[旗舰级话放] Plugin Alliance LTL SILVER BULLET mk2 v1.0.5 [WiN](55.6MB+43MB)

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音调雕塑器和级联模拟 MOJO 盒,带有 DYNA REALISM

应用独特的盒内效果组合来塑造您的音轨、总线和立体声混音。将您的混音提升到一个新的水平,通常只有在拥有大量模拟录音控制台和大量外置设备的工作室中才能找到。通过三个数字 MOJO 放大器的级联组合处理您的 2 总线、组或音轨,这些放大器是根据原始 SILVER BULLET mk2 硬件的电路精心建模的:

C:定制 MOJO / 色彩模块

SILVER BULLET mk2 的 3 频段 Baxandall EQ 具有受 Pultec 启发的低端和平滑且昂贵的高端,与最著名的母带处理 EQ 同级,具有原始硬件中备受喜爱的 AIR 电路以及自己专用的控制。

使用 TIGHT 滤波器收紧极低端。略带共振和磁带般的 25 Hz 设置在混音上表现出色,而 50 Hz 滤波器针对跟踪单个乐器进行了优化。 使用受传奇的 1970 年代英国控制台启发的丝滑 VINTAGE 模式使数字高端变得平滑。 立体声

ASPECT RATIO 在音乐上增强了混音的立体声宽度、高度和清晰度。这不是那些听起来很廉价的相位扩展效果,不会让您怀疑是否弄乱了声场或平衡。
只需按一下 ASPECT RATIO 按钮,即可获得出色的效果。无需繁琐的调整或反复猜测。LTL 花时间完善了这个电路,因此您可以继续完善您的混音。

就像硬件一样,这个插件有一个用于音调探索的扩展槽:颜色是一个用于创建自定义模拟信号链的模块化平台。从五种不同的虚拟颜色模块中进行选择,包括来自原始硬件的 Hitmaker 4000 模块以及来自 LTL 的朋友 Unfiltered Audio 的全新 MOJO 模块 – 插件版本独有。预计未来还会有更多模块。

-Hitmaker 4000:1980 年代的 VCA 控制台饱和度 – 硬件的标准问题

-Bitmaker 1200:12 位、采样率降低版本的 Hitmaker 4000,带有砖墙输入滤波和混叠伪影,灵感来自传奇的 80 年代后期采样鼓机。

-Vinyl Saturation:基于 Unfiltered Audio 插件 Needlepoint 产生温暖的黑胶饱和度。

-Helical Scan:采用基于 Unfiltered Audio 插件 LO-FI-AF 的 VHS 磁带启发式颤音算法。

-VHS AF:Vinyl Saturation 和 Helical Scan 颤音算法的串行组合,当 C-DRV 调高时增加饱和度强度,当 C-MIX 调高时增加颤音深度。

Louder Than Liftoff 的使命是体现模拟的真正本质。这意味着包括我们在真实硬件中喜欢的所有变化、特性、缺陷,甚至偶尔的惊喜。LTL 使用其正在申请专利的新技术 Dyna Realism™ 精心建模了每个模拟电路,直至组件级别。DYNA

为了探索模拟的含义,Louder Than Liftoff 创造了 Dyna Realism™,这款卓越的模拟真实感生成器正在申请专利,它利用 LTL 创新的虚拟零件箱和序列号系统,精心构建独特的静态和动态模拟电路模型,具有广泛的变化和真实感。通过简单的旋钮调节,


当您实例化 SILVER BULLET mk2 时,您会收到与您的许可证相关联的数字建模模拟电路的独特“按订单生产”版本。后面板上的六位数序列号不仅仅是为了图形真实性:它是插件 Dyna Realism™ 模式不可或缺的一部分。就像真正的硬件单元一样,SILVER BULLET mk2 的每个许可证都被赋予一个唯一的序列号,该序列号以微妙、完全模拟的方式独一无二。输入任意数字串来自定义您的构建。

SILVER BULLET mk2 提供两种独特的电路弯曲选项:弯曲 1 和弯曲 2。每个选项都会在信号链的不同点短路电源轨,以产生扭曲和断裂的纹理。A、N 和 C MOJO 放大器根据您选择的电路弯曲设置分别表现出独特的行为。这种电路弯曲功能是一种有趣的方式,可以从您的设备中诱导出意想不到但鼓舞人心的声音,几乎可以破解数字电路,而不会有炸毁硬件单元的风险。

所有 Silver Bullet mk2 模拟电路的组件级 DSP 模型 级联
‘A’ 和 ‘N’ MOJO 放大器,灵感来自 70 年代的经典美国和英国游戏机
MOJO C 扩展槽,带有数字色彩模块,包括 Hitmaker 4000 和 Unfiltered Audio 的独家模块
PRE EQ 和 POST TIGHT 工作流模式,用于将信号插入 Silver Bullet mk2 信号路径
带有 RMS 和峰值指示的标志性 20 段立体声高分辨率输出表
MOJO LED 提供有关信号电平强度的视觉反馈
音调塑造 EQ 套件,专为混音美化和各个音轨的宽广音调塑造而设计
紧密:12 db/oct 高通滤波器,带有两个频率选项,用于混音和跟踪
Baxandall Tone EQ 带 AIR,+/-9 dB 增强/削减
ASPECT RATIO 立体声成像电路可增强混音的宽度、高度和清晰度
正在申请专利的 DYNA REALISM™ 通过整个数字模型中的静态和动态变化生成一系列模拟现实主义
CIRCUIT BEND 模式用于“错误连接”的断裂和扭曲纹理
HEARDROOM 控制用于调整内部操作级别
OUTPUT TRIM 控制具有 +/-10 dB 的模拟建模增益
来自 William Pearson (drBill)、Deegan Mack Adams、Benny Grotto (Mad Oak Studios)、Dereck Blackburn (Quiethouse)、Darren Rahn 的艺术家预设

The tonal sculpter & cascading analog MOJO box with DYNA REALISM

Cascading MOJO
Apply a unique combination of in-the-box effects to shape your tracks, busses, and stereo mixdowns. Open up your mixes to a new level of character, normally only found in studios with massive analog recording consoles and mountains of outboard gear. Process your 2-bus, groups, or tracks through cascading combinations of three digital MOJO Amps, meticulously modeled from the circuits of the orginal SILVER BULLET mk2 hardware:

A: American console
N: British console
C: Custom MOJO / Colour Modules

Tone shaping
SILVER BULLET mk2’s 3-band Baxandall EQ has a Pultec-inspired low end and a smooth and expensive sounding top end that stands in a class with the most renowned mastering EQs, featuring the beloved AIR circuit from the original hardware with its own dedicated control.

The rough with the smooth
Tighten up the extreme bottom end with the TIGHT filter. The slightly resonant and tape-like 25 Hz setting excels on mixes, while the 50 Hz filter is optimized for tracking individual instruments. Smooth out digital top end with the silky VINTAGE mode inspired by legendary 1970’s British consoles.

Stereo image enhancement
ASPECT RATIO musically enhances the stereo width, height, and clarity of your mix. This isn’t one of those cheap sounding, phasey widening effects that leaves you wondering if you are messing up your soundstage or balance.
ASPECT RATIO delivers masterful results at the touch of a single button. No fussy tweaking or second guessing required. LTL took the time to perfect this circuit, so you can get on with perfecting your mix.

Five custom Colour modules
Just like the hardware, this plugin has an expansion slot for tonal exploration: Colour is a modular platform for creating custom analog signal chains. Choose from five different virtual Colour modules including the Hitmaker 4000 modules from the original hardware plus NEW MOJO Modules from LTL’s friends Unfiltered Audio – exclusive to the plugin version. Expect additional modules in the future.

-Hitmaker 4000: 1980’s VCA console saturation–standard issue in the hardware

-Bitmaker 1200: 12-bit, sample rate reduced version of Hitmaker 4000 with brick wall input filtering and aliasing artifacts inspired by a legendary late-80’s sampling drum machine.

-Vinyl Saturation: produces warm vinyl saturation based on the Unfiltered Audio plugin Needlepoint.

-Helical Scan: features VHS tape inspired warble algorithms based on the Unfiltered Audio plugin LO-FI-AF.

-VHS AF: a serial combination of the Vinyl Saturation and Helical Scan warble algorithms that increase saturation intensity as C-DRV is turned up and increase warble depth as C-MIX is turned up.

What is analog?
Louder Than Liftoff’s mission is to embody the true essence of analog. This means including all the variations, idiosyncrasies, imperfections, and even the occasional delightful surprise we adore in real hardware. LTL meticulously modeled every analog circuit down to the component level with their new patent-pending technology: Dyna Realism™.

To explore what it means to be analog, Louder Than Liftoff created Dyna Realism™, this remarkable patent-pending analog realism generator harnesses LTL’s innovative Virtual Parts Bin and Serial Number systems, meticulously constructing unique static and dynamic models of analog circuits across a broad spectrum of variation and realism.

That analog sound with DYNA REALISM™
Through a simple knob adjustment, each setting unveils more intense variations within and between channels. This new technology breathes life into static emulations, surpassing their inherent limitations to deliver hyper-real dynamic emulations where the circuits feel alive.

Custom serials that deliver analog uniqueness
When you instantiate SILVER BULLET mk2, you receive a unique “built-to-order” version of the digitally modeled analog circuit, associated to your license. The six-digit serial number on the rear panel is not just for graphical authenticity: it’s an integral part of the plugin’s Dyna Realism™ modes. Just like a real hardware unit, each license of the SILVER BULLET mk2 is given a unique serial number that is distinct in subtle, entirely analog ways. Enter any string of numbers to customize your build.

Push beyond the hardware with circuit bending
SILVER BULLET mk2 offers two distinctive circuit bending options: BEND 1 and BEND 2. Each option shorts out the power rails at different points of the signal chain, to create distorted and broken textures. The A, N, and C MOJO amp each exhibit unique behaviors based on the CIRCUIT BEND setting that you’ve selected. This Circuit bending feature is a fun way of coaxing unintended yet inspiring sounds out of your gear, virtually hacking the digital circuits without the risk of blowing up the hardware unit.

Component level DSP model of all Silver Bullet mk2 analog circuits
Cascading ‘A’ and ‘N’ MOJO Amps inspired by classic American and British consoles from the 70’s
MOJO C expansion slot with digital Colour modules including Hitmaker 4000 and exclusive modules from Unfiltered Audio
PRE EQ and POST TIGHT workflow modes to insert signal into the Silver Bullet mk2 signal path
Signature 20-segment stereo high resolution output meter with RMS and peak indication
MOJO LEDs provide visual feedback of signal level intensity
Tone shaping EQ suite designed specifically for mix sweetening and broad stroke tone sculpting of individual tracks
Tight: 12 db/oct high pass filter with two frequency options for mixing and tracking
Baxandall Tone EQ with AIR, +/-9 dB boost/cut
Vintage: softens high frequency response to emulate vintage British consoles
ASPECT RATIO stereo imaging circuit to enhance width, height, and clarity of mix
Patent-pending DYNA REALISM™ generates a spectrum of analog realism via static and dynamic variations throughout the digital model
Unique Serial Number creates a distinct digital model for each user
CIRCUIT BEND modes for “mis-wired” broken and distorted textures
HEARDROOM control to adjust internal operating levels
OUTPUT TRIM control with +/-10 dB of analog modeled gain
Artist presets from William Pearson (drBill), Deegan Mack Adams, Benny Grotto (Mad Oak Studios), Dereck Blackburn (Quiethouse), Darren Rahn

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