Win:Team R2R | 06 July 2022 | 1.83 GB
Mac:AudioZ Exclusive | 09 October 2022 | 2.15 GB
3 new kits | P2P | 05 October 2022 | 3.12 GB
MODO DRUM 1.5 是 IK 新扩展的物理建模鼓虚拟乐器。通过模态合成和高级采样的强大组合,MODO DRUM 1.5 现在为您提供 13 个可深度定制的虚拟鼓组和更广泛的版本选择,以满足您的需求。
MODO DRUM 1.5 中的新功能
相同的价格,3 个新套件:Brit Custom、Metal 和 Silver。
新的 Custom Shop 和 SE 版本可让您随时添加新套件。
与我们屡获殊荣的 MODO BASS 软件一样,MODO DRUM 为您的音乐提供令人难以置信的逼真和真实的曲目,并对您从未想象过的每一个细节进行控制。通过访问套件中每个鼓的每个参数(从尺寸和张力到材质和演奏风格等等),创建您梦想的鼓轨道。
MODO DRUM 的创新模态合成技术打破了传统鼓样本库的限制,为逼真、自然和可定制的鼓轨道树立了新标准。
Team R2R 备注:(v1.5.0)
自 MODO DRUM v1.5 以来,IK 集成了 CustomShop 等新系统。我们的密钥生成器可以激活当前可用的所有附加装备。
从 v1.5 开始,IK 安装程序中不包含所有声音内容。大多数内容都包含在旧的 v1.1.x 安装程序中。(ModoDrumData_*.pak)文件是实际的声音内容。
要获得 v1.5 中的 3 个新鼓,您需要等待零售供应。以前内容的新安装程序也应该不错 :)
MODO DRUM 1.5 is IK’s newly expanded physical modeling drum virtual instrument. Using a powerful combination of modal synthesis and advanced sampling, MODO DRUM 1.5 now gives you 13 deeply customizable virtual drum kits and a wider choice of versions to suit your needs.
What’s new in MODO DRUM 1.5
Same price, 3 new kits: Brit Custom, Metal and Silver.
New Custom Shop and SE versions let you add new kits any time.
Like our award-winning MODO BASS software, MODO DRUM delivers incredibly realistic and authentic tracks for your music, with a level of control over every detail you’ve never imagined before. Create the drum tracks of your dreams with access to every parameter of every drum in your kit, from size and tension, to material and play style, and so much more.
MODO DRUM’s innovative modal synthesis technology shatters the limitations of traditional drum sample libraries, for a new standard in realistic, natural and customizable drum tracks.