[最新90多套AA插件捆绑包]Acustica Audio Plugins Bundle 2024.9+安装方法+双语说明书 [WiN, MacOSX]
Win:Team R2R | 21 November 2023 | 16.4 MB
Mac:P2P | 06 December 2023 | 47.44 MB
Space Control 是一款独一无二的插件,提供 VST3、AU、AAX 格式。它由 Acustica Audio 和 Studio DMI 与 DJ、制作人、混音师、唱片公司老板、电影制作人和慈善家 Hardwell 合作开发。他曾两次被评为世界第一 DJ。
Space Control 创造了令人难以置信的逼真、强大的立体声效果,同时保持音轨单声道兼容。这款插件将 Hardwell 和屡获殊荣的音频工程师 Luca Pretolesi 的专业知识融入到一个多合一界面中,可增强您的工作流程并为您的音乐带来震撼、独特的声音。
2021 年夏天,在制作他即将发行的专辑 Rebels Never Die 期间,Hardwell 和 Luca 开始讨论他们对插件的共同热情。从这些对话中产生了共同合作创建自己的插件的想法,该插件即使在处理非常宽的音轨时也能保留相位相关性。Space Control 背后的想法诞生了,剩下的就是历史了。
Space Control 是一款精简的多频段立体声增强器,具有独特的相位限制器,使用户能够拓宽声音而不会出现通常发生的相位问题。就其处理能力而言,该插件对 CPU 非常友好。
欢迎使用 Space Control:您唯一需要的立体声工具。
用 Hardwell 自己的话来说:
“Space Control 是一款多频段立体声增强器,它包含一个前所未见的相位限制器,可确保您可以随心所欲地拓宽声音而不会出现常规相位问题。这是终极立体声工具,也是您唯一需要的工具。”适用于工作室。”
图书馆已完全解密、解压缩、删除了 DRM 相关的膨胀,并构建为干净的图书馆。
The Space Control is a one-of-a-kind plugin available in VST3, AU, AAX formats. It was developed by Acustica Audio and Studio DMI, in collaboration with none other than the DJ, producer, remixer, label boss, filmmaker, and philanthropist Hardwell. He was twice named the World No.1 DJ.
The Space Control created incredibly realistic, powerful stereo effects while keeping tracks mono-compatible. This plugin packs Hardwell and award-winning audio engineer Luca Pretolesi’s expertise into an all-in-one interface that will enhance your workflow and give your music a sensational, distinctive sound.
A Little Bit of History
In the summer of 2021, during the production of his soon-to-be-released album Rebels Never Die, Hardwell and Luca started discussing their mutual passion for plugins. From these conversations grew the idea to work together to create a plugin of their own that would retain phase correlation, even while working with exceptionally wide tracks. The idea behind Space Control was born, and the rest is history.
Space Control is a streamlined multiband stereo enhancer featuring a unique phase limiter that enables users to widen the sound without the phase issues that typically occur. The plugin is extremely CPU-friendly in terms of its processing power.
Welcome to Space Control: the only stereo tool you’ll ever need.
In Hardwell’s own words:
“Space Control is a multiband stereo enhancer that includes a never-before-seen phase limiter, which makes sure you can widen your sound as much as you want without having the regular phase problems. This is the ultimate stereo tool and the only one that you will ever need.”for the studio.”
A witch says,
Library is completely decrypted, decompressed, DRM related bloat removed, and built to the clean one.