[MIDI作曲助手采样器]SongWish reMIDI Sampler v4.4.2 [WiN, MacOSX](36MB+165MB)

BTCR | 24 March 2025 | WiN: 36 MB | MAC: 165 MB



~/Library/Application Support/LicenseSpring/remidi-4/
重点是~/Library 而不是/Library


reMIDI(发音为“remedy”)不是另一个音乐理论 MIDI 效果插件。这是第一个 MIDI 采样器。它从字面上切入了寻找灵感音乐材料的核心,通过提供被证明有效的和声和旋律——使您能够品尝过去伟大作品(巴赫、肖邦、格什温等)的免版税作品。

更符合现代的心情没问题 – 您可以使用 reMIDI 来充分利用您购买的免版税 MIDI 循环。

如果您可以对音频进行采样以帮助启动制作,为什么不对 MIDI 进行采样 您可以比录音更容易分离旋律,您甚至可以提取所有使用的和弦!最重要的是 – 您可以选择乐器。

reMIDI 在工厂库中提供了 1700 多个免版税的 MIDI 文件供您采样。但您永远不会受到限制 – 您甚至可以通过从自己的 MIDI 中采样来扩展库!
将 reMIDI 连接到您最喜欢的虚拟乐器,然后点击 MIDI 控制器上的琴键/打击垫,轻松找到下一首曲目的构建块。

你可以通过拖出 reMIDI 提供的任何切片来完全按照你的意愿编辑 MIDI 音符。让每个循环都成为你自己的。您甚至可以使用它来帮助创建最畅销的 Loop/和弦包。

reMIDI 如何工作

reMIDI 是一个插件乐器,能够输出 MIDI 和音频。对于后者,一个简单的正弦波合成器声音内置用于 Scratch 工作,因此您可以快速找到一个 Loop,以便完全在其内导出为 MIDI 文件。

不过,显然,这个想法是通过 reMIDI 触发其他乐器,而如何设置取决于主机 DAW。对于 VST 主机(即 Ableton Live),reMIDI 作为乐器插件加载到 MIDI 轨道上,其输出使用 DAW 的路由系统发送到第二个轨道(托管目标乐器)。

对于 Audio Unit 主机(即 Logic),将加载随附的 reMIDI_MFX MIDI 效果插件。这与常规的 reMIDI 相同,但位于同一轨道上目标乐器的前面,将 MIDI 直接输出到它。这当然是两种方法中更优雅的一种,尽管它只捕获轨道的原始触发音符,而不是插件输出的和弦。


从 1700 多首完整的作品中采样,带有巧妙选择的和弦、进行和旋律
通过触发自然的 MIDI 序列来超越机器人琶音器
轻松试听 自动采样的 MIDI 切片,只需按一下键
即可完美循环 将采样的和弦和进行拖出到您的 DAW
轻松使用 MIDI,无需使用钢琴卷帘/音符编辑器
相信作曲大师的音乐智慧 – 他们提供永恒的钩子、主题、主题和变化 – 所有这些都等待通过采样
来发现 超过 150 位作曲家(巴赫、贝多芬、肖邦、莫扎特、格什温等)
8 种不同的流派(巴洛克、古典、民谣、赞美诗、爵士、进行曲、文艺复兴和浪漫)
轻松将速度减半或乘以任何系数,同时与您的 DAW 保持同步
将任何 VST / AU 乐器分配给 reMIDI 以控制您最喜欢的合成器
一旦你从 MIDI 文件中找到一个循环或和弦进行,你就可以继续搜索同一文件或其他文件的变化
没有乏味的手动切片。只需设置您的起点和切片大小,reMIDI 即可将整个文件切成偶数部分
使用 reMIDI 的多个实例来构建一个完整的虚拟乐器乐队(鼓、贝斯、琴键和主音)。通过这种设置,你可以用一根手指指挥整个乐队!
内置的 MIDI 文件浏览器使立即预览完整作品或 MIDI Loop 包的部分变得轻而易举。瞬间
寻找灵感 浏览包含数百个按风格和作曲
家组织的高质量文件的出厂 MIDI 通过将您自己组织的文件和文件夹拖放到用户目录中来扩展 MIDI 库。无限采样!
reMIDI 非常有趣且令人上瘾

reMIDI (pronounced ‘remedy’) is not another music theory MIDI effect plugin. It’s the very first MIDI sampler. It literally cuts to the core of the problem of finding inspired musical materials by providing harmonies and melodies that are proven to work – enabling you to sample the royalty-free compositions of past greats (Bach, Chopin, Gershwin, etc).

More in the mood for modern No problem – You can use reMIDI to get the most out of your purchased royalty-free MIDI loops.

If you can sample audio to help kickstart productions, why not sample midi You can isolate melodies more easily than audio recordings and you can even extract all the chords used! Best of all – you get to choose the instruments.

reMIDI comes with over 1700 royalty-free midi files in the factory library to sample from. But you’re never limited – you can even expand the library by sampling from your own midi!
Connect reMIDI to your favourite virtual instruments and hit the keys/pads on your midi controller to effortlessly find the building blocks for your next track.

You can edit midi notes exactly how you want by dragging out any slice that reMIDI serves up. Make each loop your own. You can even use it to help create a top-selling loop/chord pack.

How Does reMIDI Work

reMIDI is a plugin instrument capable of outputting MIDI as well as audio. With regard to the latter, a simple sine wave synth sound is built in for scratch work, so you can quickly find a loop for export as a MIDI file entirely within it.

Obviously, though, the idea is to trigger other instruments via reMIDI, and how this is set up depends on the host DAW. For VST hosts (ie, Ableton Live), reMIDI loads as an instrument plugin onto a MIDI track, the output of which is sent to a second track (hosting the target instrument) using the DAW’s routing system.

For Audio Unit hosts (ie, Logic), the included reMIDI_MFX MIDI effect plugin is loaded up instead. This is identical to the regular reMIDI, but sits in front of the target instrument on the same track, outputting MIDI directly to it. It’s certainly the more elegant of the two approaches, although it only captures the raw triggering notes to the track, not the chords output by the plugin.


Sample from over 1700 complete compositions with masterfully chosen chords, progressions, and melodies
Go beyond robotic arpeggiators by triggering natural midi sequences
Easily audition automatically sampled slices of MIDI that loop perfectly at the touch of a key
Drag sampled chords and progressions out to your DAW
Easily work with MIDI without using a piano roll/note editor
Trust the musical wisdom of master composers – they offer timeless hooks, motifs, themes, and variations – all waiting to be discovered by sampling
Over 150 composers (Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Mozart, Gershwin, etc)
8 different genres (Baroque, Classical, Folk, Hymn, Jazz, March, Renaissance, and Romantic)
Save your own sample sets to the preset bank for later use
Easily cut the tempo in half or multiply it by any factor while staying in sync with your DAW
Assign any VST / AU instrument to reMIDI to control your favourite synths
Once you find a loop or a chord progression from a MIDI file you can keep searching the same file or other files for variations
Instantly transpose all the notes for endless remixing possibilities
No tedious manual slicing. Just set your starting point and slice size and reMIDI chops up the entire file into even parts
Use multiple instances of reMIDI to build a complete band of virtual instruments (drums, bass, keys, and leads). With this setup, you can conduct a whole band with one finger!
The built-in MIDI file browser makes it a breeze to instantly preview sections of full compositions or MIDI loop packs. Find inspiration in a flash
Browse the factory MIDI containing hundreds of high-quality files organized by style and composer
Expand the MIDI library by dropping your own organized files and folders into the User directory. Limitless sampling!
reMIDI is incredibly fun and addictive
A revolutionary workflow which guarantees you’ll consistently make better music

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