[更新:革命性智能和弦插件]Plugin Boutique Scaler 3 v1.0.2 [WiN, MacOSX](974 MB+1.07GB)

Win:BUBBiX | 25 March 2025 | 974 MB
Mac:Team HCiSO | 25 March 2025 | 1.07 GB






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Scaler 3 经过全面重新设计,采用了使 Scaler 2 成为世界上最受欢迎的音乐理论插件的一切,并以您从未想象过的方式在此基础上构建。Scaler 3 将使您更容易采取新的方向、解决音乐谜题并以全新的方式改进您正在进行的工作。

期待已久的屡获殊荣的 Scaler 2 的继任者终于在这里结束了!

→ 浏览、创建、排列。

• 重新设计的 UX/UI Scaler 3 经过全面重新设计,让 Scaler 2 用户能够立即熟悉,同时为新手提供流畅的体验。该界面分为三个主要页面:浏览、创建和排列。
• 除了任何 DAW 中的插件之外,Standalone App Scaler 3 现在还可以作为独立应用程序运行,提供完整而灵活的歌曲创作工具。
• 多通道时间轴 “编配”页面现在包括一个基于时间轴的布局,其中包含和弦、旋律、贝斯和乐句的专用通道。每个通道都与主和弦轨道同步,并且 Clip 可以完全调节,并独立控制每个通道或 Clip。
• 探索页面 发现一个不与任何特定音阶相连的和弦的和声宇宙。按流派和感觉(例如,Dark、Bright、Neutral)分类,探索页面建议兼容和实验性的和弦进行,为独特而大胆的和声结构开辟新的途径。
• 颜色页面 在单个统一的页面中探索所有和弦声部和和声备选方案的全面视图。立即访问平行和相对和弦,以及不同的声部和替换选项,为您的作品增加表现力和创意灵活性。
• Motions Scaler 深受喜爱的乐句、表演、旋律和贝斯线被重新构想为 Motions,现在带有基于情绪的标签,以便更轻松地浏览。Scaler 3 引入了数百种由专业音乐家制作的新 Motion,包括全新的 Passages Motion。
• 音符编辑和和声修饰符 一个全面的音符编辑矩阵允许用户自定义或创建新的动作。MIDI 通道可以设置为跟随或独立于和弦轨道运行,使用新的和声修饰符和振动控制来调整音符范围、密度、音高和 Clip 旋转 – 所有这些都在选定的音阶内。
• 扩展内容缩放器 3 提供了重要的内容扩展,包括新的 Chord Set、Harmonic Universes、Motion 和 Scales,由 samplify 工作室和顶级艺术家网络提供。
• 增强的分类:改进的筛选和搜索功能支持在 Scaler 3 的内容中快速导航。按情绪、能量、音符数量、音阶等进行搜索。

→ Scaler 3 完整功能列表

✓ 按心情、艺术家和流派分类的 100 多个和弦集和音阶。Scaler 3 极大地扩展了和弦组的数量,使它们更易于使用。
✓ 使用音序器构建和弦进行,并根据您当前选择的和弦获得建议。
✓ 使用 VST/AU 插件托管演奏您最喜爱的乐器,包括效果器。
✓ 凭借强大的 MIDI 和音频检测功能,Scaler 可以确定您所使用的键和音阶,并建议与您的音乐相匹配的和弦。
✓ 独立模式,无需 DAW 即可在台式计算机上工作。
✓ 庞大的动作库让您可以将和弦作为旋律、琶音、贝斯线和扫弦来演奏,并使用钢琴卷帘编辑器和全局音符属性对其进行修改。
✓ 检查 Circle of Fifths 以查找附近的和弦替换及其扩展。
✓ 以五种方式解决您的调制难题:进行、次级、模态交换、中位数、新黎曼。
✓ 尝试使用语音分组,将和弦保持在一定范围内,或应用下降声部、吉他声部等。
✓ 50 种内部声音来播放您的输入、和弦和进行,或加载 VST/AU 乐器插件。
✓ 使用绑定到键盘来控制带有音符的和弦播放,用于单指和弦、琶音等。
✓ 在颜色页面中发现新的和弦表达 – 和弦替换、转位、变化、发声和扩展。
✓ 在 Sketch Pad 页面中排列具有不同动作的七个进行进行比较。

Scaler 3 中的新增功能

• macOS 10.14 或更高版本
• Apple Silicon 或 Intel Core 处理器

A complete redesign, Scaler 3 takes everything that made Scaler 2 the world’s favourite music theory plugin and builds on it in ways you’d never imagined. Scaler 3 will make it easier to take new directions, solve musical puzzles, and improve your works-in-progress in completely new ways.

The long-awaited successor to the multi-award-winning Scaler 2 is finaly here!

→ Browse, Create, Arrange.

• Redesigned UX/UI Scaler 3 has been fully redesigned to remain instantly familiar to Scaler 2 users, while providing a streamlined experience for newcomers. The interface is organized into three main pages: Browse, Create, and Arrange.
• Standalone App Scaler 3 can now run as a standalone app in addition to a plugin within any DAW, offering a complete and flexible songwriting tool.
• Multi-Lane Timeline The Arrange page now includes a timeline-based layout with dedicated lanes for chords, melody, bass, and phrases. Each lane is synchronized with the main chord track, and clips are fully adjustable with independent control per lane or clip.
• Explore Page Discover a Harmonic Universe of chords untied to any specific scale. Categorized by genre and feel (e.g., Dark, Bright, Neutral), the Explore Page suggests compatible and experimental chord progressions, unlocking new paths for unique and bold harmonic structures.
• Colors Page Explore a comprehensive view of all chord voicings and harmonic alternatives in a single, unified page. Instantly access parallel and relative chords, as well as diverse voicing and substitution options, to add expressivity and creative flexibility to your compositions.
• Motions Scaler’s beloved Phrases, Performances, Melodies, and Basslines are reimagined as Motions, now with mood-based tags for easier browsing. Scaler 3 introduces hundreds of new Motions crafted by professional musicians, including the all- new Passages Motion.
• Note Editing & Harmonic Modifiers A comprehensive note editing matrix allows users to customize or create new Motions. MIDI lanes can be set to follow or run independently of Chord Tracks, with new Harmonic Modifiers and Motion Controls to adjust note range, density, pitch, and clip rotation – all within the chosen scale.
• Expanded Content Scaler 3 offers a significant content expansion, including new Chord Sets, Harmonic Universes, Motions, and Scales, contributed by samplify studio and a network of top-tier artists.
• Enhanced Categorization Improved filtering and search functionality enable quick navigation across Scaler 3’s content. Search by mood, energy, note count, scale, and more.

→ Scaler 3 Full Feature List

✓ 100s of Chord Sets and Scales categorised by mood, artist and genre. Scaler 3 greatly expands the number of chord sets and makes them easier to work with.
✓ Build Chord Progressions using the sequencer and get suggestions based on your currently selected chords.
✓ Play your favourite instruments with VST/AU Plugin Hosting, including effects too.
✓ With powerful Detection of MIDI and audio, Scaler can determine what key and scale you’re in and suggest chords that match your music.
✓ Standalone mode for working on your desktop computer without needing a DAW.
✓ Huge library of Motions lets you play chords as melodies, arpeggios, basslines and strums, and to modify them using the piano roll editor and global Note Properties..
✓ Check the Circle of Fifths to find nearby chord substitutions and their extensions.
✓ Solve your modulation puzzles in five ways: Progression, Secondary Scale, Modal Interchange, Mediants, Neo-Riemannian.
✓ Experiment with Voice Grouping to keep your chords within a certain range or apply drop voicings, guitar voicing and more.
✓ 50 Internal Sounds to play your inputs, chords and progressions, or load VST/AU instrument plugins.
✓ Use Bind to Keyboard to control chord playback with notes, for one-finger chords, arpeggios and more.
✓ Discover new chord expressions – chord substitutions, inversions, variations, voicings and extensions – in the Colors page.
✓ Line up seven progressions with different motions to compare in the Sketch Pad page.

What’s new in Scaler 3

Supported Operation System:
• macOS 10.14 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor

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