Team HCiSO | 05 March 2025 | 952 MB
关联资源:[创意效果插件]XLN Audio XO Complete v1.5.9.2 Incl Patched and Keygen-R2R [WiN]
XO 是新一代鼓音序器。XO 识别并收集存储在计算机或硬盘驱动器任何位置的单个样本,并按相似性对它们进行排序。这为您选择的样本提供了新的创作环境,使实验更容易。如果将鼓声加载到 XO 中,则可以使用它来创建节拍和节奏。
在 XO 直观的空间视图中扫描您的样本,快速排序凹槽或调整任何 XO 精选的凹槽模板,即时热插拔新声音以找到完美的组合,并在强大的游乐场模式中挖掘无尽的灵感。
在 XO 的空间中无缝扫描你的声音,并使用 XO 强大的过滤器进一步放大。XO 的内置音序器直观、鼓舞人心,而且非常有趣。使用精选的凹槽模板塑造完美的凹槽,轻推你的模式来切换事物,或拨入完美的臭味和时髦的迟缓。
XO 的热插拔功能可让您在节拍中实时试听声音。快速扫描以找到您的声音,并听到它立即更新您的套件。更喜欢以前的东西?不用担心 – 您可以随时提交更改或取消和恢复。
→ 您工作流程的完美伴侣
可独立使用或在您最喜欢的主机中 – XO 可顺畅无缝地适应您的工作流程。
重复项。模糊的文件名。不同位置或外部驱动器上的文件夹。XO 对它们全部进行排序 – 无论它们是在何处和如何存储的。支持的文件类型:WAV、AIFF、FLAC、MP3、OGG、WMA
使用 XO 强大的过滤器和搜索功能缩小范围,以更快地找到您要找的内容。
借助 XO 鼓舞人心的预设播放列表和 8000 多个精心挑选的工厂样本,作为节拍制作人快速起步。无论您当前的样本收藏中的音乐风格或声音数量如何,XO 都能满足您的需求。
使用精选的节奏模板塑造完美的节奏,轻推您的模式以增强原始的紧迫感或时髦的迟缓感,并使用强大的 Accentuator 为您的节拍增添活力和动态。
轻松拖放到您自己的工作流程中。单个样本或整个套件。原始或处理过的样本。作为词干或整个节拍。音频或 MIDI。
→ 包含的内容:
使用好玩且直观的音序器创建您的节拍。使用 Accentuator 和精选的 Groove Templates 塑造完美的凹槽。
在 Playground Mode 中探索节拍和声音的无限变化。通过逐个或一次全部交换或随机化模式和声音,挖掘无尽的快乐意外源泉。
• XO 的扩展
XOpaks 是可编辑的节拍和样本扩展。它们包含精选的节拍和样本,您可以在其上使用 XO 以及您的样本和凹槽构建声音。
• macOS 10.13 或更高版本
• Apple Silicon 或 Intel Core 处理器
XO is the new generation drum sequencer. XO identifies and collects single samples stored anywhere on your computer or hard drives and sorts them by similarity. This gives your selected samples a new creative context that makes experimentation easier. XO can be used to create beats and rhythms if you load drum sounds into it.
Sweep through your samples in XO’s intuitive Space View, quickly sequence grooves or tweak any of XO’s curated Groove Templates, hot-swap new sounds on-the-fly to find the perfect combo, and tap into endless inspiration in the powerful Playground mode.
Find your sound & perfect your groove
Seamlessly sweep through your sounds in XO’s Space, and use XO’s powerful filters to zoom in even further. XO’s built-in sequencer is intuitive, inspiring, and just tons of fun. Sculpt the perfect groove with curated Groove Templates, Nudge your patterns to switch things up, or dial in the perfect stank and funky sluggishness.
Audition new sounds on-the-fly
XO’s Hot Swap feature lets you audition sounds live in your beat. Quickly sweep to find your sound, and hear it update your kit instantly. Liked what you had before better? No worries—you can commit to the change or cancel and revert at any time.
Playground mode
Tap into an endless source of happy accidents by swapping or randomizing both the beat patterns and the sounds in your kit—one by one, or all at once.
→ The perfect companion to your workflow
As standalone, or in your favorite host – XO fits your workflow smoothly and seamlessly.
✓ Load your own samples
Duplicates. Vague file names. Folders in different locations or on external drives. XO sorts them all – regardless of where and how they are stored. Supported file types: WAV, AIFF, FLAC, MP3, OGG, WMA
✓ Find your sound faster
Narrow the scope with XO’s powerful filters and search functionalities to find what you’re looking for even faster.
✓ Ready for action: Factory Samples & Presets Playlists
Get a flying start as a beat maker with XO’s inspiring Presets Playlists and 8000+ hand-picked factory samples. No matter the music style or amount of sounds in your current sample collection, XO has you covered.
✓ Perfect your groove
Sculpt the perfect groove with the curated Groove Templates, Nudge your patterns to boost raw urgency or funky sluggishness, and add life and dynamics to your beat with the powerful Accentuator.
✓ Drag & drop your beat
Drag & drop with ease into your own workflow. Individual samples or the whole kit. Raw or processed samples. As stems or the whole beat. Audio or MIDI.
→ What’s included:
• Explore
Seamlessly sweep through your sounds, regardless of where they are stored.
• Create
Create your beat with the playful and intuitive sequencer. Sculpt the perfect groove with the Accentuator and the curated Groove Templates.
• Tweak
Color and fine-tune your sounds with essential effects and creative modifiers.
• Play
Explore unlimited variations to beats and sounds in Playground Mode. Tap into an endless source of happy accidents by swapping or randomizing patterns and sounds – one by one, or all at once.
• Expansions for XO
XOpaks are editable beat & sample expansions. They contain curated beats & samples that you build your sound upon by using XO and your samples & grooves.
Supported Operation System:
• macOS 10.13 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor