[原声吉他音源]Orange Tree Samples Evolution Dry Relic v1.2.5 [KONTAKT](6.48GB)

[橘子树电木吉他全家桶] Orange Tree Samples Evolution [KONTAKT](118GB+)

P2P | 13 February 2025 | 6.48 GB


展示 Evolution Dry Relic。使用 50 年代早期的 Gibson J-45 录制,这是一把见证了很多历史的吉他,还有很多故事要讲。没有什么比老木头的声音更能随着每个季节的流逝而变得更加个性。搭配一组破旧的琴弦,这把吉他有一个华丽、笨拙的低端,在高音中闪耀着生命的火花。该库正是您提升歌曲个性所需要的。

我们与犹他州最负盛名的录音室之一 Rosewood Recording Company 合作开发了这个音库。Rosewood Recording Company 的所有者兼录音工程师 Guy Randle 结合了模拟音频设备,巧妙地塑造和强调吉他丰富的音色品质。Evolution Dry Relic 包括原声信号和增强信号。

在采样环节中,Guy Randle 与 Ryan Tilby 合作,Ryan Tilby 是一位多才多艺的多乐器演奏家,曾在无数音乐节上演出并多次在欧洲巡演。他的作品曾在探索频道、户外摄影冒险和其他著名的电视节目中出现。Ryan Tilby 还为世界各地需要吉他、班卓琴、贝斯、曼陀林和尤克里里音轨的客户提供远程录音服务。

Evolution Dry Relic 基于我们的 Evolution 引擎,它为您提供丰富的约会:创新的弹奏模式编辑器、自动和弦检测和强大的内置效果引擎。如果您用过任何使用 Evolution 引擎的吉他或贝斯音色库,那么您将非常熟悉它的界面和工作流程。



– 内置效果集合,用于生产就绪的原声吉他音色。

– 模式编辑器和和弦发声系统,用于真实的弹奏和挑选模式。

– 使用我们专有的物理建模技术可调节拾取位置。

– 强大的映射系统,可让您使用力度范围、MIDI CC、闭锁和非闭锁按键开关等条件来设置触发运音法的方式。

– 11.4 GB(使用无损 NCW 音频格式压缩为 6 GB)的 24 位样本。
– 延音、手掌静音、静音、自然泛音等技法,以及琴弦拍打、打击乐身体打击等特殊效果。
– 用于滑轨、锤击和拉断的 Legato 样本。
– 奏法有 3 个动态、2 个拨片方向(如果适用)和 2 个循环。

Evolution Dry Relic 授权 Native Instruments 的 Kontakt Player 采样器软件。因此,无需拥有完整版的 Kontakt,并且 Evolution Dry Relic 可以在免费的 Kontakt Player 应用程序/插件中不受限制地运行。这也允许样本库列在 Kontakt 的 libraries 选项卡中,以便于访问。

Evolution Dry Relic 已准备好 NKS。与 Native Kontrol Standard 的集成带来了许多好处,无论是在 Komplete Kontrol 软件中使用该库时,还是与 Komplete Kontrol 硬件(如 Komplete Kontrol S 系列键盘和 Maschine)结合使用时。

除了 Evolution Dry Relic 与其他 Komplete Kontrol 乐器一起显示在原生浏览器中之外,还有各种其他好处。例如,得益于 Native Instruments 的 Native Map® 技术,您可以直接通过连接的硬件控制库的各种参数。此外,按键开关和按键范围使用 Light Guide 显示,这是一项创新技术,可以直接在 Komplete Kontrol S 系列键盘上显示按键颜色。

我们建议将 Evolution Dry Relic 与 Komplete Kontrol S 系列键盘一起使用,以获得完整的体验。虽然不是必需的,但您将能够利用 Native Kontrol 标准在软件、乐器和硬件之间实现直观的连接。

适用于 NI Kontakt Player v5.7.3 及更高版本!

Many acoustic guitar sample libraries focus on providing a clean, balanced tone: plenty of body, and a crisp high end. These qualities are all great if you need a sound that blends in the mix, but sometimes you need a guitar that brings its own personality to the table.

Presenting Evolution Dry Relic. Recorded using an early ‘50s Gibson J-45, this is a guitar that’s seen a lot of history, and has plenty more stories to tell. There’s nothing like the sound of aged wood that’s been soaking in more character with the passing of every season. Paired with a set of well-worn strings, the guitar has a gorgeous, thunky low end with a spark of life in the highs. The library is just what you need to give your song a boost in personality.

We developed the library in collaboration with Rosewood Recording Company, one of Utah’s most venerable recording studios. Guy Randle, the owner and recording engineer at Rosewood Recording Company, incorporated analog audio equipment to skillfully sculpt and emphasize the rich tonal qualities of the guitar. Evolution Dry Relic includes both the as-recorded signal as well as an enhanced signal.

For the sampling session, Guy Randle worked with Ryan Tilby, a versatile multi-instrumentalist who has performed at countless music festivals and toured Europe multiple times. His compositions have been featured on the Discovery Channel, Outdoor Photo Adventures, and other prominent TV shows. Ryan Tilby also offers remote recording services for clients around the world in need of guitar, banjo, bass, mandolin, and ukulele tracks.

Evolution Dry Relic is based on our Evolution engine, which provides you with a wealth of appointments: an innovative strumming pattern editor, automatic chord detection, and a robust built-in effects engine. If you’ve used any of our guitar or bass libraries that use the Evolution engine, its interface and workflow will be very familiar to you.

The library includes many factory presets for ready-to-use acoustic guitar tones that will boost the personality of your productions and help them stand out from the others.

Key Features:

– Built-in effects collection for production-ready acoustic guitar tones.

– Pattern editor and chord voicing system for authentic strumming and picking patterns.

– Adjustable pick position using our proprietary physical modeling technology.

– Powerful mapping system that lets you set how you want to trigger articulations, using conditions such as velocity ranges, MIDI CCs, latching and non-latching keyswitches, and more.

Sampling specifications:
– 11.4 GB (compressed to 6 GB using the lossless NCW audio format) of 24-bit samples.
– Articulations such as sustains, palm mutes, mutes, natural harmonics, plus special effects like string slaps, percussive body hits, and others.
– Legato samples for slides, hammer-ons, and pull-offs.
– The articulations have 3 dynamics, 2 pick directions (when applicable), and 2x round-robin.

Evolution Dry Relic licenses Native Instruments’ Kontakt Player sampler software. Consequently, owning the full version of Kontakt is not necessary, and Evolution Dry Relic operates without limitations within the free Kontakt Player application/plugin. This also allows the sample library to be listed in the libraries tab in Kontakt for convenient access.

Evolution Dry Relic is NKS-ready. The integration with the Native Kontrol Standard presents many benefits, both when using the library in the Komplete Kontrol software as well as in conjunction with Komplete Kontrol hardware, such as the Komplete Kontrol S-Series keyboards and Maschine.

In addition to Evolution Dry Relic being displayed in the Native Browser among your other Komplete Kontrol instruments, there are a variety of other benefits. For example, thanks to Native Instruments’ Native Map® technology, you can control the library’s various parameters directly through connected hardware right out of the box. Furthermore, the keyswitches and key ranges are shown using Light Guide, an innovative technology that displays the key colors directly on your Komplete Kontrol S-Series keyboard.

We recommend using Evolution Dry Relic with a Komplete Kontrol S-Series keyboard for the full experience. While not a requirement, you will be able to take advantage of the Native Kontrol Standard for an intuitive connection between software instruments and hardware.

Works with NI Kontakt Player v5.7.3 and higher!


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