Misterioso Strings 是一个柔和、随意的音调纹理库,由 16 把小提琴和 16 把中提琴组成一个统一的合奏团演奏。
控制直观 – 轻弹会触发小和弦,而重弹会触发大和弦。动态和交叉淡入淡出通过 CC 控制,以实现富有表现力的塑造。为了最大限度地发挥音乐性,我们精心选择了发音,确保有足够的变化来制作富有表现力、可交叉淡入淡出的 Performance Combo 补丁。大多数纹理都是用 sordino、sul tasto 或两者兼有的方式演奏的,创造出一种柔和的音色,可以与任何模板中的其他管弦乐库无缝融合。
– 柔和、随机、音调、大调和小调纹理
– 由 16 把小提琴和 16 把中提琴组成的统一合奏团演奏
– 坐在传统位置
– 三个麦克风位置
– 可调节自定义大厅脉冲混响
需要 Kontakt 6.8.0 或更高版本的完整零售版!
Misterioso Strings is a soft, aleatoric, tonal texture library performed by a unified ensemble of 16 violins and 16 violas.
Designed for emotional orchestral settings, this collection features live, delicately performed major and minor textures with a strong focus on usability. The textural orchestrations are contained within a two-octave range to maintain clarity, while offering up to three octaves of playable chordal voicings for flexible orchestration.
Controls are intuitive – playing softly triggers a minor chord, while playing harder triggers a major chord. Dynamics and crossfades are controlled via CC for expressive shaping.
The articulations were carefully selected for maximum musicality, ensuring enough variation for expressive, crossfadeable Performance Combo patches. Most textures were performed con sordino, sul tasto, or both, creating a subdued timbre that blends seamlessly with other orchestral libraries in any template.
– Soft, aleatoric, tonal, major & minor textures
– Performed by a unified ensemble of 16 violins and 16 violas
– Seated in traditional positions
– Three mic positions
– Adjustable reverb of custom hall impulse
Requires FULL retail version of Kontakt 6.8.0 or higher!