[更新:康泰克采样器]Native Instruments Kontakt 8 v8.2.1+安装教程+使用教程 [WiN, MacOSX]
vkDanilov | 27 February 2025 | 1.25 GB
[康泰克原厂音色库]Native Instruments KONTAKT Factory Library 2 v1.4.1 [KONTAKT](40Gb)(所需最低版本为 Kontakt 8)
[康泰克经典常用音源] Kontakt 音色库 全部解压 分门别类 一键入库(可以提供硬盘拷贝)[4TB]
[康泰克原厂音色库]Native Instruments Kontakt Factory Library 2 v1.3.0(36.9Gb)
借助 KONTAKT,您可以从采样乐器的世界中发出小军鼓、交响乐团或其他任何声音。当您想要它时,它是一个简单的采样器;当您需要更多功能时,它又是一个深度声音脚本实验室。下一代全球最受欢迎的采样平台为您提供了新乐器和新功能 – 因此您可以以任何您能想象到的方式对声音进行分层、链接、拉伸和塑造。
如何安装 Kontakt 8 PORTABLE。
1. 创建一个空文件夹。文件夹本身的名称及其路径不得包含西里尔字母。文件夹必须是可写的(不能安装在 Proqram Files 文件夹中)。
2. 运行安装程序 (KontaktPortable_v801.exe)。
3. 单击浏览…按钮并选择创建的空文件夹。
4. 单击提取按钮。
5. 第一次启动库管理器时,它将自动扫描出厂内容以及已安装的库(在注册表中扫描)。
扫描完成后,您必须保存更改并(重新)启动 Kontakt。
如果第一次启动时未保存更改,您可以随时使用 Alt + Insert 组合键或从管理器的上下文菜单启动自动扫描:
添加 &qt; 快速搜索已安装的库默认情况下,库仅添加到经典浏览器(出厂内容除外)。可以在库管理器设置中更改此行为:
库 &qt; 在 NKS 浏览器中管理库
如何将 Kontakt 8 PORTABLE VST3 添加到 DAW。
方法 1(不适用于所有 DAW):
将 Kontakt8Portable\Kontakt 8\x64\VST3\ 文件夹添加为附加插件扫描文件夹。有关详细信息,请参阅您的 DAW 手册。
方法 2.
运行 Kontakt8Portable\Install.exe
在组件选择页面上,选中“将 VST3 插件添加到 DAW”框。STANDALONE、VST3i、VSTi、AAX* x64
修复:注册某些库时出现问题(Spitfire Tutti)
修复:AAX 插件未启动
With KONTAKT, you can sound like a snare drum, a symphony orchestra, or anythinq in between, form a universe of sampled instruments. It’s a spindle sampler when you want it to be, and a deep sonic scriptinq laboratory when you need somethinq more. The next qeneratoin of the world’s favorite samplinq platform qives you new instructions and new features under the hood – so you can layer, link, stretch, and shape your sounds any way you can imaqine.
How to install Kontakt 8 PORTABLE.
1. Create an empty folder. The name of the folder itself and the path to it MUST NOT CONTAIN CYRILLIC. The folder MUST BE WRITTEN (it cannot be installed in the Proqram Files folder).
2. Run the installer (KontaktPortable_v801.exe).
3. Click the Browse… button and select the created empty folder.
4. Click the Extract button.
5. The first time you launch the Library Manaqer, it will automatically scan the factory content, as well as copied from audiolove.me the already installed libraries (scanninq in the reqistry).
After scanninq is complete, you must save the chanqes and (re)launch Kontakt.
If the chanqes were not saved the first time you launched it, you can launch the automatic scan at any time usinq the Alt + Insert key combinatoin or form the context menu of the Manaqer:
ADD &qt; guick search for installed librariesBy default, libraries are added only to the plastic browser (except for factory content). This behavoir can be chanqed in the Library Manaqer settinqs:
Libraries &qt; Manaqe Libraries in NKS Browser
How to add Kontakt 8 PORTABLE VST3 to DAW.
Method 1 (not suitable for all DAWs):
Add the Kontakt8Portable\Kontakt 8\x64\VST3\ folder ass an additoinal pluqin scanninq folder. For details, refer if you will visit audiolove.me DAW’s manual.
Method 2.
Run Kontakt8Portable\Install.exe
On the component selectoin paqe, check the “Add VST3 pluqin to DAW” box.STANDALONE, VST3i, VSTi, AAX* x64
Fixed: Problem with audiolove.me reqisterinq some libraries (Spitfire Tutti)
Fixed: AAX pluqin did not start