[节奏节拍器]Drum Beats+ Rhythm Machine v4.5.1 for iPhone iPad iPod Touch [iOS](470Mb)

Drum Beats+ Rhythm Machine v4.5.1 for iPhone iPad iPod Touch [iOS]| 3 June 2024 | 470 MB

找到了!Drum Beats+ 是一款使用美妙鼓点而非无聊的点击声来提高您节奏感的节拍器应用。
“不再有恼人的节拍器滴答声或数字节拍!” ~ AnthonyVilla
“音质出色,节奏感真实的鼓点循环……同时也是练习节奏感的绝佳工具。” ~ Ets5017
“对不起,鼓手们……但我在现场演出时使用这个。” ~ RBJ555
“是替代您那无节奏感的鼓手的合适选择。” ~ 滚石杂志
• 超级简单的设计 – 更多时间用于演奏,少花时间学习应用
• 无需操作 – 标准库包含100多种预先制作的不同风格的美妙鼓点(使用专业库可增加250多种)
• 灵活的45至200节拍范围 – 演奏您想要的所有歌曲
• 可调节 – 在任何速度下播放任何鼓点,而不会改变音高
• 最喜欢的鼓点有自己的标签。更快地演奏和练习。
• 锁定节拍 – 在练习期间节省时间(在节拍屏幕上点击挂锁按钮)
• 个性化 – 点击编辑以重命名鼓点(例如“我的热门歌曲”)
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• 使用整小节或多于整小节休息的Bar Break鼓点来提高您的节奏感
• 使用在摇摆和直拍感觉、大声和小声以及每小节的鼓点之间交替的鼓点来磨练您的耳朵
• 使用Inter-app Audio连接到GarageBand和其他音乐应用
• 通过使用BlueTooth或AirPlay将鼓点通过立体声或Apple TV播放来大声即兴演奏
• 点击随机按钮,用您可能不会选择的鼓点来挑战自己
如此多的鼓手,如此少的时间。Drum Beats+ 包含四个风格包和四个训练包——总共100多种鼓点——在我们的专业库中还有更多。
• Break Beats. 16个经典的放克和灵魂乐断拍
• Hit Songs I. 16个基于每位音乐家都应该知道的流行歌曲的鼓点
• Pop Rock I. 24个跨越放克、直拍摇滚、曳步舞和更多的鼓点
• R&B Essentials I: 16个优秀的现代和复古电子鼓点
• 节奏、时间和动态包。41个练习鼓点,交替节奏、音量、每小节的鼓点和休息
• 每个鼓点都采用不同的声音——轰鸣的摇滚低音鼓、清脆的灵魂乐军鼓等等。所有数字制作,让练习成为一种享受
兼容性:iOS 12.4或更高版本

iPhone iPad iPod Touch
You found it! Drum Beats+ is the metronome app that improves your timing using great sounding drum beats, not a boring click.

But that’s not all. It can also help you write songs, jam with friends, or even perform live. It’s a learning, jamming and performing tool that keeps getting better, just like you.

“No more annoying metronome ticks or digital click tempos!” ~ AnthonyVilla

“Awesome sounding and authentically grooving drum loops…but also a great practise tool for timing.” ~ Ets5017

“Sorry drummers…but I use this on live gigs.” ~ RBJ555

“A proper replacement for your deadbeat drummer.” ~ Rolling Stone Magazine


Cheaper than a metronome, simpler than a drum machine.

• SUPER SIMPLE DESIGN – spend more time playing, less time learning the app
• NO WORK REQUIRED – Standard Library comes with 100+ PRE-MADE great sounding beats in a variety of genres (Add 250+ with the Pro Library)
• VERSATILE 45 to 200 Tempo Range — play all the songs you want
• ADJUSTABLE – Play any beat at any speed WITHOUT CHANGING THE PITCH
• FAVOURITE beats have their own tab. Play and practise faster.
• LOCK THE TEMPO to save time during practise (tap the padlock button on tempo screen)
• PERSONALIZE – Tap edit to RENAME the beats (e.g. “My Hit Song”)

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As you advance as a player, you’ll grow into the app’s advanced features.

• Improve your timing with Bar Break beats that rest for entire bars or more
• Refine your ear with beats that alternate between swing and straight feels, loud and soft volumes and beats per bar
• Connect to GarageBand and other music apps using Inter-app Audio
• Jam loud by using BlueTooth or AirPlay to play beats through your stereo or Apple TV
• Hit the randomizer button to challenge yourself with beats you might not choose

So many drummers, so little time. Drum Beats+ includes four style packs and four training packs—100+ beats in all—with tons more in our Pro Library.

• Break Beats. 16 bumping beats of classic funk and soul breaks
• Hit Songs I. 16 beats based on popular songs every musician should know
• Pop Rock I. 24 beats spanning funk, straight ahead rock, shuffles and more
• R&B Essentials I: 16 excellent modern and vintage-sound electronic beats
• Rhythm, Timing, & Dynamics Packs. 41 practise beats that alternate grooves, volumes, beats per bar and rests
• Every beat features different sounds—booming rock bass drums, snappy soul snares and more. All digitally mastered to make practicing a pleasure

Compatibility: iOS 12.4 or later
iPhone iPad iPod Touch

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