February 2025 | 204 MB
[免费替代Auto Tune的自动音高校正插件]MeldaProduction – MAutoPitch [WiN, MacOSX]
每个插件 MeldaProduction 已经发布(并将发布)!
MeldaProduction MCompleteBundle 是效果器和乐器的终极集合,目前包含其中的 112 种,包括 MDrummer、MSoundFactory、MPowerSynth、动态处理器、均衡器、调制效果(包括合唱和移相器)、混响、立体声工具和分析器。
MCompleteBundle 包含我们所有的效果器,涵盖了音乐制作中涉及的所有任务:作曲、混音和母带制作。它还包含我们所有的乐器。通过我们包含的免费终身更新,我们发布的任何新插件都将对您免费!使用我们的更新系统,只需点击几下鼠标即可…
订阅并获得所有内容MCompleteBundle 是 MeldaProduction 唯一通过订阅先租后买许可系统提供的产品。这意味着,您每个月或每年都会支付相当小的费用,并且可以访问整个捆绑包。当您的付款总额达到捆绑包的全价后,您将自动获得永久许可证。查看有关订阅的更多信息。
该捆绑包包含传统插件以及我们的革命性技术,即使您在过去 50 年中没有担任音频工程师,也能让您的录音听起来令人难以置信。高速、简单、需要时的灵活性、清晰的声音和最小的噪音水平都是 MeldaProduction 的标准。
注意 – 如果有人向我们提供 MCompleteBundle 的零售许可证,我们就可以制作真正的 keygen。
Every plugin MeldaProduction has released (and will)!
Turn your computer into a professional production, mixing and mastering studio!
MeldaProduction MCompleteBundle is the ultimate collection of effects and instruments, and it currently contains 112 of them, including MDrummer, MSoundFactory, MPowerSynth, dynamics processors, equalizers, modulation effects including chorus and phasers, reverbs, stereo tools and analyzers.
Everything you need
MCompleteBundle contains all of our effects covering all the tasks involved in music production: composing, mixing and mastering. It also contains all of our instruments. With our included free for life updates, any new plugin we release moving forward will be free for you! And it takes just a few clicks using our update system…
Subscribe and get everything for a budget price
MCompleteBundle is the only product from MeldaProduction available via subscription rent-to-buy licence system. That means, you will be paying every month or year a rather small amount and have access to the whole bundle. And after your payments sum to the full price of the bundle, you’ll get a permanent licence automatically. Check more information about subscriptions.
Unique super-modern technologies
The bundle contains traditional plugins as well as our revolutionary technologies, which give you the power to make your recordings sound incredible even if you haven’t spent the last 50 years as an audio engineer. High speed, simplicity, flexibility when you need it, crystal clear sound and minimal noise level are all standard in MeldaProduction.
A witch says,
Our patch will work in the future version until the developer intentionally changes the protection.
NOTE – If someone provides us the retail license of MCompleteBundle, we can make the true keygen.