MORiA | AUi | VST3i | 921.7 MB
MYTH 旨在创造我们在玩硬件时感受到的快乐和灵感。您无需“编程”声音,而是通过探索和调整来创建声音。声音丰富而自然,整个系统就像一个有机体。
在经典合成中,振荡器波大多是静态的,您可以添加滤波器和调制器来“编程”所有变化,使声音自然而有趣。MYTH 提供了一种范式转变:拖放音频,它将被重新合成为 IRIS。现在可以使用 TRANSFORMER 拨盘来利用样本的固有变化和丰富性。当然 – 您还可以根据需要添加经典的 LFO、包络或滤波器。只是…您很少会感觉到需要!
模块化系统非常强大,但也很复杂,容易混淆。MYTH 有模块,但没有电缆:就像在踏板中一样,模块只是从左到右链接起来。非常强大,而且非常简单!
您可以将 MYTH 用作虚拟模拟减法合成器,创建闪烁的金属色,添加色彩缤纷的声学共振,创建闪闪发光的谷物云……或同时进行所有操作。从芳香的垫子到击打的踢腿 – MYTH 可以轻松制作任何声音。如果您喜欢骑野马:还有 ORBIT、GLURP 或 ATARI PUNK 等 – 奇异而美妙的新东西。
说实话:声音设计可能很乏味,我们都喜欢调整预设!MYTH 更进一步,使用类固醇随机化系统:例如,您可以冻结部分以使其保持不变。或者,您可以从选择的父预设中“培育”新的预设。或者,您可以取一个样本,然后浏览预设,将它们像连衣裙一样放在您的样本上。它非常简单、快速且有趣!
– 基于机器学习的高级有机再合成。
– 超过 10 位声音设计师和艺术家创作了 700 多个预设。
– 直观的模块化系统。
– 可训练的共振器(通过放置样本)。
– 虚拟模拟滤波器。
– 创意 midi 效果。
– 完全支持 MPE。
– 内置教程系统。
– 强大而创新的随机化系统。
– 直观的调制系统。
– 支持 MTS-ESP 实现微音调。
A Living Beast
MYTH was built to create the joy and inspiration we feel when playing with hardware. Instead of “programming” sounds you create sounds by exploration and tweaking. The sound is rich and organic, and the entire system acts like one organism.
In classical synthesis, oscillator waves are mostly static and you add filters and modulators to “program” all the variations to make the sound organic and interesting. MYTH offers a paradigm shift: drag and drop audio and it will be re-synthesised as an IRIS. The inherent variations and richness of the sample can now be exploited with the TRANSFORMER dials. Of course – you can also add classical LFOs, envelopes or filters as much as you want. Just…you will rarely feel the need!
Look Mum, no Cables
Modular systems are so powerful, but also complex and easily confusing. MYTH has modules, but no cables: like in a pedal board the modules are simply chained from left to right. Insanely powerful and unbeatably simple!
Weird and Wonderful
You can use MYTH as a virtual analog subtractive synth, create shimmering metallics, add colourful acoustic resonances, create glittering grain clouds … or do all at the same time. From fragrant pads to striking kicks – MYTH can do any sound with ease. And if you prefer to ride a wild horse: there are things like ORBIT, GLURP or ATARI PUNK – weird and wonderful new stuff.
The Fastest Workflow in the West
Let’s be honest: sound design can be tedious, and we all love tweaking presets! MYTH goes one step further with a randomisation system on steroids: for example you can freeze sections to keep them unchanged. Or you “breed” new presets from a selection of parent presets. Or you take a sample and then browse through presets to put them over your sample like a dress. It’s incredibly easy, fast and fun!
Full Specs
– Advanced organic re-synthesis based on machine learning.
– More than 700+ presets created by more than 10 sound designers and artists.
– Intuitive modular system.
– Trainable resonators (by dropping a sample).
– Virtual analog filters.
– Creative midi effects.
– Full MPE support.
– Build-in tutorial system.
– Powerful and innovative randomisation system.
– Intuitive modulation system.
– Supports MTS-ESP for microtonality.