[瞬态整形器插件]Wavesfactory Quantum v1.0.1 [WiN](20Mb)

Quantum 是一款音频插件,可将音频信号分离为起音和延音部分。
它拥有 16 种内置高品质效果,您可以将其单独应用于每条路径。Quantum


Quantum 会自动检测并分类信号的瞬变,将声音分为两条路径:起音和延音。您现在的控制水平是无与伦比的,让您可以分别向每条路径添加效果,然后再将它们重新组合在一起。

在处理创新时,我们很难对自己的创作进行分类。Quantum 是瞬态整形器吗?从某种意义上说,它是,但当你将它与常规瞬态整形器进行比较时,你就看不出来,因为它要大得多。Quantum 是创新的,它不适合简单的分类。

Quantum 的核心是最先进的瞬态整形器。我们使用这项技术自动检测瞬态。通过这种方式,我们获得了比其他听起来数字化且充满伪影的方法更少、更自然的结果。

Quantum 消除了阈值参数的需要,而您原本必须为每个音轨设置该参数。这样,​​您可以更快地工作并获得完美的结果。

Quantum 并非只有一种功能,恰恰相反。你可以把它想象成一个工具箱。它是一套全面的工具,可让你控制、修改、操纵和彻底改变你的曲目。


版本 1.0.1 – 21 / 09 / 2021

  • 已修复:Logic Pro X 中的奇怪噪音。
  • 已修复:当未打开 UI 时,效果未初始化。
  • 已修复:Lo-Fi 效果正确处理干湿混合。
  • 已修复:Reverb 现在可以处理所有采样率。
  • 已修复:音调变换器延迟补偿错误。
  • 改进:干信号不受输出音量的影响。
  • 改进:波形显示更平滑。

R2R 团队

Quantum is an audio plugin that separates an audio signal into its attack and sustain parts.
With 16 built-in high quality effects that you can apply to each path independently.
Quantum redefines what’s possible in transient shaping.

Beyond the transient shaper
A transient shaper is an audio processor that can increase or reduce the transients or tonal parts of a signal. It has become an indispensable mixing tool on every studio.

Quantum automatically detects and classifies the transients of your signal, separating the sound in two paths: attack and sustain. The level of control you have now is unmatched, giving you the possibility to add effects to each path separately, before joining them back together.

When dealing with innovation we struggle to classify our own creations. Is Quantum a transient shaper In a way it is, but when you compare it to a regular transient shaper you fall short, as it is so much bigger. Quantum is innovative and it doesn’t fit into a simple category.

Smart transient detection
Quantum is a state of the art transient shaper at its core. We use that technology to automatically detect transients. By doing so, we get artifact-less, more natural results than other methods that can sound digital and full of artifacts.

Quantum takes away the need of a threshold parameter, which you would have to set for each track. That way you can work faster and get pristine results.

Endless possibilities
Quantum is not a one-trick-pony, it’s quite the opposite. Think about it like a toolbox. It’s a comprehensive set of tools that let you control, mangle, manipulate and completely transform your tracks.

EQ your transients, re-pitch your drums without losing any of the attack, reduce plosives from vocals, why not EQ plosives only Add reverb to just the attack of your drums to get a much more focused and clean room feel. Possibilities are really endless, and we are sure that you will come up with new ways of using it that we can’t imagine right now. Be creative!

Version 1.0.1 – 21 / 09 / 2021

  • Fixed: weird noises in Logic Pro X.
  • Fixed: effects not initialized when UI wasn’t opened.
  • Fixed: Lo-Fi effect correctly handles the dry and wet mix.
  • Fixed: Reverb now handles all sample rates.
  • Fixed: Pitch Shifter latency compensation bug.
  • Improved: dry signal is not affected by the output volume.
  • Improved: smoother waveform display.

Team R2R

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