Team HCiSO | 02 March 2025 | 78.53 MB
Chop Shop 插件拥有超直观的界面,让各种技能水平的用户都能快速解决音频中的音调问题,并以音乐性和透明的方式增强声音的原始特征。
它是 Louder Than Liftoff 著名 500 系列模拟均衡器的忠实数字再现。
无论您是清理繁忙会议中的多个录音,还是想让您的合成器在混音中脱颖而出,Chop Shop 都能为您提供支持。
凭借快速增强任何声音的清晰度或低音冲击力的能力,Chop Shop 的简单功能集掩盖了其潜在的强大功能。
Chop Shop 是整个会议中使用的理想工具。CPU 效率加上音乐透明度使 Chop Shop 成为消除掩蔽和增强清晰度的理想选择。
→ 功能:
• 焦点:直观的单旋钮倾斜式。
• 均衡器。快速实现完美的音调平衡。 LO-CUT:12 dB/oct 滤波器,可降低低频,范围从 20 Hz 到 530 Hz。
• BUMP:LO-CUT 的可变共振控制。在转角频率处添加共振“凸起”。MORE 开关可显著增加共振。
• LO-RIDER 模式:(插件独有功能)将 LO-CUT 部分转换为具有可变共振 (BUMP) 的低通滤波器。与非低通信号混合,可产生巨大的低音。
• HI-CUT:6 dB/oct 滤波器,可降低高频,同时保留明显的亮度。
Rev2:信息→添加了缺失的 VST3 插件
• macOS 11.0 或更高版本
• Apple Silicon 或 Intel Core 处理器
The Chop Shop plugin sports a super intuitive interface that allows users of all skill levels to quickly address tonal issues in their audio and enhance the original character of sounds in a musical and transparent way.
It is a faithful digital recreation of the famous 500 series analog EQ from Louder Than Liftoff.
This plugin not only perfectly reproduces the pristine sound of the original but also offers extra features that extend the functionality of this already versatile tone shaping tool.
Whether you are cleaning up multiple recordings from a hectic session or looking for a way to make your synths stand out in the mix, Chop Shop has got your back.
With the ability to quickly enhance the clarity or low end punch of any sound Chop Shop’s simple feature set belies it’s underlying power.
Chop Shop is the perfect tool to use across entire sessions. CPU efficiency coupled with musical transparency make Chop Shop ideal for eliminating masking and enhancing intelligibility.
• FOCUS: intuitive single-knob tilt-style.
• EQ. Achieve the perfect tonal balance quickly. LO-CUT: 12 dB/oct filter that rolls off low frequencies, variable from 20 to 530 Hz.
• BUMP: variable resonance control for LO-CUT. Adds a resonant ‘bump’ at the corner frequency. MORE switch increases resonance dramatically.
• LO-RIDER mode: (Plugin only feature) Transforms LO-CUT section into a low pass filter with variable resonance (BUMP). Blend with the non-low passed signal for massive sounding low end.
• HI-CUT: 6 dB/oct filter that rolls off high frequencies whilst simultaneously retaining apparent brightness.
Rev2 : Info → Missing VST3 plugin added
Supported Operation System:
• macOS 11.0 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor