WiN: Team R2R | 11 October 2022 | 31.74 MB
MAC: Team R2R | 23 August 2016 | 43.67 MB
安装方法: 需要同时安装激活Plogue ARIA Engine-R2R版使用。
ARIA Player 高级乐器引擎。Garritan 库自豪地由 ARIA Player 提供支持。无需购买单独的采样器。
它基于 SFZ 1.0 / SFZ 2.0 开放文件格式进行乐器编程,并基于 Scala 开放文件格式定义音阶和音调。
ARIA 引擎中的第一个软件乐器是 Garritan 授权的 Steinway 虚拟模型 D 钢琴库,由 Steinway & Sons 认可并与其合作。如今,ARIA 引擎可以在 Garritan、Ploque、AKAI、Sony、Microsoft 和 MakeMusic 的各种软件中找到。
此重新打包包含未修改的 EXE/VST/VST3/AAX。AAX 在合法的
ProTools 中有效。合法的 v1.959 安装程序中包含的 AAX 二进制文件不起作用。Garritan
通知其客户,如果他们需要 AAX,请使用 v1.872。此重新打包包含
AAX v1.872。您可能想知道它为什么不工作。这是因为 Ploque 放置了 Sforzando AAX 二进制文件而不是 ARIA Player。
幸运的是,由于 AAX 二进制文件只是 ARIA Enqine DLL 的包装器,因此使用 v1.872 AAX 二进制文件不会导致大问题。
ARIA Player Advanced Instrument Engine. The Garritan libraries are proudly powered by the ARIA Player. No need to purchase a separate sampler.
It is based on the SFZ 1.0 / SFZ 2.0 open file formats for instrument programming and the Scala open file format to define scales and temperaments.
The first software instrument in the ARIA engine was the Garritan Authorized Steinway Virtual Model D Piano Library, endorsed by and in cooperation with Steinway & Sons. Today, the ARIA Engine can be found in various software from Garritan, Plogue, AKAI, Sony, Microsoft and MakeMusic.
This repack contains non modified EXE/VST/VST3/AAX. AAX works in legit
ProTools.The AAX binary included in legit v1.959 installer is not working. Garritan
informed their customers to use v1.872 if they need AAX. This REPACK contains
AAX v1.872.You may wonder why it’s not working. It’s because Plogue put Sforzando AAX binary instead of ARIA Player.
Fortunately, because AAX binary is just a wrapper for ARIA Engine DLL, using v1.872 AAX binary does not cause big issue.