[恐怖奇异游戏环境氛围音效FX采样]Epic Stock Media Strange Game Ambient Loops 3 [WAV](6.93GB)

[205套综合音效库] Epic Stock Media 影视游戏战争科幻广告环境声效素材 [WAV](218Gb+)

FANTASTiC | 08 March 2025 | 6.93 GB

《奇异游戏环境循环 3》——这是《奇异游戏》系列的第三卷,它为您带来了一套强大的可立即投入制作的背景声音循环。第 3 卷针对恐怖、悬疑、紧张、黑暗忧郁、惊悚、轻幻想和自然主题作品的场景进行了调整。《奇异游戏环境循环 3》拥有长达五小时的音效,通过 65 种音效集提供真实而引人入胜的背景音调。黑暗忧郁、环境、工厂和工业、自然、科幻、和谐音调、积极等等。

内容如此丰富,毫无疑问,您将能够创造出完美的感觉和音景,让您的音频作品栩栩如生。非常适合 3D、2D、手机应用游戏、动态图形、电影和任何创意音频项目。

该库具有 294 个精心制作的循环,可让您轻松构建身临其境的声音世界。每个循环集都提供所需的所有组件和图层,可让您对背景声音设计进行全面创意控制。循环集包括多种变化:完整、图层 A、图层 B 和图层 C,它们共同构成循环的完整版本。各个图层元素可让您灵活地创作出无穷无尽的声音,同时保持整个作品的连续性。例如,如果完整循环感觉过于复杂,您可以混合和搭配各个图层以获得自定义声音/混音。

《奇异游戏环境循环 3》包含洞穴生物、峡谷、沼泽、地穴、隧道、墓地、噩梦虚空、自然、海洋冲刷、风暴、暗风、地震、稀薄空气、音调机器、工厂、矿山、无人机、工业加工等场景的声音。非常适合视频游戏、电影、电视、奇幻作品、MMORPG、科幻、恐怖、播客、广播,甚至 DJ 音效。对于需要背景声音和场景设置环境音的任何交互式制作,Strange Game Ambient Loops 3 都能满足您的需求。

使用 Soundminer 元数据的行业标准 UCS 分类
所有音效都使用行业标准 UCS 类别标记,并组织成易于理解的文件夹结构以方便使用:黑暗、环境、工厂、自然、积极、科幻、闪光、色调。 还包括使用 soundminer 嵌入到声音文件中的大量元数据,以帮助您在正确的时间轻松找到正确的声音。


• 10 GB 的内容
• 294 个 SFX 和循环
• 96kHz/24 位 WAV 质量
• 嵌入式 Soundminer 元数据
• UCS 分类
• 分层循环:每个循环 2-4 层
• 300+ 分钟的音频
• 65 个全套,分类多样且精确:
• 63 暗
• 25 环境
• 40 工厂
• 43 自然
• 29 正面
• 45 科幻
• 18 闪光
• 31 色调
• YouTube 友好且免版税

”Strange Game Ambient Loops 3” – this is the third volume in the Strange Game series, it brings you a power pack of production-ready background sound loops. Volume 3 is tuned for setting the scene in horror, suspense, tension, dark moody, thriller, lite fantasy and nature themed productions. With a massive five hours of sound, ”Strange Game Ambient Loops 3” provides authentic and compelling background tones with 65 sound sets. Dark and moody, Environmental, Factory and Industrial, Nature, Sci-fi, Harmonically Tonal, Positive and more.

With so much content, there’s no question you’ll be well equipped to create the perfect feel and soundscape to bring your audio productions to life. Perfect for 3D, 2D, mobile app games, motion graphics, film and any creative audio project.

Design Your Own BG Sound with Flexible Modular Loop Layers
Featuring 294 expertly crafted loops, this library empowers you to build immersive worlds of sound with ease. Each loop set provides all the components and layers needed for full creative control over your background sound design. Loop sets include multiple variations: Full, Layer A, Layer B, and Layer C, which together form the complete version of the loop. Individual layer elements give you the flexibility to create an endless variety of sounds and at the same time maintain continuity throughout your production. For instance, if the full loop feels too complex, you can mix and match individual layers to achieve a custom sound/mix.

Custom Ambient Loops Tailored for Interactive Audio Projects
”Strange Game Ambient Loops 3” includes sounds for settings like cave-creature, canyon, swamp, crypt, tunnel, graveyard, nightmare void, nature, ocean wash, storm, dark wind, earthquake, wispy air, tonal machines, factory, mines, drones, industrial processing and more. Great for video games, film, TV, fantasy productions, MMORPG, sci-fi, horror, podcasts, radio, even DJ sound effects too. For any interactive production that needs background sounds and scene setting ambient tones, Strange Game Ambient Loops 3 has got you covered.

Industry Standard UCS Categorization with Soundminer Metadata
All sound effects are labeled using industry standard UCS categories and are organized into understandable folder structures to make it easier to use: Dark, Environmental, Factory, Nature, Positive, Sci-fi, Shimmer, Tonal. Also includes extensive metadata embedded into the sound files using soundminer to help you easily find the right sound at the right time.

Product Details:

• 10 GB of Content
• 294 SFX & Loops
• 96kHz/24-bit WAV Quality
• Embedded Soundminer Metadata
• UCS categorized
• Layered loops: 2–4 layers per Loop
• 300+ Minutes of Audio
• 65 full sets, categorized for variety and precision:
• 63 Dark
• 25 Environmental
• 40 Factory
• 43 Nature
• 29 Positive
• 45 Sci-Fi
• 18 Shimmer
• 31 Tonal
• YouTube-Friendly and Royalty-Free


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