[更新:五合一完整套装] 西贝柳斯(Sibelius 2025)+简谱插件V8+图片识别+音频识别 +音色库+教程 [WiN, MacOSX]
WiN 856 MB | macOS 951 MB
[西贝柳斯原厂综合音色库]Avid Sibelius v7.5 Sounds Library [WiN, MacOSX](46.69Gb)
[西贝柳斯原厂综合音色库]AVID Sibelius Ultimate Complete 2023.2 Trial Reset [MacOSX](30.4Gb)
Sibelius(西贝柳斯)使用教程 – 数字音频 (shuziyinpin.vip)
[音频识别-乐谱制作工具]Neuratron AudioScore Ultimate 2020.1 v9.0.0 [WiN, MacOSX]
[图片识别-乐谱制作工具]Neuratron PhotoScore & NotateMe Ultimate 2020.1 v9.0.0 [WiN]
[人工智能乐谱播放引擎]Wallander Instruments NotePerformer v4.0.0 [WiN, MacOSX]
Avid Sibelius是一款记谱软件,任何人都可以快速轻松地开始创作和分享音乐,无论是有抱负的作曲家和歌曲作者,还是教师和学生。对于那些还不熟悉使用记谱软件的人来说,直观的界面可以指导您完成整个过程。磁性布局可以防止物体相互碰撞,还有其他省时工具,可以让您快速轻松地获得专业效果。
Sibelius 让音乐创作变得简单,让您可以灵活地使用计算机、iPad 或 iPhone 随时随地工作。无论您喜欢从屏幕记谱小键盘、MIDI 键盘、计算机键盘还是使用 Apple Pencil 输入音符,Sibelius 都会为您处理好所有音符布局、方向和休止符细节。
Sibelius 包含一个高品质的样本库,其中包含各种乐器,因此您可以听到您的音乐由真实音乐家演奏时的声音。您还可以插入第三方声音库,如 NotePerformer,让您更灵活地处理所听到的乐器。
编排功能让您可以轻松地从现有乐器部分编排其他乐器部分。只需选择一种编排风格,Sibelius 就会根据您的源自动创建新的部分。您还可以在不同部分之间“分解”和弦,加快多部分乐器演奏速度。或者单击将多个部分合并为一个。
只需单击一下,您就可以将 MIDI、MusicXML 或 Sibelius 文件导入到新乐谱或现有乐谱中。所有符号、乐器、技巧和发音都会自动分配,从而保留作曲家的意图并为您节省数小时甚至数天的清理时间。您甚至可以将多个乐谱组合在一起,并控制导入的内容。
Sibelius 无需手动调整乐器、移调部分和添加连音线,因此您可以更快地工作。当您的乐谱准备就绪时,审查模式可让您锁定所有内容,使合作者可以自由查看您的乐谱并添加评论和注解,而不必担心意外更改任何内容。
Avid Sibelius is notation software that is a fast and easy way for anyone to start writing and sharing music, from the aspiring composer and songwriter, to teachers and students. For those not yet comfortable with using notation software, the intuitive interface guides you through the process. Magnetic Layout, which keeps objects from bumping into each other, and additional time-saving tools make it easy to get professional results fast.
Write music with ease
Sibelius makes music composition easy, giving you the flexibility to work anywhere using your computer, iPad, or iPhone. Whether you prefer to enter notes from the onscreen notation Keypad, a MIDI keyboard, your computer keyboard, or using an Apple Pencil, Sibelius takes care of all note layout, orientation, and rest details for you.
Build up compositions
Create music for everything from piano to orchestra, with multiple instrument parts. And not just with notes and rests—you can add chord symbols, guitar tab, guitar chord diagrams, expression text, articulations, lyrics, titles, graphics, and more to give your music the detail, depth, and dynamism it deserves. You can even loop playback to improvise ideas.
Hear your music in stunning detail
Sibelius includes a high-quality sample library filled with a variety of musical instrumentation, so you can hear what your music will sound like when performed by real musicians. You can also plug in third-party sound libraries, such as NotePerformer, giving you more flexibility with the instrumentation you hear.
Arrange parts fast
The Arrange feature makes it easy to orchestrate additional instrument parts from existing ones. Simply select an orchestration style and Sibelius automatically creates new parts based on your sources. You can also “explode” chords across different parts, speeding up multipart instrumentation. Or consolidate multiple parts into one with a click.
Get Intelligent Import
With a single click, you can import a MIDI, MusicXML, or Sibelius file into a new or existing score. All notation, instrumentation, techniques, and articulations are automatically assigned, preserving the composer’s intent and saving you hours—if not days—of clean-up time. You can even combine several scores together, with control over what’s imported.
Perfect and review scores
Sibelius takes the manual effort out of adapting instrumentation, transposing parts, and adding slurs, so you can work faster. And when your score is ready, Review mode lets you lock things down, enabling collaborators to freely view your score and add comments and annotations without fear of accidentally changing anything.