[好莱坞弦乐音源]East West Hollywood Strings Diamond v2.0.7 [WiN](312Gb)


[全家桶]East West PLAY 6 好莱坞管弦乐白金弦乐世界中国风丝绸之路人声系列音源合集 [WiN](2Tb)


East West Hollywood Strings Diamond v2.0.7-DECiBEL| 312.62GB


需要先下载安装 R2R PLAY 采样器:[采样器]East West PLAY 6 v6.1.9 [WiN]

1. 从 R2R 或 DECIBEL 文件夹中,将 “Previews”、“ProductChunks”、“products” 文件夹复制到隐藏的 “C:/ProgramData/East West” 文件夹里
2. 将解压好的音色库放置到任意的磁盘英文路径里
3. 启动 PLAY 采样器,转到浏览器选项卡(Browser)
4. 右键单击​​浏览器选项卡(Browser)左栏中的空白区域,然后从弹出窗口中选择“添加另一个产品库”(”Add Another Product Library”)
5. 选择音色库文件夹的位置


使用好莱坞弦乐创作奥斯卡级的电影编曲,这是 EastWest/Quantum Leap 虚拟乐器大师的激动人心的作品。这款出色的插件拥有近乎无穷无尽的弦乐发音和声音目录,每个都经过精心录制,质量完美无瑕。这款令人惊叹的创意工具的重点在于为您提供非凡的表达范围;就像在一天中的任何时候都有一支一流的交响弦乐组在您的指挥棒下。每个部分 – 第一和第二小提琴、中提琴、大提琴和低音提琴 – 都以扩展范围进行采样;当然,音乐家们只使用最好的设备进行录制,包括 Neve 8078 混音控制台和高级麦克风。
由格莱美和奥斯卡获奖配乐工程师 Shawn Murphy 在 EastWest 著名的 Studio 1(好莱坞主要配乐和电视主题曲的诞生地)录制,EastWest Hollywood Strings Diamond Edition 的 24 位样本纯净而细腻,该合集让您能够前所未有地控制乐器的表现力和声音,最多有五种可混音的麦克风位置和几十种每种乐器的音色;包括拨弦、断奏、跳弦、跳音、颤音、加强音、长笛、泛音等等。

包括自定义 PLAY 界面
EastWest Hollywood Strings 包括自定义 PLAY 高级样本引擎,旨在让您深入了解其中的声音。这个 64 位界面(支持 32 位)允许您加载多种乐器,因此您可以轻松制作自定义分割和分层设置,从而轻松使用多种乐器和整个乐器部分进行演奏。它还允许您深入了解声音,例如调整包络和添加各种样本再现工具,以便完美调整您的乐器。

对于 Sweetwater 的作曲家来说,EastWest 的好莱坞管弦乐队系列是一个真正的“荒岛”管弦乐库,里面装满了圣杯样本,让您可以随时获得好莱坞大片的声音。该系列及其部分可单独购买,获得了音乐媒体的一致好评,包括《电子音乐家》的编辑选择奖和 Future Music 的白金奖。这些出版物和其他出版物都引用了样本的惊人细节、卓越的真实连奏和整体音质,以及通过五个麦克风位置(包括主 Decca 树)获得的惊人控制;中音、近音和环绕麦克风阵列,以及备用的 1945 年 RCA 老式带状室内麦克风。总之,EastWest Hollywood Strings 是严肃作曲家必备的作曲工具。

EastWest Hollywood Strings 钻石版功能:
– 纯净的 24 位、44.1 kHz 样本
– EastWest PLAY 高级样本引擎提供复杂的性能选项和混响
– 包括 EW Studio 1 卷积混响脉冲
– 5 个可混合麦克风位置
– 多种发音方式可用于细致入微、栩栩如生的作曲
– 由 EastWest Studios 的 Studio 1 中的顶级行业工程师和制作人录制


String Sounds Worthy of the Big Screen
Compose Oscar-worthy cinematic arrangements with Hollywood Strings, an exciting release from the virtual instrument masters at EastWest/Quantum Leap. This brilliant plug-in features a near-endless catalog of string articulations and sounds, each meticulously recorded for flawless quality. The emphasis for this amazing creative tool is on giving you an extraordinary range of expression; it’s like having a first-call symphonic string section under your baton, at any hour of the day. Every section – 1st and 2nd violins, violas, cellos, and basses – was sampled with extended ranges; and, of course, the musicians were recorded using nothing but the finest gear, including a Neve 8078 mixing console and premium microphones.
Multiple articulations and five mixable mic positions
Recorded in EastWest’s famous Studio 1 (the birthplace of major Hollywood soundtracks and TV themes) by Grammy and Academy Award-winning scoring engineer Shawn Murphy, the 24-bit samples of EastWest Hollywood Strings Diamond Edition are pristine and gloriously detailed, and the collection gives you unprecedented control over the expressiveness and sound of the instruments with up to five mixable mic positions and dozens of per-instrument articulations; including pizzicato, staccato, ricochet, spiccato, tremolo, marcato, flautando, harmonics, and many more.

Includes the custom PLAY interface
EastWest Hollywood Strings includes the custom PLAY advanced sample engine, designed to give you deep access to the sounds within. This 64-bit interface (with 32-bit support) lets you load multiple instruments, so you can easily craft custom split and layered setups that make it effortless to perform with multiple instruments and entire instrument sections. It also allows you to go really deep with your sounds, such as adjusting envelopes and the addition of various sample reproduction tools for tweaking your instruments to perfection.

Holy grail orchestral samples
For composers at Sweetwater, EastWest’s Hollywood Orchestra series is truly a “desert-island” orchestral library, packed with holy grail samples that put the sound of Hollywood blockbusters right at your fingertips. The collection and its sections, which are available separately, have received critical acclaim from the music press, including Electronic Musician’s Editor’s Choice Award and Future Music’s Platinum Award. These publications, and others, cite the samples’ stunning detail, superior true legato, and overall sonic quality, as well as the amazing control you get with five mic positions, including the main Decca tree; mid, close, and surround mic arrays, as well as an alternate vintage 1945 RCA ribbon room mic. Bottom line, EastWest Hollywood Strings is a must-have compositional tool for the serious composer.

EastWest Hollywood Strings Diamond Edition Features:
– Pristine 24-bit, 44.1 kHz samples
– EastWest PLAY Advanced Sample Engine provides sophisticated performance options and reverb
– Includes EW Studio 1 convolution reverb impulses
– 5 mixable mic positions
– Multiple articulations available for nuanced, lifelike compositions
– Recorded by top industry engineers and producers in Studio 1 at EastWest Studios


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