[世界民乐]Evolution Series 系列全家桶 (中国风马头琴呼麦古筝太鼓等)[KONTAKT](200+Gb)
Evolution Series Bowed Colors Cello Vol 3 KONTAKT- 1,23 GB
探索传统中国音乐的情感深度,Bowed Colors Cello Vol 3收录了技艺高超的Paul Stender的深情演绎。每个音符都承载着古老的传统和深刻的情感。让这些有机和抒情的音调带你进入一个深邃和灵感的世界。
专为Kontakt 7精心打造,Cello Vol 3展示了易于导航的用户界面,便于轻松操作。
与技艺高超的音乐家Paul Stender和DA办公室合作,Bowed Colors Cello Vol 3被精选为私人样本集合的一部分,旨在为您的作品注入生命和动感。
– 基于纹理的表演
– 受中国音乐启发
– 完美地为您的音乐添加额外的生命和动感
– 所有技术的乐器实用范围采样
– 具有原始和人性化的表演
– 美丽而独特的乐器声音
– 精湛的表演
– 所有样本均为48khz 24bit
– 近距离详细录音
– 使用最先进的设备录制
Kontakt 7播放器
与Native Instruments合作,我们能够包含他们最新版本的免费Kontakt播放器。
NKS 2.0集成
Bowed Colors Cello Vol 3与所有NKS硬件完全兼容。
适用于Kontakt完整版或Kontakt Player v7.8.1或更高版本!
Emotive Chinese Cello Library
Explore the emotive depths of traditional Chinese music with Bowed Colors Cello Vol 3, featuring expressive performances by virtuoso Paul Stender. Each note resonates with centuries-old tradition and profound sentiment. Let these organic and lyrical tones transport you to a world of depth and inspiration.
Modern Design Interface
Crafted specifically for Kontakt 7, Cello Vol 3 showcases a user-friendly interface designed for effortless navigation.
By employing sophisticated scripting techniques, we offer precise and seamless control over the intricate textures of this instrument, ensuring an immersive musical experience.
A Beautiful Collaboration
In partnership with virtuoso musician Paul Stender and the DA’s Office, Bowed Colors Cello Vol 3 was curated as part of a private samples collection, aimed at infusing life and movement into your compositions.
Emotive Performances
Focusing on life and movement, we’ve captured emotive performances across diverse techniques. This treasure trove of distinctive and inspiring textures awaits your next production.
The Colors series aims to explore alternative avenues for uncovering musicality within the samples.
Virtuoso Performance
Spark your musical inspiration and ignite your next masterpiece.
Played by a virtuoso musician, this emotive cello transports you into the mesmerizing beauty of China.
Discover a treasure trove of unique and emotionally inspiring textures awaiting your next production.
Cinematic Inspiration
– Textural-based performances
– Inspired by Chinese music
– Perfect for adding extra life and movement to your music
– Instruments’ practical range sampled for all techniques
– Performances that have a raw and human quality
Beautifully Sampled
– A beautiful and unique sounding instrument
– Virtuoso performances
– All samples at 48khz 24bit
– Close detailed recording
– Recorded with state-of-the-art equipment
Kontakt 7 Player
In partnership with Native Instruments we are able to include the latest version of their free Kontakt player.
In other words. if vou don’t own Kontakt no problem!
The free plaver comes with this library.
NKS 2.0 Integration
Bowed Colors Cello Vol 3 is compatible with all NKS hardware.
This provides seamless integration with their technology for an intuitive workflow.
Works with Kontakt FULL or Kontakt Player v7.8.1 or later!