Team HCiSO | 25 February 2025 | 87.9 MB
TAPE WOBBLE – 模拟磁带仿真,具有抖动、饱和和噪音,可实现丰富的低保真特性。
Tape Wobble 是一种低保真效果,可忠实再现经典磁带机的声音特性,让您体验复古模拟磁带的怀旧温暖。Tape Wobble 具有抖动、饱和、噪音和高频自然衰减的独特特性,可让您调入适合您声音的恰到好处的复古魅力和特性。
→ 功能:
• 模拟磁带仿真,具有抖动、饱和和噪音,可实现丰富的低保真特性
• 下载大小:133.5 MB
• 安装程序文件下载
• macOS 12.0 或更高版本
• Apple Silicon 或 Intel Core 处理器
TAPE WOBBLE – Analog tape emulation with wow and flutter, saturation, and noise for a lush lo-fi character.
Experience the nostalgic warmth of vintage analog tape with Tape Wobble, a lo-fi effect that faithfully recreates the sonic quirks of classic tape machines. Embracing the distinct characteristics of wow and flutter, saturation, noise, and a natural roll-off in high frequencies, Tape Wobble lets you dial in just the right amount of retro charm and character to suit your sounds.
→ Features:
• Analog tape emulation with wow and flutter, saturation, and noise for a lush lo-fi character
• Download size: 133.5 MB
• Installer files download
Supported Operation System:
• macOS 12.0 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor