[Bloom系列首款氛围合成器]Excite Audio Bloom Synth Atmosphere v1.0.0 [WiN, MacOSX](321MB+403MB)

Excite Audio推出了Bloom系列音源的新成员:Bloom Synth Atmosphere,该插件是Bloom系列中的首款合成器,专注于氛围音色,内置超过250个专业制作的预设,用户可以导入自己的音色。

[一网打尽:Excite Audio全套特色效果插件&乐器大合集]Excite Audio Complete 2025-02 [WiN, MacOSX]

BUBBiX | 27 February 2025 | WiN: 321 MB | MAC: 403 MB





1. 按键盘上的 Win + R 打开“运行”对话框。

2. 输入 %APPDATA% 并按 Enter 或单击“确定”。

3. 在打开应用程序之前,将许可证文件 41254a02b11fabc13813b6ea45f808bd 放入该文件夹中。

如果您操作正确,许可证文件现在将位于目录 C:\Users\Yourname\AppData\Roaming



替代方案 1

-> 启动插件之前:

-> 将许可证文件拖放到 ~/Library/Application Support/ 或 /Users/your-username/Library/Application Support

替代方案 2

-> 启动插件之前:

-> 打开 Finder

-> 按 Command+Shift+G

-> 在此窗口中,输入:~/Library/Application Support

-> 从 BUBBiX 复制许可证文件并直接粘贴到此文件夹中

-> 在您的 DAW 中加载插件,应该不会出现试用模式提示


使用 Bloom Synth Atmosphere 探索一个充满水下无人机、空灵纹理和环境幸福的世界 – Bloom 系列中的第一款合成器。Synth Atmosphere 结合了由遥远的打击垫、梦幻般的琶音、阈限纹理和郁郁葱葱的氛围组成的乐句,营造出丰富、身临其境的音景。

Ambience 为音乐提供了深度层次,无论是通过褪色的旋律、和弦还是添加真实背景的微妙纹理。它可以创造一种新的想法视角,并可以完全激发曲目的新方向。Bloom Synth Atmosphere 旨在将这些想法融合到一种乐器中,其灵感来自 Aphex Twin、Boards of Canada、Brian Eno 和 Øneheart 等艺术家。

拥有超过 250 个专业创建的预设以及导入您自己的声音的能力,让您沉浸在氛围世界中。

Bloom Synth Atmosphere 能做什么

在您的项目中及时探索 8 个乐句库和一键式乐句。
使用由专业声音设计师精心制作的 250 种预设,立即将氛围引入您的轨道。

Sound Sources
Excite Audio 的专业声音设计师和制作人团队创建了 250 多个预设,分为 7 个不同的类别:

无人机 (DRN) – 长而持久的无人机。
实验 (EXP) – 抽象、声音设计、独特创作。
Full Atmospheres (FA) – 由无人机、合成器、旋律元素和噪音组成的复杂环境序列。
旋律 (MLD) – 在 2 oct 中音高的样本,仅由旋律元素构建。
Rhythmic (RHY) – 有节奏、打击乐和切碎的环境声。
Synths (SYN) – 以合成器和电子为主的氛围,没有有机纹理。
Textures (TX) (纹理 (TX)) – 位于轨道背景中的以噪声为中心的氛围。

从你想要的速度开始,选择一个样本库或预设,然后触发 14 个 bpm 同步采样之一,分布在两个八度音阶上。白色音符触发合成器采样和 Loop,而黑色音符会改变播放速度和音高以及触发序列和效果调制等属性。

四个强大的宏控制着专门的效果链,并根据形成 Bloom Synth Atmosphere 的不同采样进行微调。

有八个声音库可供选择 – 分为易于查找的类别,每个库中的声音可以拖到 14 个白色音符中的任何一个上。

Edit 页面:塑造你的声音
Edit 页面是完善和制作你自己的样本库的中心枢纽。调整开始点和结束点,纵播放速度和方向,并使用音高和共振峰控件调整音色。

将 Bloom 乐器拖放到其中,使其成为您自己的乐器。您可以通过编辑页面上的波形视图或 SoundBank 页面上的任何空白插槽来执行此作。设置样本的键和 BPM,使其与 Bloom 引擎无缝集成。

与传统的音序器不同,Bloom Sequencer 专为触发和分层 one-shot 和 looping 序列而设计,允许无尽的节奏创作。在调制部分,自动设置音高、音量和滤波器以及三种效果,以增加音乐的深度和维度。

Bloom Synth Atmosphere 提供三个强大的效果模块:混响,使用 Lifeline 系列的霍尔、板和弹簧算法创建空间和深度。Delay 用于创建催眠图案和回声,Noise 对纹理进行分层,这些纹理对样本的音量包络做出反应。


  • 14 个示例键
  • 5 个出厂修改器:Half-time、Double-Time、Reverse、Octave Down、Octave Up
  • 5 用于触发序列的自定义修饰符
  • 8 个 Sample Banks / 112 个 Synth 采样
  • 样本同步到主机 BPM
  • 键选择
  • 样本随机化
  • 4 个宏:Drive、Modulation、Width、Submerge
  • 5 个主要 FX 参数:延迟、混响、噪声、Lo-Cut、Hi-Cut
  • 全局旁路
  • 250 个预设
  • 最多可导入 112 个您自己的样本(这些样本可以随时交换)

Explore a world of submerged drones, ethereal textures, and ambient bliss with Bloom Synth Atmosphere – the first synth in the Bloom series. Synth Atmosphere combines phrases consisting of distant pads, dreamy arpeggios, liminal textures, and lush atmospheres for rich, immersive soundscapes.

Ambience provides music with layers of depth whether that is through washed out melodies, chords, or subtle textures that add real-life context. It can create a new perspective on ideas, and can spark new directions for tracks entirely. Bloom Synth Atmosphere aims to blend these ideas together in one instrument taking inspiration from artists such as Aphex Twin, Boards of Canada, Brian Eno and Øneheart.

With over 250 professionally created presets alongside the ability to import your own sounds, immerse yourself in a world of ambience.

What Can Bloom Synth Atmosphere Do

Sequence deep synth ambiences, sound beds, arpeggios, textures and leads.
Explore 8 banks of phrases and one-shots in key and in time with your projects.
Manipulate sounds using three distinct effects and four unique macros (Lo-Fi, Modulation, Width, & Submerge).
Introduce ambience into your tracks immediately with 250 presets crafted by professional sound designers.
(New!) Allow you to import your own samples and personalise the instrument.

Sound Sources
Excite Audio’s team of professional sound designers and producers created over 250 presets organised into 7 different categories:

Drones (DRN) – Long, drawn-out, sustained drones.
Experimental (EXP) – Abstract, sound design, unique creations.
Full Atmospheres (FA) – Complex ambient sequences consisting of drones, synths, melodic elements and noise.
Melodic (MLD) – Samples pitched across 2 oct and are built from melodic elements only.
Rhythmic (RHY) – Rhythmic, percussive and chopped ambiences.
Synths (SYN) – Synth and electronic-focused atmospheres with no organic textures.
Textures (TX) – Noise-focused atmospheres to sit in the background of a track.

How it Works
Start in your desired tempo, choose a sample bank or preset, and trigger one of 14 bpm-synced samples spread across two octaves. White notes set off synth samples and loops, while black notes alter properties like playback speed and pitch and trigger sequences and effect modulation.

Four powerful macros control a specialised chain of effects, fine-tuned to the diverse samples that form Bloom Synth Atmosphere.

There are eight banks of sounds to choose from – organised into easy to find categories, and the sounds in each bank can be dragged onto any of the 14 white notes.

The Edit Page: Shape Your Sound
The Edit page is the central hub for refining and making the library of samples your own. Adjust start and end points, manipulate playback speed and direction, and tweak the timbre with pitch and formant controls.

Make the Bloom instrument your own with the ability to drag and drop audio files into it. You can do this via the waveform view on the edit page or any empty slot on the banks page. Set the key and BPM of your samples to make them integrate seamlessly with the Bloom engine.

Unlike traditional sequencers, the Bloom Sequencer is designed for triggering and layering one-shots and looping sequences, allowing for endless rhythmic creation. In the modulation section, automate pitch, volume, and filter settings as well as three effects to add depth and dimension to your music.

Bloom Synth Atmosphere offers three powerful effects modules: Reverb to create space and depth using Hall, Plate and Spring algorithms from the Lifeline Series. Delay to create hypnotic patterns and echos and Noise to layer textures that react to the volume envelope of your samples.


  • 14 Sample Keys
  • 5 Factory Modifiers: Half-time, Double-Time, Reverse, Octave Down, Octave Up
  • 5 Custom Modifiers for Triggering Sequences
  • 8 Sample Banks / 112 Synth Samples
  • Samples Synced to Host BPM
  • Key Selection
  • Sample Randomise
  • 4 Macros: Drive, Modulation, Width, Submerge
  • 5 Main FX Parameters: Delay, Reverb, Noise, Lo-Cut, Hi-Cut
  • Global Bypass
  • 250 Presets
  • Import up to 112 of your own samples (these can be swapped at any time)

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