P2P | 15 March 2025 | | 10.79 GB
Nelson 鼓店样品包:将纳什维尔传奇的复古鼓声带入您的项目。
使用 Nelson 鼓店样品包,走进纳什维尔最受欢迎的鼓店的声音遗产。十多年来,Bryson Nelson 和他的团队精心挑选和修复了标志性的复古和稀有的精品鼓组,为您带来无与伦比的品质和深度。现在,这些独特的声音任您探索,专为混音师、制作人和词曲作者设计,他们渴望通过正宗、高品质的复古鼓样本来提升他们的音乐。
每个套件都搭配精心挑选的小军鼓和钹,提供终极复古体验。选择豪华版,您将获得罕见的附加功能,如巨大的行进低音鼓、音乐会通鼓和独一无二的小军鼓,从而获得真正多功能的音效库。适用于所有主要的 DAW,精心打造,为任何项目带来不可否认的氛围。
– 套件 1:20 世纪 40 年代的 Radio King,配有原装小牛皮鼓面,散发出复古的温暖气息。
– 套件 2:罕见的爵士尺寸 Ludwig 鼓;紧凑而强大。
– 套件 3:20 世纪 50 年代的 Gretsch 圆形徽章,发出平滑、经典的音调。
– 套件 4:大胆的绿色 Ludwig Vistalite 鼓,冲击力十足。
– 底鼓:4(豪华版:8)
– 小军鼓:8(豪华版:26)
– 通鼓:9(豪华版:12)
– 碎音鼓:6
– 镲片:4(豪华版:8)
– 叮当镲:4
– 额外镲片:2(仅限豪华版)
– 6,260(豪华版:13,212) 多速度单击,从轻到重,实现真实的动态。
– 每种速度有多个循环,标记为 A、B、C 等,以实现逼真的打击变化。
– 879 个预混循环,由 Nelson 和 DSS 团队制作,提供各种节奏和风格。
– Ableton、Battery、Logic 和 Trigger 2。
– 48kHz 24 位,用于高分辨率声音。
– 44.1kHz 16 位,用于与 SPD-SX 和其他鼓模块一起使用。
Nelson Drum Shop Sample Pack: Bringing Nashville’s Legendary Vintage Drum Sounds to Your Project.
Step into the sonic legacy of Nashville’s most beloved drum shop with the Nelson Drum Shop Sample Pack. For over a decade, Bryson Nelson and his team have curated and restored iconic vintage and rare boutique drum kits, bringing you unmatched quality and depth. Now, these exclusive sounds are yours to explore, designed for mixers, producers, and songwriters who crave authentic, high-quality vintage drum samples to elevate their music.
Each kit is paired with carefully selected snares and cymbals to provide the ultimate vintage experience. Opt for the Deluxe Edition, where you’ll gain access to rare extras like gigantic marching bass drums, concert toms, and one-of-a-kind snares for a truly versatile sound library. Perfect for all major DAWs and crafted to bring an undeniable vibe to any project.
Drum Kits:
– Kit 1: A 1940s Radio King with original calf heads that radiates vintage warmth.
– Kit 2: A rare Ludwig in jazz sizes; compact yet impressively powerful.
– Kit 3: A 1950s Gretsch round badge, delivering smooth, classic tones.
– Kit 4: A bold, green Ludwig Vistalite that packs a punch.
– Kicks: 4 (Deluxe: 8)
– Snares: 8 (Deluxe: 26)
– Toms: 9 (Deluxe: 12)
– Crashes: 6
– Hats: 4 (Deluxe: 8)
– Rides: 4
– Xtra Cymbals: 2 (Deluxe only)
– 6,260 (Deluxe: 13,212) Multi-velocity one-shots, ranging from soft to loud for authentic dynamics.
– Multiple round robins for each velocity, labeled A, B, C, etc., for realistic hit variations.
– 879 Pre-mixed loops, crafted by the Nelson and DSS team, available in various tempos and styles.
– Ableton, Battery, Logic, and Trigger 2.
File Types:
– 48kHz 24-bit for high-resolution sound.
– 44.1kHz 16-bit for use with SPD-SX and other drum modules.