[总线混音母带处理插件包]Joey Sturgis Tones Bus Glue Billy Decker Bundle v1.0.3 [WiN](57.4Mb)

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Joey Sturgis Tones Bus Glue Billy Decker Bundle v1.0.3 Team R2R | 10 Dec 2023 | 57.4MB

Bus Glue Billy Decker Bundle 是与排行榜冠军混音师 Billy Decker 合作制作的 7 个乐器专用音频处理器的集合。使用这些插件,您将能够将 Decker 的整个动态信号链添加到您的混音中,用于任何音轨 – EQ、压缩、限制等等。解锁现代乡村音乐大师久经考验的秘密,您将立即“Deckerating”您的混音!


Bus Glue 系列由总线处理器组成,旨在出色地控制混音中特定乐器组的动态。通过结合各种动态处理器(如 EQ、压缩器、饱和插件和限制器),结合数十年久经排行榜的混音专业知识,我们能够将一些最复杂和最棒的混音链提炼成易于访问的工具,供任何经验水平或背景的混音师和音乐家享受。

最终,我们对任何 Bus Glue 插件的目标都是想出一些您收藏中其他插件无法做到的独特的东西。例如,大多数压缩器的设计过于宽泛,这就是为什么您通常需要堆叠压缩器或在总线链中插入其他处理器才能获得所需结果。但是,Bus Glue 处理器的设计非常具体;这就是它们如此有用的原因。

通过使用 Bus Glue 作为各种混音总线的动态控制,您将扩展动态调色板,同时制作出其他插件无法比拟的全新声音。

Bus Glue Billy Decker – 原声



Bus Glue Billy Decker – 低音

Bass 插件是一种完美的混合方法,直接取自 Billy 的低音总线。它结合了传统的压缩和经典的均衡,但具有现代的数字谐波增强和平滑的峰值限制。最终结果是低音在两首流行歌曲之间和在乡村音乐播放列表中一样好。


Bus Glue Billy Decker – 鼓

鼓插件会让您感觉自己就像在 Music Row 的大型录音室中混音一样。那些传奇的纳什维尔鼓声在完整、开放和有机音频方面在业界是无与伦比的。现代乡村音乐需要清晰度、冲击力、主体和空间。


Bus Glue Billy Decker – Electric

Electric 插件是 Billy 真正倾向于摇滚乐剧本的地方——这是现代乡村混音中最受欢迎的技巧。他的电吉他遵循与许多摇滚和金属混音师使用的类似的配方。他的吉他专注于驱动低音和拨片攻击,听起来清脆而有侵略性。


Bus Glue Billy Decker – Keys

Keys 插件的设计可能模仿了 Billy 混音中最精确的元素。无论是钢琴、风琴还是合成器,此处理器都使用世界一流的信号处理来找到所有最佳点并将它们带到混音的前面。


Bus Glue Billy Decker – Vox

Vox 插件拥有我们建模过的最广泛的信号链之一,但这是有充分理由的。Billy 对他的信号链中的复古麦克风和处理器有着深深的热爱和钦佩;这是现代乡村人声的必备元素。使用他的标志性 Vox 插件,您可以根据您的歌手在流派和性别之间切换,以快速轻松地比较多个压缩选项。


Bus Glue Billy Decker – Master

Master 插件提供了大量的音调功能——比您在大多数其他主总线压缩器中找到的还要多。精心建模复古压缩器,并配有一些现代多频带峰值限制,您一定会在 Billy 的主总线处理器中找到您需要的每一种风格。



The Bus Glue Billy Decker Bundle is a collection of 7 instrument-specific audio processors made in collaboration with chart-topping mixer Billy Decker. With these plugins, you’ll be able to add Decker’s entire dynamic signal chain for any track to your mix – EQ, compression, limiting and all. Unlock the tried-and-true secrets of a modern country master and you’ll be “Deckerating” your mixes in no time!

About the Plugins

The Bus Glue series consists of bus processors designed to excel at controlling the dynamics of specific groups of instruments in a mix. By combining a variety of dynamic processors like EQs, compressors, saturation plugins, and limiters, with decades of chart-proven mixing expertise, we’re able to distill some of the most complex and awesome-sounding mixing chains into easily accessible tools for mixers and musicians of any experience level or background to enjoy.

Ultimately, our goal with any Bus Glue plugin is to come up with something unique that no other plugin in your collection can do. For example, most compressors are designed too broadly, which is why you typically need to stack compressors or insert other processors in your bus chain to achieve desired results. However, Bus Glue processors are about as specific as you can get by design; that’s what makes them so useful.

By using Bus Glue as your dynamic control across your various mix buses, you’ll expand your dynamic palette while crafting a whole new sound that is unrivaled by other plugins.

Bus Glue Billy Decker – Acoustic

The Acoustic plugin tightens up the low end of acoustic guitars, removing any boxiness from your recordings. Whether you’re mixing a fully acoustic song or it’s just one of many elements in your mix, getting a crisp, clear tone is important for any acoustic instrument.

This plugin sounds great on any acoustic instrument. Go ahead and give it a try on mandolins, banjos, dobros, or any other stringed instrument you can think of!

Bus Glue Billy Decker – Bass

The Bass plugin is a perfect hybrid approach ripped straight from the pages of Billy’s bass bus. It incorporates traditional compression and classic equalization, but with modern, digital harmonic enhancement and smooth peak limiting. The end result is bass that sits just as well between two pop songs as it does in a country playlist.

Experiment with switching between “Country” and “Rock” modes as you mix. The grittiness that comes with Rock Mode is perfect for adding a little more grit during dense choruses.

Bus Glue Billy Decker – Drums

The Drums plugin will have you feeling like you’re mixing in a major studio on Music Row. Those legendary Nashville drum sounds are unparalleled in the industry in terms of full, open, and organic audio. Modern country music demands clarity, punch, body, and space.

The best way to achieve all of those at the same time is through a combination of vintage analog channel modeling and modern clip circuitry & compression. You’ll find all of that goodness and more in this processor.

Bus Glue Billy Decker – Electric

The Electric plugin is where Billy really leans into the rock n’ roll playbook – a favorite trick of the trade in modern country mixing. His electric guitars follow a similar recipe to the one many rock and metal mixers use. With a focus on driving the low-mids and pick attack, his guitars sound crisp and aggressive.

This processor’s got some serious color the harder you drive the input – don’t worry, just send it!

Bus Glue Billy Decker – Keys

The Keys plugin is designed after perhaps the most surgical element in Billy’s mix. Whether it’s a piano, organ, or synth, this processor uses world-class signal processing to find all the sweet spots and brings them to the front of the mix.

Crank it up and watch those ivories come to life!

Bus Glue Billy Decker – Vox

The Vox plugin has one of the most extensive signal chains we’ve ever modeled, but for good reason. Billy has a deep love and admiration for vintage microphones and processors in his signal chain; must-have elements of modern country vocals. With his signature Vox plugin, you can switch between genre & gender based on your vocalist to compare multiple compression options quickly and easily.

Get a radio-ready vocal sound without the clutter.

Bus Glue Billy Decker – Master

The Master plugin offers a massive range of tonal capabilities – more than you’ll find in most other master bus compressors. Meticulously modeled around a vintage compressor and topped off with some modern multiband peak limiting, you’re sure to find every style you need in Billy’s Master bus processor.

Professional, polished master bus compression is just a few clicks away for your next country, pop, or rock session.

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