[音频人声修复一体化工具箱]WA Production Detroubler v1.0.0 [WiN](15MB)

BUBBiX | 14 March 2025 | 15 MB


无论是制作丝滑的合成器还是制作完美平衡的歌声,让音频流行起来同时控制那些令人厌烦的频率始终是一项挑战。某些区域通常需要舒缓,特别是当您的音频听起来过于刺耳、盒状或轰鸣时。这就是 DETROUBLER 可以拯救你的地方,它可以平滑你的声音并解决音频处理中最麻烦的区域。


DETROUBLER 不仅仅是盲目地刺破频率。它从心理声学科学的角度进行操作,精确定位那些即使是最老练的耳朵也可能错过的声音刺激。这个插件使用 Fletcher-Munson 曲线和 Bark Scale 等技术来解读听觉不适的本质。但是如果你不想学理论,那么使用 DETROUBLER 的六个独特目标仪表很容易,它们以一种极具音乐感的方式平滑了音轨的粗糙边缘。

专用的倾听按钮应该是您旅程的第一步,让您清楚地听到音频中需要修复的方面。当您增加主 Detrouble 旋钮时,您将实时听到插件开始捕获的内容。然后关闭 Listen 模式以在上下文中听到这些变化。

围绕主 Detrouble 旋钮的发光球体用作每个频率区域的可点击表。通过单击在每个区域中启用或禁用处理。球体越亮,加工效果就越大。如果某个球体显示最小活动,则您的音频已经处于良好状态,并且插件无需应用增益降低。

DETROUBLER 专注于六个不同的领域。该插件使用心理声学原理进行更改,根据 Bark Scale 改善频段的声音及其对应的掩蔽频率。

嗡嗡声:过度的低频共振,通常在 100-250 Hz 范围内,使声音过于强烈或缺乏清晰度。

盒状声:一种空洞或共鸣的声音,通常是由于 250-500 Hz 左右的能量过大,使乐器(尤其是鼓和人声)听起来像是在一个小盒子里演奏。

浑浊:由于 200-500 Hz 区域中的重叠频率而缺乏清晰度,通常会导致乐器模糊不清地混合。

刺耳声:一种鼻音、共鸣的中音质量,通常在 500-1500 Hz 左右,使人声或乐器听起来有点铜管乐器。

刺耳声:过于激进或刺耳的中高频,通常在 2-6 kHz 范围内,导致听众疲劳。

嘶嘶声:在 8-12 kHz 范围内过度、不受控制的高频能量,有时会使钹或人声听起来过于明亮或不自然。

DETROUBLER建立在矢量图形上,具有可调整大小的界面。实时频谱显示在顶部,以帮助您识别声音中的问题区域,并实时显示信号在通过插件时发生的情况。这允许对链条的每一步进行准确监控。对于那些喜欢尝试的人,通过 AB 比较和复制/粘贴来对比不同的处理链。使用撤消/重做按钮可还原任何更改。

DETROUBLER 包含大量出厂预设,涵盖从细微的手术矫正到更宽泛的笔触转换的所有内容。使用提供的参数作为起点来清理任何类型的音频,从而充分利用您的声音和作品。

W. A. Production 是真实的制作人,他们制作创意插件来帮助您快速轻松地实现工作室质量的处理。享受!

Deres 和 Detroubler 有什么区别

Deres 是一款专为中频清晰度设计的共振清洁工具。去除中频中最主要的共振通常会显著提高音轨或单个声音的清晰度。它有助于消除最有问题的共振,使混音更清晰、更精致。

另一方面,Detroubler 是一种完全不同类型的插件。它基于心理声学研究,通过降低科学确定为对人类听觉有问题或疲劳的频率来发挥作用。与 Deres 不同,它不清理共振。相反,它可以柔化和平滑掩盖声音中其他细节的有问题的频率区域,使人耳更悦耳、更容易聆听,因此,混音更加清晰。


  • 基于研究的心理声学处理插件
  • 针对音频的问题区域
  • 轻松识别耳朵疲劳的频率
  • 六个专门针对的领域
  • 用于增强监控的侦听模式
  • 频谱显示
  • AB 比较 & 撤消 / 重做
  • 可调整大小的界面
  • 响应迅速且对CPU友好
  • 灵活的出厂预设

Whether sculpting silky synths or crafting perfectly-balanced vocals, it’s always a challenge to make audio pop whilst simultaneously reigning in those irksome frequencies. Certain areas often need soothing, especially if your audio sounds overly harsh, boxy or boomy. This is where DETROUBLER comes to the rescue, swooping in to smooth your sounds and tackle the most troublesome areas of audio processing.

Use this plugin as your guide to navigate the tricky path between great sound and tired ears. Those grating frequency areas need eliminating and now you have an all-in-one toolbox to fix your mix.

DETROUBLER isn’t just blindly stabbing at frequencies. It’s operating from the science of psychoacoustics, pinpointing those sonic irritations that even the most seasoned ears might miss. This plugin uses techniques such as Fletcher-Munson curves and the Bark Scale to decipher the very essence of auditory discomfort. But if you’d rather skip the theory, then it’s easy enough to use DETROUBLER’s six uniquely targeted meters to smooth out the rough edges of your tracks in a way that feels utterly musical.

Listen & Learn
The dedicated Listen button should be the first step in your journey, letting you clearly hear the aspects of your audio that need fixing. As you increase the main Detrouble knob, you’ll hear what the plugin begins to capture, in real time. Then switch off the Listen mode to hear those changes in context.

Six ways to Success
The glowing orbs surrounding the main Detrouble knob function as clickable meters for each area of frequencies. Enable or disable processing in each area by clicking. The brighter the orbs, the greater the processing. If a certain orb shows minimal activity, your audio is already in great shape and no gain reduction needs to be applied by the plugin.

Areas for Improvement
There are six distinct areas that DETROUBLER focuses on. The plugin uses psychoacoustic principles to make changes, improving the sound of frequency bands and their corresponding masking frequencies according to the Bark Scale.

Boomy: Excessive low-frequency resonance, often in the 100-250 Hz range, making the sound overpowering or lacking clarity.

Boxy: A hollow or resonant sound, usually due to excessive energy around 250-500 Hz, making instruments (especially drums and vocals) sound like they’re playing in a small box.

Muddy: Lack of clarity due to overlapping frequencies in the 200-500 Hz region, often causing instruments to blend indistinctly.

Honky: A nasal, resonant midrange quality, typically around 500-1500 Hz, making vocals or instruments sound somewhat brassy.

Harsh: Overly aggressive or piercing high-mid frequencies, often in the 2-6 kHz range, causing listener fatigue.

Sizzle: Excessive, uncontrolled high-frequency energy in the 8-12 kHz range, sometimes making cymbals or vocals sound overly bright or artificial.

Visual Feedback & Comparison
DETROUBLER is built on vector graphics with a resizable interface. A live spectrum is displayed at the top, to help you identify problematic areas of your sound and show exactly what’s happening to the signal as it travels through the plugin in real time. This allows for accurate monitoring at every step of the chain. For those who like to experiment, contrast different processing chains with AB comparison and copy / paste. Use the undo / redo buttons to revert any changes.

DETROUBLER includes a huge number of factory presets, covering everything from subtle surgical correction, to more broad-strokes transformations. Use the provided parameters as starting points to clean-up any type of audio, bringing the best out of your sounds and productions.

W. A. Production are real-life producers making creative plugins to help you achieve studio quality processing quickly and easily. Enjoy!

What’s the Difference Between Deres and Detroubler

Deres is a resonance-cleaning tool specifically designed for midrange clarity. Removing the most dominant resonance in the midrange typically results in a significant clarity boost in a track or individual sound. It helps eliminate the most problematic resonance, making the mix clearer and more refined.

Detroubler, on the other hand, is a completely different type of plugin. It is based on psychoacoustic research and works by reducing frequencies scientifically identified as problematic or fatiguing to human hearing. Unlike Deres, it does not clean resonances. Instead, it softens and smooths out problematic frequency areas that mask other details in a sound, making it more pleasant and easier for the human ear to listen as a result, the mix is more defined.


  • Research-based psychoacoustic processing plugin
  • Targeting problem areas of your audio
  • Easy identification of ear-fatiguing frequencies
  • Six specifically targeted areas
  • Listen mode for enhanced monitoring
  • Frequency spectrum display
  • AB comparison & Undo / Redo
  • Resizable interface
  • Responsive & CPU friendly
  • Flexible factory presets


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