[坦克3音色库]IK Multimedia SampleTank 3 Sound Content HYBRID 8 DVD + Sound Updater v3.5 [WiN, MacOSX](17.54Gb)


[坦克3采样器]IK Multimedia SampleTank 3 v3.7.3 [WiN, MacOSX](977Mb)

[坦克4采样器]IK Multimedia SampleTank 4 v4.2.1 v4.1.1 [WiN, MacOSX](1.35Gb)

SampleTank – 创造历史
的行业标准声音工作站 2001 年,IK Multimedia 凭借 SampleTank 创造了历史,这是有史以来第一个基于样本的计算机声音工作站。2003 年,SampleTank 2 发布,由于其高品质的声音、易于使用的界面和强大的包含效果,它已成为行业标准,具有无与伦比的软件寿命。考虑到它的多功能性和强大功能,难怪 SampleTank 在过去十年中出现在数千部最具标志性的作品和作品中。

2001 年,IK Multimedia 凭借 SampleTank 创造了历史,这是有史以来第一个基于采样的计算机声音工作站。2003 年,SampleTank 2 发布,由于其高品质的声音、易于使用的界面和强大的包含效果,它已成为行业标准,具有无与伦比的软件寿命。考虑到它的多功能性和强大功能,难怪 SampleTank 在过去十年中出现在数千部最具标志性的作品和作品中。

现在,经过十多年的酝酿,SampleTank 3 建立在这一传奇传统之上。与前代产品一样,它是当今市场上最先进的声音工作站,具有全新的声音世界、先进的播放和编辑功能以及一整套录音室品质的效果。SampleTank 3 建立在使其成为有史以来最受欢迎的虚拟乐器之一的功能之上,使其成为未来几年任何严肃音乐家、录音室制作人或现场表演者的音乐工具包中必不可少的作品。


SampleTank 3 之所以如此强大,是因为它非常庞大的声音库。SampleTank 3 现在配备了超过 33 GB 的专业录制乐器——即 21 种乐器类别的 4,000 多种乐器——远远超过大多数其他开箱即用的音乐工作站。此外,SampleTank 3 还包括 2,500 多个鼓、打击乐和全凹槽结构套件循环以及 2,000 多个 MIDI 模式,用于其全新的 MIDI 播放器部分。

这些声音远非寻常;SampleTank 3 的库由 IK 经验丰富的录音工程师精心组装和录制,并由世界上一些最好的录音室的专业音乐家演奏高品质乐器。每种乐器都经过精心挑选和录制,以产生现场演奏的丰富深度和生动逼真感。有了 SampleTank 3,你会发誓有一位音乐家和你一起在房间里——但更重要的是,SampleTank 3 强大的编辑和效果功能让你控制这些声音的各个方面,从而获得无与伦比的创意声音体验。

尽管 SampleTank 3 具有大量高质量的内容——种类远远超过同类工作站——但它真正的强项是其声音质量,可以准确地复制您最喜欢的乐器的所有品质。它的钢琴、鼓、贝斯、吉他、合成器、铜管、弦乐、人声和其他更具异国情调的声音在任何混音中都闪耀着光芒,几乎不需要调整。所有这些都可以在一个易于使用的工作站中获得,该工作站具有工作流程,可让您直接做自己最擅长的事情:制作美妙的音乐。

SampleTank 3 是“意大利制造”,这应该让您了解该计划核心的专业工艺和风格。这是 IK 的音响大师经过无数小时充满激情的录音室工作后,逐一手工制作的大量样本——它不仅仅是声音的集合,它还是一个多合一的解决方案和工具箱,甚至可以满足最苛刻的音乐制作人的需求。

无论您喜欢哪种风格的音乐:爵士、摇滚、流行、放克、EDM、嘻哈、Dubstep、House——SampleTank 3 都可以做到。



长期以来,SampleTank一直被认为是重采样方面无可争议的王者。它的 3 个引擎超越了传统的重采样(您可以在任何采样器中找到)。它为循环和凹槽提供先进的音高转换/时间拉伸。其独特的共振峰保留 STRETCH™ 引擎在处理人声、木管乐器、铜管乐器和其他有机声音时提供了无与伦比的真实感。当这些功能一起使用时,几乎可以无限地进行各种创意样本效果组合。

经过彻底的改造和重制,SampleTank 3 的新软件引擎得到了极大的增强,同时保持了其传统的快速样品加载时间和较低的 CPU 使用率。

通过 SampleTank 3 的全新“循环”采样切换体验增强的可玩性——它通过循环播放同一乐器的不同采样,为您的演奏带来有机的“现场”感觉。再加上 SampleTank 3 新的多重发音(可通过按键开关、调制轮或速度触发),这为吉他、木管乐器、打击乐器、铜管乐器等极具表现力的乐器提供了最大的真实感。如果使用得当,这些新功能可以使 SampleTank 3 的声音与真实的声音无法区分。

SampleTank 3 现在还包括 10 种新类型的滤波器效果,其中许多是对一些最具历史意义的模拟梯形和移相器滤波器的精确仿真。

SampleTank 3 还通过将所有控制集中在一个易于使用的界面中来增强您的编辑工作流程。无论您的创意音频需求是什么,SampleTank 3 都能提供令人惊叹的精度、准确性和易用性。

如果你不是特别有技术头脑(或高级制作人),没问题!现在,SampleTank 3 为每种声音提供 8 个宏控制旋钮。IK Multimedia的声音设计师已经预先编程了复杂的参数链,因此您可以将所需的所有控件安排得如此快速,轻松地创建所需的声音。


  • 听 起来
  • 包含超过 33 GB 的声音
  • 超过 4,000 种新乐器,涵盖 21 种乐器类别,涵盖整个原声、电声和电子声音领域
  • 超过 2,500 个由世界知名艺术家演奏的鼓、打击乐和完整的建筑套件循环
  • 超过 2,000 个 MIDI 文件,涵盖所有类别

SampleTank – the industry standard sound workstation that’s made history
In 2001, IK Multimedia made history with SampleTank, the first ever sample-based sound workstation for computer. That release was followed in 2003 by SampleTank 2, which has since become an industry standard with an unparalleled software longevity due to its high-quality sounds, easy-to-use interface and powerful included effects. Considering its versatility and power, it’s no wonder that SampleTank has been featured on thousands of the most iconic productions and compositions of the last decade.

In 2001, IK Multimedia made history with SampleTank, the first ever sample-based sound workstation for computer. That release was followed in 2003 by SampleTank 2, which has since become an industry standard with an unparalleled software longevity due to its high-quality sounds, easy-to-use interface and powerful included effects. Considering its versatility and power, it’s no wonder that SampleTank has been featured on thousands of the most iconic productions and compositions of the last decade.

Now, over ten years in the making, SampleTank 3 builds on this storied heritage. Like its predecessors, it’s the most advanced sound workstation available on the market today with a whole new world of sounds, advanced playing and editing features and a full suite of studio-quality effects. SampleTank 3 builds on the features that have made it one of the most popular virtual instruments of all time making it an essential piece in the musical toolkit of any serious musician, studio producer or live performer for years to come.

A sound for every song, literally

What makes SampleTank 3 so powerful is its extraordinarily large sound library. SampleTank 3 now comes with over 33 gigabytes of professionally recorded instruments – that’s over 4,000 instruments in 21 instrument categories – far more than most other music workstations out-of-the-box. Plus, SampleTank 3 includes over 2,500 drum, percussion and full groove construction kit loops and over 2,000 MIDI patterns for its brand new MIDI player section.

These sounds are far from ordinary; SampleTank 3’s library has been carefully assembled and recorded by IK’s experienced recording engineers with high-quality instruments played by professional musicians in some of the world’s finest studios. Each instrument has been chosen and recorded to produce the rich depth and vivid realism of live playing. With SampleTank 3, you’ll swear a musician is in the room with you – more importantly, though, is that SampleTank 3’s powerful editing and effects features let you control every aspect of these sounds allowing for an unparalleled creative sonic experience.

Though SampleTank 3 features a massive quantity of quality content – with a variety that far surpasses similar workstations – its real forte is the quality of its sounds which accurately replicate all the qualities of your favorite instruments. Its pianos, drums, basses, guitars, synthesizers, brass, strings, vocals and other more exotic sounds shine brightly in any mix with little adjustment. And all this is available in an easy-to-use workstation that has a workflow that lets you get right into doing what you do best: making great sounding music.

That SampleTank 3 is “Made in Italy” ought to give you an idea of the dedicated craftsmanship and style at the heart of the program. It’s an extensive selection of samples that have been hand-crafted, one-by-one, after countless hours of passionate studio work by IK’s master sound engineers – it’s more than just a collection of sounds, it’s an all-in-one solution and toolbox that can satisfy the needs of even the most demanding of music producers.

It doesn’t matter what style of music you’re into: Jazz, Rock, Pop, Funk, EDM, Hip-Hop, Dubstep, House—SampleTank 3 can do it all.

SampleTank’s secret weapon:

the engine

SampleTank has long been considered the undisputed king when it comes to resampling. Its 3 engines go beyond traditional resampling (which you can find in any sampler). It offers advanced pitch-shifting/time-stretching for loops and grooves. And its unique formant preserving STRETCH™ engine provides an unparalleled level of realism when dealing with vocals, woodwinds, brass, and other organic sounds. When used together these features allow for a virtually unlimited assortment of creative sample effect combinations.

Completely retooled and remade, SampleTank 3’s new software engine has been greatly enhanced while maintaining its traditional quick sample load times and light CPU usage.

Experience enhanced playability with SampleTank 3’s new “round robin” sample switching – it’s there to lend an organic “live” feeling to your playing by cycling through different samples of the same instrument. Coupled with SampleTank 3’s new multiple articulations – triggerable via key switch, modulation wheel or velocity – this provides maximum realism on highly expressive instruments like guitars, woodwinds, percussion, brass, and more. When used correctly these new features can make SampleTank 3’s sound indistinguishable from the real thing.

SampleTank 3 now also includes 10 new types of filter effects, many of which are spot-on emulations of some of the most historically significant analog ladder and phaser filters.

SampleTank 3 also enhances your editing workflow by centralizing all control in one easy to use interface. Whatever your creative audio needs may be, SampleTank 3 delivers with stunning precision, accuracy and ease.

And if you are not particularly technologically minded (or an advanced producer), no problem! Now SampleTank 3 offers 8 macro control knobs for every sound. IK Multimedia’s sound designers have already pre-programmed complex parameters chains so you have all the controls you need arranged in a way that lets you quickly and effortlessly create the sounds you need.


  • Sounds
  • Over 33 GB of included sounds
  • Over 4,000 new instruments with 21 instrument categories covering the entire span of acoustic, electric and electronic sounds
  • Over 2,500 drum, percussion and full construction-kit loops played by world-renowned artists
  • Over 2,000 MIDI files in all categories
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