Team BTCR | 01 March 2025 | WiN: 44 | MAC: 73 MB
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磁带录音具有数字混音通常缺乏的音乐品质。我们希望以最不妥协的方式将这种品质带入 DAW。
从声音上看,TAIP 提供了对 1971 年欧洲磁带机的忠实、基于 AI 的模拟。我们的插件将添加与硬件相同的谐波丰富度和非线性魔力。但在功能方面,我们更进一步:TAIP 附带一组创新的声音设计参数,可让您从“磁带”走向“超越磁带”。
Tape recordings have a musical quality that digital mixes often lack. We wanted to bring this quality into the DAW in the most uncompromising way.
Sonically, TAIP offers a faithful, AI-based, emulation of a 1971 European tape machine. Our plugin will add the same harmonic richness and non-linear magic as the hardware. But feature-wise, we’ve taken the liberty to go one step further: TAIP comes packaged with a set of innovative sound-design parameters that let you go from just ‘tape’ to ‘beyond tape’.
The result is a happy marriage between classic sound and modern versatility. And we encourage you to drive it hard!