[专业 DJ 软件]PCDJ DEX Pro v4.0.0.0 [WiN, MacOSX](367MB+286MB)

Win:Team F4CG | 25 March 2025 | 367 MB
Mac:Team TNT | Mar 2025 | 286 MB

DEX 4 是目前功能最全面的全能型 DJ 软件,可让您直观地混合音乐、音乐视频并精确主持卡拉 OK。为什么要满足于只有一种功能的产品或使用多种产品?DEX 4 是唯一一款具备所有功能的 DJ 软件,可让您让每场演出都取得圆满成功。此外,具有 Loop Rolls、Slicer 和 Pitch Play 等多种模式的 PAD 的引入为现场混音和表演提供了无限可能。对于那些追求终极硬件集成的人来说,DEX 4 现在完全支持 RANE Four 控制器,包括其 11 个显示器,确保您可以随时获得所需的所有信息。

Elastique 技术用于时间拉伸和音高变换,可实现更精确和高质量的声音处理。无论您是在探索新的 SLIP 和 QUANTIZE 模式以实现创新的节拍杂耍,还是使用完全手动控制制作自己的循环,DEX 4 都能提供将混音推向新高度所需的工具。

DEX 4 功能亮点:

循环、热提示、刮擦、反向、暂停的 SLIP 模式

•全新的时间拉伸和音高变化(由 zplane 的 Elastique Pro 提供)
•标记可以具有自定义颜色和名称(右键单击以编辑它们)——这些也会显示在兼容控制器上(例如,RANE FOUR 显示标记的颜色和名称/文本)
•右键单击不再清除提示点(标记);您仍然可以使用专用的 X(删除提示)按钮或长按(几秒钟;在 SLIP 模式下禁用)来执行此操作
•PADs 部分,带有 8 个打击垫模式选择(标记、循环滚动、切片器、切片器循环、采样器、节拍跳跃、音高播放、词干)
•完全手动循环 – 禁用量化并手动控制循环的开始和结束/大小(设置入点和出点而无需捕捉节拍或量化)
•手动循环调整 – 当循环处于活动状态时,您可以使用兼容控制器或用户界面的转盘调整其左/入点、右/出点或将其向左或向右移动
•如果控制器没有专门的循环调整按钮,您可以使用控制器上的 Shift + 提示点 1、2、3 – 注意:当不在循环内时,这将删除按下的提示点(正常功能)
•Shift + 提示 1 启用左点(循环入)编辑模式
•Shift + 提示 2 启用右点(循环出)编辑模式
•Shift + 提示 3 启用位置(移动)编辑模式(例如,左右点(循环入 + 出)都被移动,从而移动整个循环)
•使用转盘搜索/移动模式来调整循环 – 按住 Shift 并将转盘移动到所需的方向(和所需的量) – 当不在循环内时,这将 •搜索/移动曲目本身(正常功能)
•虽然它比使用控制器麻烦得多,但在用户界面上,您也可以右键单击循环 -/+(半/双循环)按钮以启用编辑模式,然后右键单击 •循环(移动循环)按钮以调整点
• 转盘慢启动/停止电机效果(0.0 – 5.0 秒)
• 模糊键匹配/键混合 – 它将以最小的键/音高变化(无,最大 +/-1 或 +/-2 半音)实现键同步
• 这允许仅使用 +/- 1(或最大 +/- 2)半音键移位进行键混合;请参阅 https://www.digitaldjtips.com/fuzzy-keymixing-the-new-way-to-dj/
•新控制器:RANE Four

•为 Booth(输出)和 Record(输入)添加了新的音频路由选项
•添加了软件发送/返回 FX,可用于外部混频器(或带有硬件 DSP 混频器的控制器),允许软件处理 FX(外部硬件向我们发送信号以应用 FX, •我们对其进行处理然后将其发送回)
•我们不再对外部混频器模式应用 EQ(因此我们不会双重 EQ)
•循环或更改当前位置时交叉淡入淡出(在音轨中寻找/搜索) – 听起来更流畅
•增加了对 .webm 视频文件的支持
•SYNC 按钮的始终同步选项(“尽可能使用同步锁定”)现在默认禁用(针对新安装)
•删除设置:“使用 Slip 模式进行循环”(现在使用真正的 Slip 模式)
•新设置:“显示音频峰值负载而不是平均 CPU 负载”。您可以使用它来诊断音频中断/过载,例如故障、卡顿、爆音和咔嗒声,这些故障/过载是由延迟设置过低、时间拉伸质量设置过高或仅仅是计算机性能不佳/速度慢造成的。
•需要重新采样时的 WASAPI 改进(例如,音频卡设置为 48000 Hz,我们需要从 44100 Hz 重新采样)

The most versatile do-it-all DJ software available, DEX 4 enables you to intuitively mix music, music videos and host karaoke with precision. Why settle for a product that has only one function or use multiple products? DEX 4 is the only DJ software with all the features you require to make any every gig a total success.Additionally, the introduction of PADs with versatile modes like Loop Rolls, Slicer, and Pitch Play offers endless possibilities for live remixing and performance. And for those seeking the ultimate in hardware integration, DEX 4 now fully supports the RANE Four controller, including its 11 displays, ensuring you have all the information you need right at your fingertips.

Elastique technology for time-stretching and pitch-shifting, allowing for more precise and high-quality sound manipulation. Whether you’re exploring the new SLIP and QUANTIZE modes for innovative beat juggling or crafting your own loops with fully manual controls, DEX 4 provides the tools you need to push your mix to new heights.

DEX 4 Feature Highlights:

SLIP mode for loops, hot cues, scratching, reverse, pause
•loops – all loops now act as loop rolls
•hot cue points – these act as momentary cue points (eg. only while the button/pad is being pressed)
•scratch – after scratching is complete the track will resume as if there was no scratch
•reverse – same as with scratch
•pause (with turntable stop effect)

QUANTIZE / Snap-to-beat mode for Cues, Loops, searching through the track
•this affects: loop auto/manual mode (snap-to-beat and size quantizing), cue set quantizing, seek (while playing) quantizing
•from compatible controllers the Quantize function can be controlled per deck or globally (all decks)
•brand-new time-stretching and pitch-shifting (courtesy of zplane’s Elastique Pro)
•Loop rolls
•Slicer and Loop Slicer (fully quantized, including rolls)
•Pitch Play
•Markers: cue points and loops are now unified (merged) into ‘markers’ (that do both). Think of them as bookmarks or points of interest basically.
•markers can have custom colors and names (right click to edit them) – these are also displayed on compatbile controllers (eg. the RANE FOUR shows both the color and the name/text of a marker)
•right click no longer clears cue points (markers); you can still do it using the dedicated X (delete cue) button or by a long-press (a couple of seconds; this is disabled when in SLIP mode)
•PADs section with 8 pads mode selection (Markers, Loop Roll, Slicer, Slicer Loop, Sampler, Beat Jump, Pitch Play, Stems)
•instant loops (with pre-selected value)
•fully manual loops – disable quantize and manually control the start and end/size of a loop (set the in and out points without snap-to-beat or quantize)
•manual loop adjustment – when a loop is active you can adjust its left/in point, right/out point or move it left or right using the jog-wheel of a compatible controller or the user interface
•If a controller doesn’t have dedicated loop adjustment buttons you can use Shift + Cue point 1,2,3 on a controller – NOTE: when NOT inside a loop this will delete the cue point being pressed (normal functionality)
•Shift + Cue 1 enables the left point (loop in) editing mode
•Shift + Cue 2 enables the right point (loop out) editing mode
•Shift + Cue 3 enables the position (moving) editing mode (eg. both left and right points (loop in + out) are moved thus moving the whole loop)
•Use jog-wheel search/move mode to adjust the loop – keep Shift pressed and move the jog-wheel to the direction needed (and the amount needed) – when NOT inside a loop this will •search/move through the track itself (normal functionality)
•While it is a lot more cumbersome than using a controller, on the user interface itself you can also right-click on the loop -/+ (half/double loop) buttons to enable editing mode and then right-click •on the loop (move loop) buttons to adjust the point
•turntable slow start/stop motor effect (0.0 – 5.0 seconds)
•fuzzy key matching / key mixing – it will achieve key sync with minimal key/pitch shifting (none, +/-1 or +/-2 semitones max)
•this allows key mixing with just a +/- 1 (or max +/- 2) semitones key shift; see https://www.digitaldjtips.com/fuzzy-keymixing-the-new-way-to-dj/
•new controller: RANE Four

Other features:
•added new Audio Routing options for Booth (output) and Record (input)
•added software send/return FX useful for external mixers (or controlleres with hardware DSP mixers) that allow for software processed FX (the external hardware sends us a signal to apply FX to, •we process it and then we send it back)
•we no longer apply EQ for external mixer mode (so we don’t double-EQ)
•cross-fading when looping or changing the current position (seek/search through the track) – this sounds a LOT smoother
•added support for .webm video files
•added prevent the screen and system to enter sleep mode
•always-in-sync option (“Use sync-lock when possible”) for SYNC button is now disabled by default (for new installs)
•removed brake feature (use turntable slow pause/stop effect instead)
•removed setting: “Use Slip mode for looping” (use true Slip mode now)
•modified setting: “Time-stretch quality” is now more granular and you choose between: Standard quality (fast), Better quality, Best quality (slow)
•new setting: “Show audio peak load instead of average CPU load”. You can use this in diagnosing audio disruptions/overloads such as glitches, stutters, pops and clicks resulting from an •excessively low latency setting, an overly high time-stretch quality setting, or simply an underperforming/slow computer.
•removed setting: “Cutoff Filter Mode” – the filter is now always set to LowPass & HighPass
•WASAPI improvements when resampling is needed (eg. the audio card is set at 48000 Hz and we need to resample from 44100 Hz)
•searching/seeking through the track is now quantized to one bar (when playing)
•Beatsource/Beatport: changed name from “Offline Locker” to “Offline Library”
•TIDAL: Offline Mode
•reimplemented slow pitch/tempo reset, pitch/tempo bend
•improved stability

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