FANTASTiC | 04 February 2025 | 44 MB
在第 1 卷和第 2 卷大获成功之后,我们回来为您带来 150 多种新声音,让您的下一首热门歌曲更加精彩!
最精致的 Boom Bap 鼓和样本直接来自 Tru Comers 的 EMU SP1200 和 AKAI S950 磁盘。
如果您是 boom bap 制作人,这是必备品!!
After the success of volume 1 & 2 we’re back to serve you with more than 150 new sounds for your next banger!
Finest Boom Bap Drums and Samples straight from the EMU SP1200 and AKAI S950 disks of the Tru Comers.
Including Drumloops, Kicks, Hats, Snares, Basses, Samples, Horns, etc.
If you’re a boom bap producer this is a must have!!
Enjoy and make these beats slap!
FANTASTiC | 04 February 2025 | 60 MB
期待已久的 Vol. 2 终于来了:来自 Tru Comers 的 SP1200 磁盘的另外 101 个样本。
底鼓、小军鼓、打击帽、鼓循环、贝司、喇叭、样本等。如果您正在为您的作品寻找粗犷的 Boom Bap 声音,这就是您所需要的!敲击鼓、低保真声音、肮脏的贝司……尽情享受吧!
之前发布的版本是 MP3 格式
The long awaited Vol. 2 is finally here: Another 101 Samples straight from the SP1200 disks of the Tru Comers.
Kicks, Snares, Hats, Drumloops, Basses, Horns, Samples etc. If you are looking for gritty Boom Bap sounds for your production, here is what you need! Knocking Drums, lofi Sounds, dirty Basses… Enjoy!
The previous release was in the format MP3
FANTASTiC | 04 February 2025 | 19 MB
101 个样本直接来自 Tru Comers 的 SP1200 磁盘,包括底鼓、小军鼓、打击帽、鼓环、贝司、喇叭、样本等。
如果您正在为您的作品寻找粗犷的 Boom Bap 声音,这里就是您所需要的!敲击鼓、低保真声音、肮脏的贝司……尽情享受吧!
101 Samples straiqht form the SP1200 disks of the Tru Comers Kicks, Snares, Hats, Drumloops, Basses, Horns, Samples etc.
If you are lookinq for qritty Boom Bap sounds for your productoin, here is what you need! Knockinq Drums, lofi Sounds, dirty Basses… Enjoy!