[最新90多套AA插件捆绑包]Acustica Audio Plugins Bundle 2024.9+安装方法+双语说明书 [WiN, MacOSX]
Win:Team R2R | 20 November 2023 | 58.3 MB
Mac:P2P | December 2023 | 179 MB
Acustica 为其用户大家庭准备了一份万圣节礼物,以感谢他们的忠诚和支持!请热烈欢迎 Fire The Pump。Fire The Pump 是 Fire 系列中最新的免费 Acqua 插件 (VST/VST3/AAX/AU)。这是一款功能强大的单旋钮饱和产品,,专为快速混音工作流程而设计,也是第一款基于我们的 Hyper 饱和技术的产品。
这种直观的工具可以为音频源提供柔和的模拟特性,或者您可以选择通过激进的失真来推动信号,从而提供极端的过载。从一丝温暖到纯粹的尖叫火焰和硫磺,这个插件可以做到一切 – 请务必小心使用!
Fire The Pump 是那些寻求易于使用的饱和器的人的完美选择,它具有独特的声音、低 CPU 消耗和最重要的模拟感觉。它设计为适合您混音中的任何位置,也适用于主总线应用。
简而言之,如果您正在寻找适合任何音乐风格的令人信服的、真实的饱和器,那么 Fire The Pump 是您的不二之选。
库已完全解密、解压缩、删除了与 DRM 相关的膨胀,并重建为干净的库。
它像不受保护的免费软件一样工作 :)
您需要安装 Acustica Audio Framework。您还需要阅读该版本的 NFO 和说明!
Acustica surprises its family of users with an Halloween gift to say thanks for their loyalty and support! Please give a warm welcome to Fire The Pump. Fire The Pump is the latest FREE Acqua plugin (VST/VST3/AAX/AU) in the Fire series. It’s a powerful one-knob saturation product designed for a rapid-fire mixing workflow, and the first one based on our Hyper saturation technology.
This intuitive tool can give the audio source a gentle analog character, or you can choose to push the signal with aggressive distortion, delivering extreme overdrive. From a tinge of warmth to pure screaming fire and brimstone, this plugin can do it all — make sure to use it with care!
Fire The Pump is the perfect choice for those who seek an easy-to-use saturator with a distinctive sound, low CPU consumption, and an analog feel above all. It’s designed to fit anywhere in your mix, and is also suited for master bus applications.
To put it simply, if you’re looking for a convincing, authentic saturator for any style of music, you can’t go wrong with Fire The Pump.
A witch says,
Library is completely decrypted, decompressed, DRM related bloat removed, and rebuilt to the clean one.
It works like non protected freeware :)
Our releases have much better loading performance than legit version, especially if the library has many files and big files inside. There are no auth check, no decryption, no decompression will be performed to the library during the loading!
You need the installation of Acustica Audio Framework. You also need to read the NFO and instruction of that release!
Beloved protection note is also there!
This release includes installation tutorial too. Get this before other ones.