[更新:水果全插件版]FL Studio Producer+Flex Packs v20.8.3.1574 Sequoia [MacOSX](7.21GB)

[更新:水果全插件版]FL Studio Producer Edition v24.2.2 Build 4597 All Plugins Edition x64 [WiN]
[Flex完整扩展包]Image-Line FLEX Complete Expansion Bundle v2025.02 UNLOCKED

P2P | 21 February 2025 | 7.21 GB


FL Studio 快速上手中文高清视频教程(1.93GB)




1. 运行“Install FL Studio.pkg”安装后不要运行 FL Studio 20。

2. 打开“FL Patch.dmg”

3. 将“FL Studio”移至“应用程序”并替换它。

4. 运行 FL Studio 并加载许可证文件“FLRegKey_20.8_Mac.reg”

5. 关闭 FL Studio。转到 Documents\Image-Line\FL Studio\Settings\Internet\。

6. 删除文件“Default news.rss”。

7. 创建文件夹“Default news.rss”。

8. 提取 FLEX-Packs.zip

9. 将 Flex Packs 放入:Users/用户名/Documents/Image-Line/FLEX/Packs

10. 将图像放入:Users/用户名/Documents/Image-Line/FLEX/Images


可以将整个 Image-Line 文件夹移动到另一个驱动器或位置,只需在 FL Studio 中重新链接即可

没有 UVI 包,因为它们需要比 20.8 更新的版本

macOS M1/M2机器可以鼠标右键勾选以Rosetta模式运行。

认识 FL Studio。这是从大脑到扬声器的最快方式。
FL Studio 是全球音乐制作人用来将想法变成现实的桌面 DAW。无论您是刚刚起步还是经验丰富的制作人,FL Studio 都包含创作音乐所需的一切。



FL Studio 的钢琴卷享有业内最佳钢琴卷的美誉。钢琴卷用于将音符和自动化数据发送到插件乐器(排序)。它包含多种工具来帮助复杂的乐谱编辑和操作。

没有其他 DAW 能与 FL Studio 的播放列表的灵活性相媲美。对项目的所有元素进行排序以制作最终的歌曲。音轨可以保存音符、音频和自动化。将任何数据类型放置在任何位置,甚至叠加它们。使用浏览器组织项目中的所有数据。释放您的工作流程和思维!

包含 80 多个插件
FL Studio Producer Edition 包含 80 多个乐器和效果插件,涵盖自动化、样本播放/操作、合成、压缩、延迟、均衡滤波、镶边、移相、合唱、混响、失真、位压缩等。使用 FL Studio,您可以创建几乎任何风格。

乐器和 FX
如果大量的原生乐器和效果对您来说还不够,FL Studio 支持所有 VST 标准 1、2 和 3。VST 使您可以访问目前可用的最明智的第三方插件范围。您甚至可以将 FL Studio 本身用作另一个 VST 主机中的 VST 插件。

+ FLEX 扩展包已验证至 Sequoia

包含的 Flex 包:

•Analog Excellence.flexpack
•Arksun Cityscape.flexpack
•Black Octopus Atlantis.flexpack
•Black Octopus Pandora.flexpack
•Cinematic Soul by MSXII.flexpack
•Drumful Treasure.flexpack
•Essential Bass Guitars.flexpack
•Essential Guitars.flexpack
•Essential Pianos.flexpack
•Essential Strings.flexpack
•Essential Winds.flexpack
•General Midi Library.flexpack
•Histibe Electronica.flexpack
•Jayce Lewis Drumsliced.flexpack
•Mobile Synth Pluck.flexpack
•Mobile Tuned 808 Bass.flexpack
•Olbaid Bass Utopia.flexpack
•Olbaid Compendium.flexpack
•Phonon Collider.flexpack
•Rave Essentials by Blaize Bass.flexpack
•Retrowave Featured Artists.flexpack
•Saif Sameer Fulcrum.flexpack
•Saif Sameer Synthwave.flexpack
•Saif Sameer Vintage Revival.flexpack
•SeamlessR Monsters.flexpack
•Sense Gemini Magnificence.flexpack
•SH-1 Floor Shakers.flexpack
•SH-1 Jump Up Repertoire.flexpack
•Sonitus Obscura.flexpack
•Synthesizer Science.flexpack
•The Goodie Bag Hip Hop by MSXII.flexpack
Meet FL Studio. The fastest way from your brain to your speakers.
FL Studio is the desktop DAW that music-makers across the world use to turn ideas into reality. Whether you’re just starting or are an experienced producer, FL Studio includes everything you need to create music.


The Mixer
Mix and master music to the highest professional standards. All the features you need to create today’s most complex productions including, effects chains, audio sends, sidechain control, advanced automation, plugin delay compensation and more…

Piano Roll
FL Studio’s Piano roll has the well deserved reputation as the best Piano roll in the business. The Piano roll is used to send note and automation data to plugin instruments (sequencing). It includes a wide range of tools to aid complex score editing and manipulation.

Browser and Playlist
No other DAW matches the flexibility of FL Studio’s Playlist. Sequence all elements of the project to make the final song. Tracks can hold notes, audio and automation. Place any data type anywhere and even overlay them. Use the Browser to organize all the data in your project. Free your workflow and your mind!

Over 80 plugins included
FL Studio Producer Edition includes over 80 instrument and effect plugins covering automation, sample playback/manipulation, synthesis, compression, delay, equalization filtering, flanging, phasing, chorus, reverb, distortion, bit-crushing and more. With FL Studio you will be ready to create just about any style.

Instruments & FX
If the huge array of native instruments and effects are not enough for you, FL Studio supports all VST standards 1, 2 and 3. VST gives you access to the wisest range of 3rd party plugins currently available. You can even use FL Studio itself as a VST plugin in another VST host.

+ FLEX EXPANSION BUNDLE Verified Up To Sequoia

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