[创作者工具]Native Instruments Creator Tools v1.5.20 [MacOSX](131.41Mb)

Creator Tools 是一个独立的应用程序,旨在改善音效库创建者和乐器创建者的工作流程。 它由两个元素组成: 一个 Debugger ,用于识别和修复 KONTAKT 脚本中的问题, 一个 Instrument Editor , 可以加载和运行 Lua 脚本以自动化样本,复制和批量重命名组,并将设置从乐器的一个部分复制到另一个部分。

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TEAM HCiSO | 04 June 2024 | 131.41 MB

CREATOR TOOLS是一套设计和开发的工具,旨在支持KONTAKT 7的乐器创建过程。

KONTAKT 7 附带一个独立的应用程序套件 – CREATOR TOOLS,以帮助创建仪器。它由三个元素组成:
ebuggerD(调试器),用于识别和修复 KONTAKT 脚本中的问题;
Instrument Editor(仪器编辑器),可以加载和运行 Lua 脚本以自动映射样本、复制和批量重命名组,以及将设置从仪器的一个部分复制到另一个部分;
✅ GUI Designer(设计器),允许创作者组装、自定义和重用 KONTAKT 性能视图和控件,而无需编写代码。


KPS 日志
日志可帮助您在构建仪器时检测和修复可能出现的问题。它接收任何 KONTAKT 实例生成的通知,并记录消息、警告、错误。

☑️ 为日志
☑️选择不同的筛选选项 暂停调试会话
☑️ 清除日志内容
☑️ 访问日志设置

KPS 变量
使用 watch_var 和 watch_array_idx 命令检查变量和数组 在 KONTAKT 脚本中。其值更改将实时显示和更新。

在 KONTAKT 中加载要编辑的乐器,然后在仪器编辑器中选择它。它的结构将以嵌套树的形式显示,并且可以通过 Lua 脚本工具中的 Lua 脚本进行修改。

通过  将您在工具结构中所做的更改推送到 KONTAKT,或者通过  拉取您在 KONTAKT 中所做的更改。两个按钮上的锁屏提醒都表示尚未同步的更改。

Lua 脚本
从项目面板加载 Lua 脚本或直接从磁盘拖动它们。运行它们以修改仪器的结构。例如,直接从磁盘自动映射样品,复制和批量重命名组和区域,或将设置从仪器的一个部分复制到另一个部分。

☑️ 在文本编辑器中打开加载的 Lua 脚本,以进行进一步修改
☑️ 运行加载的脚本以对仪器结构
☑️应用操作 停止执行正在运行的脚本
☑️ 清除 Lua 脚本输出控制台

GUI 设计器
GUI 设计器允许您组装、自定义和重用 KONTAKT 图形界面(性能视图),而无需编写代码。它可以生成两种类型的文件,即性能视图文件 (.nckp) 和控制文件 (.nckc)。您可以添加控件、修改其属性并将它们分组到面板中。

性能视图文件 (.nckp) 包含有关仪器图形界面的所有信息。然后,可以将这些文件加载到KSP 脚本,请参阅 KSP 中的加载。可以从“项目管理器”(Project Manager) 的“插入”(Insert) 菜单创建新的性能视图文件。

通过 KSP 命令在仪器中加载性能视图:load_performance_view。每次您将性能视图文件保存在 CREATOR TOOLS 中时,仪器的界面都会自动更新,以便您可以实时跟踪变化。

控件文件 (.nckc) 是通过导出单个控件或控件容器(另请参阅面板)创建的文件。然后,这些文件可以导入到以后的 GUI 设计器项目中,与协作者共享,或为构建自定义 UI 库奠定基础。无法在 KSP 中加载控制文件。

Lern more
为了帮助您入门,请查看 Factory Content 文件夹中的教程脚本和示例。您也可以参考 CREATOR TOOLS 在线文档。

版本 1.5.2 – 2022-10-04
• ARM 兼容性。
– [已修复] Creator Tools 在 ARM 上运行得很自然

• macOS 10.13 或更高版本
• Apple Silicon 或 Intel Core 处理器


CREATOR TOOLS are a suite of tools designed and developed to support the instrument creation process of KONTAKT 7.

KONTAKT 7 ships with a standalone application suite – CREATOR TOOLS – to aid the instrument creation processes. It consists of three elements:
✅ Debugger, for identifying and fixing problems in KONTAKT script;
✅ Instrument Editor, which can load and run Lua scripts to automap samples, duplicate and batch rename groups, and copy settings from one part of an instrument to another;
✅ GUI Designer, which allows creators to assemble, customize, and reuse KONTAKT performance views and controls without the need to write code.

Project Panel
The Project Panel consists of the Project Manager and the File Browser. The Project Manager allows you to collect files and folders and organize them in groups in order to quickly access a project's assets. The File Browser allows you to view files on your computer storage devices and open them directly from within the tools.

The Log helps you detect and fix possible issues while building your instrument. It receives notifications generated by any KONTAKT instance and logs messages, warnings, errors.

☑️ Select different filtering options for the log
☑️ Pause the debugging session
☑️ Clear the log content
☑️ Access the log settings

KPS Variables
Inspect variables and arrays by using the commands watch_var and watch_array_idx ind the KONTAKT script. Their value changes will be displayed and updated in real time.

Instrument Editor
Load the instrument you want to edit in KONTAKT and select it in the Instrument Editor. Its structure will be displayed in the form of a nested tree and can be modified through Lua scripts in the Lua Script tool.

Push changes you did in the instrument's structure to KONTAKT via  or pull changes you did in KONTAKT via  . Badges on both buttons indicate changes that aren't synced yet.

Lua Script
Load Lua scripts from the Project Panel or drag them directly from disk. Run them to modify the structure of an instrument. For example, automap samples directly from your disk, duplicate and batch rename groups and zones, or copy settings from one part of an instrument to another.

☑️ Open the loaded Lua script in a text editor, for further modifications
☑️ Run the loaded script to apply actions on the instrument structure
☑️ Stop the execution of the running script
☑️ Clear the Lua Script output console

GUI Designer
The GUI designer allows you to assemble, customize and re-use a KONTAKT graphical interface (performance view), without writing code. It can generate two types of files, the performance view files (.nckp) and the control files (.nckc). You can add controls, modify their properties and group them in panels.

The performance view files (.nckp) contain all the information about an instrument’s graphical interface. These files can then be loaded in a KSP script, refer to Loading in KSP. A new performance view file can be created from the Insert menu of the Project Manager.

Load a performance view in an instrument via the KSP command: load_performance_view. Everytime you save the performance view file in CREATOR TOOLS, the instrument's interface gets automatically updated so you can track changes in real time.

The control files (.nckc) are files that are created by exporting a single control or a container of controls (refer to also Panels). These files can then be imported in a later GUI Designer project, shared with collaborators or set the foundation for building custom UI libraries. Control files cannot be loaded in KSP.

Lern more
To help you get started, check the tutorial scripts and examples found in the Factory Content folder. You can also refer to the CREATOR TOOLS Online Documentation

Version 1.5.2 - 2022-10-04
• ARM Compatibility.
- [FIXED] Creator Tools runs natievely on ARM

Supported Operation System:
• macOS 10.13 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor

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