near infinite space – perfect for lush synths and atmospheric vocals.
标志性的 NonLin 2 混响程序是鼓上的野兽,旨在模仿现在传奇的封闭房间的声音,而 Reverse 程序可以创建一个三维空间,既可以立即识别,又不像您在真实中听到的那样生活。充满活力的 Ambience 程序可以创造一个近乎无限的空间 – 非常适合丰富的合成器和大气的人声。
With 14 unique programs ranging from Halls, Plates and Rooms, to the abstract and creative – Glow is an instant ticket to surreal and retro future reverb spaces.
Glow 拥有 14 种独特的程序,从大厅、盘子和房间到抽象和创意,是通往超现实和复古未来混响空间的即时门票。
One of the secret ingredients of great drum reverb is lowering the initial transient of a drum sound before processing with reverb. Glow makes this effortless with Smooth. Intelligently suppress transients and focus the reverb on the body and sustain without altering the original dry signal. Get your percussive reverb sounding warmer, fuller and thicker instantly.
出色的鼓混响的秘诀之一是在混响处理之前降低鼓声音的初始瞬态。 Glow 通过 Smooth 让这一切变得毫不费力。智能地抑制瞬态并将混响集中在主体上并保持,而不改变原始的干信号。立即让您的打击乐混响听起来更温暖、更饱满、更厚重。
Make space in the mix with Glow’s Duck control. Intelligent volume ducking allows you to get rich reverbs that stay out of the way of the dry signal.
使用 Glow 的 Duck 控件在混音中留出空间。智能音量闪避可让您获得丰富的混响,避免干扰干信号。
Go from subtle 3D spatialization and diffusion to deep chorusing and lush stereo modulation with a single control.
通过单一控制即可实现从微妙的 3D 空间化和扩散到深度合唱和丰富的立体声调制。
Don’t let the simplicity of Glow’s Flux parameter deceive you. Under the hood are a complex series of stereo filter, width and pitch modulations. All custom built for reverb specific modulation for a never-ending sweet spot.
不要让 Glow 的 Flux 参数的简单性欺骗了您。引擎盖下是一系列复杂的立体声滤波器、宽度和音调调制。所有这些都是为混响特定调制而定制的,以获得永无止境的最佳效果。
Wave Alchemy Pulse
In 1984 an entry level digital reverb was released that would go on to have a profound impact on modern music. Finding a home in nearly every high-end studio over the past 30 years, the original PCM-60 became synonymous with tight and punchy 80s reverb.
1984 年,发布了入门级数字混响,对现代音乐产生了深远的影响。在过去 30 年里,最初的 PCM-60 几乎出现在每个高端录音室中,成为 80 年代紧凑而有力的混响的代名词。
We’ve taken the soul and character of this iconic hardware reverb and brought it into the 21st century with advanced DSP and modern workflow enhancements.
我们汲取了这一标志性硬件混响的灵魂和特征,并通过先进的 DSP 和现代工作流程增强功能将其带入 21 世纪。
Introducing Pulse – A modern take on the classic PCM sound.
隆重推出 Pulse——经典 PCM 声音的现代演绎。
Explore Pulse
Whether you want to recreate every nuance of the original hardware or take this iconic sound to new and unchartered territory, Pulse allows you to easily with it’s clear and concise interface.
无论您是想重现原始硬件的每一个细微差别,还是将这种标志性的声音带入新的未知领域,Pulse 都可以通过其清晰简洁的界面轻松实现。
Iconic PCM Reverb 标志性 PCM 混响
PCM refers to Pulse Code Modulation, the technology introduced in the early 80s that would go on to become the primary method for processing digital audio. Over the years this technology would improve considerably, but in 1984 it was considered now what we would label Lo-fi, Grainy or Unrealistic. This was in stark contrast to the Plates and Springs of the 1960s which sounded Organic, Natural and Clean.
PCM 指脉冲编码调制,该技术于 80 年代初推出,后来成为处理数字音频的主要方法。多年来,这项技术得到了显着改进,但在 1984 年,它现在被认为是低保真、颗粒状或不切实际的标签。这与 20 世纪 60 年代听起来有机、自然和干净的 Plates and Springs 形成鲜明对比。
However, fast forward nearly 40 years and it is exactly these characteristics that make this reverb so desirable again today. Its sound is characterful, punchy and unmistakable.
然而,快进近 40 年,正是这些特性使这种混响在今天再次如此受欢迎。它的声音富有特色、有力且明确无误。
The original unit was limited in features and was often used as a send on a mixing console where EQ, Compression and other studio processing could be used to enhance it further. With Pulse, we’ve not only implemented custom DSP and tone shaping controls to bring this classic into the modern era, but we’ve done so in a way that makes it effortless and easy to dial in – whether you’re a producer looking for professional results quickly, or a songwriter just getting started in engineering your own vocals…
原始设备的功能有限,通常用作混音控制台上的发送,其中可以使用均衡器、压缩和其他工作室处理来进一步增强它。借助 Pulse,我们不仅实现了定制 DSP 和音调塑造控制,将这一经典带入现代时代,而且我们以一种轻松、轻松的方式实现这一点 – 无论您是制作人还是制作人快速取得专业成果,或者歌曲作者刚刚开始设计自己的声音……
The initial portion of a sound is often the loudest, this is called the transient. loud transients can cause Reverb to sound thin or weak because the sustain portion, or tail, of the sound is much quieter.
Pulse’s Shape parameter solves this problem by intelligently lowering the transient volume to make the Reverb signal lusher, thicker and darker in tone, all without changing the original dry signal or needing unnecessary sends with additional processors like traditional reverbs.
Pulse 的 Shape 参数通过智能地降低瞬态音量来解决这个问题,使混响信号的音调更丰富、更厚重、更暗,所有这些都不会改变原始的干信号,也不需要像传统混响那样使用额外的处理器进行不必要的发送。
Our custom tuned Flux control was developed on our years of experience using hardware reverbs. One of the most important elements that all great reverbs have in common is the sense of space and movement they create.
我们的定制调谐 Flux 控制是根据我们多年使用硬件混响的经验开发的。所有出色的混响最重要的共同点之一就是它们所创造的空间感和运动感。
Flux creates this same behaviour and sonic depth through clever level-dependant filtering and creative under-the-hood modulation. Used subtly it can add a gentle sense of 3D movement and depth. At extreme levels you can explore totally new worlds of lush chorus-like modulation and lo-fi textures.
Flux 通过巧妙的电平相关过滤和创造性的底层调制创造了相同的行为和声音深度。巧妙地使用它可以添加柔和的 3D 运动感和深度感。在极限水平上,您可以探索郁郁葱葱的合唱般的调制和低保真纹理的全新世界。
Wave Alchemy Radiance
The legendary sound of mechanical plate reverb – revived and reimagined for the modern era.
机械板混响的传奇声音 – 为现代时代而复兴和重新想象。
Faithfully capturing the sound of seven unique vintage EMT-140 plates, Radiance brings this iconic sound into the present day by combining advanced DSP and sound shaping with detailed modelling.
Radiance 忠实地捕捉了七个独特的老式 EMT-140 板的声音,通过将先进的 DSP 和声音塑造与详细的建模相结合,将这种标志性的声音带入了当今。
Instantly add vibrance to your music and go between deep haunting vocals, crisp tight drums or bright airy guitars with ease.
Explore Radiance
Dial in the exact sound of the original Plates or take this iconic sound into new and uncharted territory with dynamics, mid-side processing, saturation and modulation. Radiance allows you to quickly recreate the unmistakable originals or shape new sonic landscapes.
拨入原始 Plates 的精确声音,或通过动态、中侧处理、饱和度和调制将这种标志性声音带入新的未知领域。 Radiance 可让您快速重新创建明确无误的原件或塑造新的声音景观。
A Legend Reimagined 重新构想的传奇
Before the EMT 140 reverb was released in 1957, the only option for musicians and engineers to capture a realistic sense of space in their music was to record in a bigger room or use echo chambers.
在 1957 年 EMT 140 混响发布之前,音乐家和工程师在音乐中捕捉真实空间感的唯一选择是在更大的房间中录音或使用回声室。
By using an 8×4 foot sheet of metal in a solid wooden box engineers were able to recreate a sense of space in a brand new way that became known as Plate Reverb. This distinctly analogue process meant each and every plate reverb has its own sonic fingerprint.
通过在实木盒子中使用 8×4 英尺的金属板,工程师们能够以一种全新的方式重新创造空间感,这种方式被称为“板混响”。这种明显的模拟过程意味着每个板混响都有自己的声音指纹。
Some were darker, some were brighter, some were longer and others were shorter. With this in mind we travelled to numerous top studios around the world to find the seven most iconic examples of this legendary Plate Reverb Sound.
Radiance is a sonic encyclopedia of classic plate reverbs from the past 60 years.
Radiance 是过去 60 年来经典板式混响的声音百科全书。
7 Vintage Plates 7 个复古盘子
Because no two 140 plates sound the same, we set about finding the seven most unique sounding examples of this classic reverb at various studios around the world.
由于没有两个 140 板听起来相同,因此我们着手在世界各地的各个工作室中寻找这种经典混响的七个最独特的声音示例。
Chosen for their distinct qualities, we modelled each one in exquisite detail and usefully named them after their immediate sonic character.
From dark and moody, to beautifully vibrant and airy, Radiance’s plate models cover a wide sonic spectrum.
从黑暗和喜怒无常,到美丽充满活力和通风,Radiance 的板模型涵盖了广泛的声波谱。
Modern Control
Going far beyond a typical emulation, Radiance gives you quick and easy access to powerful modern features that often require multiple plugins, complex routing and considerable time.
Radiance 远远超出了典型的仿真,让您可以快速轻松地访问强大的现代功能,而这些功能通常需要多个插件、复杂的路由和大量时间。
Take the iconic 140 plate sound to new dimensions with rich modulation, ducking, mid / side EQ, gating, dual-band stereo width, transient shaping, reverb character modes and much more…
通过丰富的调制、闪避、中/侧均衡器、门控、双频段立体声宽度、瞬态整形、混响特征模式等,将标志性的 140 板声音提升到新的维度……
Wave Alchemy Dawn
传奇的 EMT 250 制造于 1976 年,为我们今天所熟知的混响技术奠定了基础。
通过动态、中侧处理和调制,你可以准确拨出原版 250 的音效,或将这一标志性音效带入全新的未知领域。通过 Dawn,您可以快速重现其所模拟的 1976 年混响音色,或轻松塑造新的音质景观。
1976 年,EMT 250 以令人印象深刻的 2 万美元价格发布,从此改变了音乐制作的面貌–混响的数字时代到来了。
由于其充满未来感的 70 年代科幻设计,EMT 250 有时被昵称为 “R2D2″,它是一款重型落地式设备,具有令人印象深刻的功能,通过 4 个超大杠杆进行控制。
与它所继承的机械板式混响相比,250 的声音清晰开阔,具有美妙的三维深度和低噪音。
时至今日,Dawn 仍然被许多人视为有史以来最好的数字混响产品,仅生产了 250 台,它忠实地捕捉了这一经典产品的淳厚音色,并通过现代的音色塑造控制功能更进一步。
重现标志性 250 混响的魔力,立即为鼓声、合成器、人声和吉他增添生动的空间感、清晰度和 3D 深度。
除了独特的低频衰减和高频衰减(阻尼)控制外,Dawn 还能让你使用原始设备的全部混响时间(从 0.4 秒到 4.5 秒)。身临其境的 “空间 “模式具有近乎无穷无尽的衰减时间,非常适合空灵的垫子和合成器。
Dawn 远远超越了原始设备的可能性,拥有一套扩展的强大现代功能,这些功能通常需要多个插件、复杂的路由和大量时间来设置。
通过丰富的调制、衰减、中/侧均衡、门控、双波段立体声宽度、瞬态整形、混响特性模式等功能,将经典的 250 音效提升到新的高度…
Dawn 采用深思熟虑的 DSP 和卷积混合方法,实现了准确的音质和特性。
我们花了几个月的时间对 250 的每个细节进行建模和分析,直到它与我们的原版设备无异。除此之外,我们还增加了一个可切换的 “现代 “模式,进一步增强了原始音效,使混响尾音更加清晰,动态范围更大。
利用 Dawn 强大的高级页面发挥创意。
三种独特的特性模式可以改变混响尾音的特性。使用 “干净 “模式保持混响的清晰度,使用 “复古 “模式增加微妙的温暖感,或使用 “狡黠 “模式享受有品位的音质破坏–该模式模仿了标志性的 SP-1200 电路。
使用多用途的 4 段中/侧均衡器进一步修饰混响效果,使用创造性的宽度控制来塑造立体声场,并使用 Dawn 先进的门来营造怀旧气氛。
使用 Dawn 的现代模式添加额外的闪光和扩展的动态效果,或使用相位一致的单声道模式制作复古的混响音色。
重现标志性 EMT 250 混响的天籁之音
使用 Flux 和 Ensemble 引入运动和调制效果
利用先进的 DSP 技术进一步实现门控、消隐和瞬态平滑
利用 Dawn 的混响特性模式,从水晶般纯净的音质到粗犷的音色
具有中/侧功能的 4 段输出均衡器
150 种设计精美、可用于制作的预置