Team HCiSO | 05 March 2025 | 10.33 GB
[ADD2鼓音源完整版]XLN Audio Addictive Drums 2 Complete v2.5.2.1 [WiN](10.1Gb)
The Complete Collection 是 Addictive Drums 2 的终极体验。所有 ADpaks、所有 MIDIpaks、所有 Kit Piece Paks 和所有预设。此系列将在内容和价值方面为您提供最大收益。
✓ 所有鼓组扩展(ADpaks)
Addictive Drums 2 为您提供令人惊叹的鼓声,这些鼓是在传奇的录音室中精心录制的,由出色的会话鼓手演奏。
Addictive Drums 2 在任何工作流程中都能快速提供您所需的声音和功能。
✓ 适用于所有主要的
DAW Addictive Drums 2 适用于所有主要的 DAW,包括 Ableton Live、Cubase、Logic、ProTools、FL Studio、Studio One 等等。
✓ 电子鼓即插即用
✓ 兼容
MIDI 控制器 将 Addictive Drums 2 与任何 MIDI 控制器一起使用,以捕捉动态和有机的表演。随附的模板使设置变得快速而轻松。
通过自由组合您的 Addictive Drums 系列中的套件作品来构建您的终极定制套件,或者从数百个适合任何风格的混音就绪预设中选择一个起点,并根据品味进行调整。
了解 Addictive Drums 2。
Addictive Drums 2 旨在让您保持创意区。简洁的用户界面和简化的工作流程使其易于使用,即使对于初次使用的用户也是如此。
为您的音乐获取出色的鼓 – 快速。只需点击播放即可浏览与真实鼓手演奏的节拍配对的混音预设,并与您正在创作的歌曲实时同步。
✓ 快速调整
✓ 快速调整
✓ 加载速度
快 立即更换套件和预设,而不会中断您的创意流程。Addictive Drums 2 因其闪电般的加载速度而广受赞誉。
✓ 创建您独特的套件
✓ 调整至完美
使用完全可定制的 FLEXI 插槽将套件组件连接和分层在一起,动态和时间完美同步。发挥创意,享受堆叠声音的乐趣,以创建具有无限可能性的丰富、动态的组合。组合来自不同套件的声音,创造出超凡脱俗的底鼓和军鼓。当你可以 Frankenstein 成为完美的鼓时,为什么满足于一种类型的鼓呢?
无论你需要你的鼓听起来开放自然、制作和广播就绪,还是破碎和严重失真,Addictive Drums 2 都有录音室级别的工具来完成这项工作。
✓ 鼓件塑造
通过对每个鼓件和通道的详细控制来完善您的鼓组和单个鼓声。Addictive Drums 引擎带有出色的音效、强大的声音雕刻工具以及精确、易于使用的 EQ。
✓ FX 模块
通过压缩、失真、磁带、噪声、混响或新的 Trig Gate 效果等多种效果添加深度和特征。调整它们 – 对于每个套件 – 以获得您想要的声音。
✓ 混响和延迟
用Addictive Drums的工作室级混响和延迟增加空间、氛围和氛围。使用无缝的 Delerb 混合模式发挥创意,将延迟和混响相结合,获得独特的声音。
✓ 发送
利用 Addictive Drums 先进但易于使用的路由功能。通过每个通道自己独特的效果组合发送每个通道。调入混合,为您的混音添加空间、深度和特色。
✓ Beat Transformer
使用强大的 Beat Transformer 修改和重新构想您的节拍。只需扭动旋钮即可完全改变演奏,而无需触摸 MIDI。摇摆重音,或添加一些严肃的律动和恰到好处的人情味,为表演提供恰到好处的草率时机和随机性。
✓ 套件件速度 & 重新分配
快速静音、独奏或更改鼓手表演的各个部分的速度。重新分配笔触类型以快速创建所选节拍的动态变化,而无需触摸 MIDI 音符。
→ 适合所有样式的扩展。
ADpak 扩展都包括完整的架子鼓和大量可用于生产的预设。
Beat & groove扩展
→ 更新 v2.5 中有哪些新功能?
v2.5 更新为 Addictive Drums 2 的所有用户提供了大量工作流程改进和一些全新的功能:
✓ 全新的外观:Addictive Drums 2 现在拥有令人惊叹的全新时尚设计。这是您熟悉和喜爱的 Addictive Drums 2,但在视觉上更具吸引力。新外观有助于让您专注于真正重要的事情:您的音乐。
✓ 新的“三角门”效果:新的 Trig Gate 可让您破坏鼓声,并且仍然可以在每次击鼓时获得完美的门动作。无需拨入阈值设置 – 门限由内部 MIDI 鼓音符完美触发。
✓ 新的压缩器“Boost”模式:只需单击一个按钮,即可让您的鼓声更加强烈。新的 “Boost” 模式为您的节拍增加了一个新的重击和起音水平,由 XLN 批准的多频段压缩为鼓量身定制。
✓ 更好的 EQ:EQ 现在在所有频率上都有清晰的实时信号视觉反馈。所有设置都清晰可见,以便更轻松、更精确地进行调整。
• macOS 10.13 或更高版本
• Apple Silicon 或 Intel Core 处理器
Take your music to new heights. Drums make or break a song. Realize your music’s full potential with instantly fantastic-sounding drums, and unlimited options to customize every detail of your mix and drum performance.
Why choose when you can just have everything?
The Complete Collection is the ultimate Addictive Drums 2 experience taken to its fullest. All ADpaks, all MIDIpaks, all Kit Piece Paks and all of the presets. This Collection will give you the most when it comes to both content and value.
✓ All drum kit expansions (ADpaks)
✓ All beat & groove expansions (MIDIpaks)
✓ All kit piece expansions (Kitpiece Paks)
Recorded in legendary studios.
Addictive Drums 2 gives you amazing-sounding drums, meticulously recorded in legendary studios, played by outstanding session drummers.
The vast dynamics of multi-sampled drums paired with built-in studio-grade mixing tools, grants you unlimited creative control to tailor every detail of your drums and rhythms.
Lightning fast. For all workflows.
Addictive Drums 2 quickly provides the sounds and features you need when creativity strikes, in any workflow.
✓ Works with all major DAWs
Addictive Drums 2 works with all major DAWs including Ableton Live, Cubase, Logic, ProTools, FL Studio, Studio One, and many more.
✓ E-drums plug & play
Connect any e-drum kit for a natural, responsive drumming experience. Plug & play with zero setup hassle.
✓ MIDI controller compatible
Use Addictive Drums 2 with any MIDI controller to capture dynamic and organic performances. The included templates make setup fast and hassle-free.
Create the perfect drum kit.
Build your ultimate custom kit by freely combining kit pieces from your Addictive Drums collection, or pick a starting point from hundreds of mix-ready presets for any style and adjust to taste.
Get to know Addictive Drums 2.
Addictive Drums 2 is designed to keep you in your creative zone. The clean user interface and streamlined workflow make it easy to use, even for first-time users.
Great sounding drums in seconds.
Get great drums for your music – fast. Just hit play to browse mix-ready presets paired with beats played by real drummers, synced in real-time to the song you’re working on.
✓ Quick adjustments
Jumpstart your creativity with mix-ready presets for productions of any type. Use them as is, or fine-tune every detail to meet your needs with built-in state-of-the-art effects and sound-shaping tools.
✓ Quick adjustments
Tweak the sound to your liking without having to dive into complex settings. Quickly tweak the drum mix with easily accessible main-view controls for the most important sound-shaping parameters.
✓ Fast loading speeds
Swap kits and presets in an instant without interrupting your creative flow. Addictive Drums 2 is widely praised for its lightning-fast loading speeds.
Create your dream kit with ease
Get a clear view of all the pieces in your selected kit, with individual settings for each slot to quickly dial in the perfect mix.
✓ Create your unique kit
Mix and match drums, cymbals, and percussion instruments from your collection to create your unique dream kit. Swap kit pieces in real time during playback to hear your drums in context and quickly find the perfect fit for the track you’re working on.
✓ Tweak to perfection
Use the fully customizable FLEXI slots to link and layer kit pieces together, with dynamics and timing in perfect sync. Get creative and have fun stacking sounds to create rich, dynamic combos with infinite possibilities. Combine sonics from different kit pieces to create otherworldly kicks and snares. Why settle for one type of drum when you can Frankenstein the perfect one?
Tweak to perfection
Whether you need your drums to sound open and natural, produced and radio-ready, or mangled and heavily distorted, Addictive Drums 2 has studio-grade tools to get the job done.
✓ Kit piece shaping
Refine your kit and individual drum sounds with detailed controls for each kit piece and channel. The Addictive Drums engine comes with great-sounding effects, powerful sound-sculpting tools, and precise, easy-to-work-with EQ.
✓ FX modules
Add depth and character with versatile effects like compression, distortion, tape, noise, reverb, or the new Trig Gate effect. Tweak them – for each kit piece – to get your desired sound.
✓ Reverb & Delay
Add space, atmosphere, and ambiance with Addictive Drums’ studio-grade reverbs and delays. Get creative with the seamless Delerb blend mode, combining delay and reverb for a unique sound.
✓ Sends
Take advantage of Addictive Drums’ advanced, but easy-to-use routing capabilities. Send each channel through its own unique mix of effects. Dial in the blend to add space, depth, and character to your mix.
Discover the perfect beat for your song
Beat Browser
Explore thousands of head nod-inducing grooves performed by amazing drummers. Quickly preview beats and variations in real time to find the perfect match for your track. Drag & drop into your DAW or workflow of choice to build your entire arrangement in no time.
✓ Beat Transformer
Modify and reimagine your beats with the powerful Beat Transformer. Change the performance entirely with the twist of a knob without having to touch the MIDI. Swing accents, or add some serious groove and the perfect amount of human feel, with just the right amount of sloppy timing and randomness to the performance.
✓ Kit Piece Velocity & Reassign
Quickly mute, solo, or alter the velocities of individual parts of the drummer’s performance. Reassign stroke types to quickly create dynamic variations of your selected beat, without having to ever touch a MIDI note.
→ Expansions for all styles.
Expand your sonic options with drum kit and beat expansions covering all music genres.
Drum kit expansions
All ADpak expansions include complete drum kits and tons of production-ready presets.
Beat & groove expansions
Quickly elevate your arrangements or jump-start your songwriting with organic beats played by actual humans. Nothing beats the real thing.
Kit piece expansions
Expand your sonic palette with individual snares, kick drums, toms, and percussion. Carefully chosen to complement your kits and add new flavors to your drum library.
→ What’s new in update v2.5?
The v2.5 update gives all users of Addictive Drums 2 plenty of workflow improvements and several brand new features:
✓ A brand new look: Addictive Drums 2 now has a new stunning, sleek design. It’s the Addictive Drums 2 you know and love, but more visually appealing. The new look helps keep you focused on what’s really important: your music.
✓ New “Trig Gate” effect: The new Trig Gate lets you mangle your drum sound and still get perfect gate action on every drum hit. No need to dial in threshold settings – the gate is perfectly triggered by the internal midi drum notes.
✓ New compressor “Boost” mode: Make your drums hit harder with the click of a button. The new “Boostˮ mode adds a new level of thump and attack to your beats, fueled by an XLN-approved multiband compression tailored for drums.
✓ Even better EQ: The EQ now has clear real-time visual feedback of the signal across all frequencies. All settings are clearly visible for easier and more precise adjustments.
Supported Operation System:
• macOS 10.13 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor