[可视化图形音乐编辑工具]Cycling 74 Max v8.6.2 incl. RNBO [MacOSX](787Mb)

Cycling 74 Max v8.6.2 [MacOSX]| 787 MB


Max 是一种可视化编程语言,可满足从事音频、视觉媒体和物理计算的艺术家、教育工作者和研究人员的特殊需求。

借助 MC,物体和接线包含多个音频通道。MC 将改变您对声音设计、效果处理和混音的想象。这可能是 Max 曾经服用过的最接近令人精神振奋的药物。

对于 Max 8,我们分析了现实世界中混乱的补丁,以发现我们可以优化的地方。启动应用程序时,您会注意到差异。

使用硬件控制您的补丁 – 无需修补

我们很高兴地宣布 Max 8.1 的发布。此更新带来了对 Mac OS 10.15 Catalina 的初始支持和 Mac 上的“暗模式”窗口工具栏。我们还决定将 jit.mo 作为“工厂”包包含在发行版中(它也有一些改进)。此外,检查器已得到改进,具有“每个对象”视图(以及其他功能)。请务必查看下面的更改日志,以了解此版本中改进的完整详细信息。

► RNBO 简介

RNBO 是一个新的修补环境,用于导出具有 Max 声音的软件。

使用同一个补丁创建 Web 体验、硬件音乐设备、音频插件和新的 Max 对象。如果这还不够,RNBO 会生成您可以随意使用的源代码。

这是在 RNBO 中制作的
以下示例是在 RNBO 中修补并导出到 Web Audio 的。RNBO Web Export 还可以轻松访问您的修补程序的交互元素,并与您的 HTML/javascript 代码无缝集成以添加丰富的声音体验。

单个 RNBO 补丁可以导出在多个定义的目标上下文中运行的编译代码,以及可以集成到任何 C++ 或 Web Audio 项目中的源代码。

  • 使用 Raspberry Pi 导出功能构建吉他踏板、Eurorack 模块等
  • 在任何 DAW 中以 VST3 或 AudioUnit 插件的形式运行你的补丁
  • 编译你自己的独立、可共享的 Max 对象
  • 提高 Max for Live 设备的性能和加载时间
  • 使用 Web Export 将 RNBO 声音引擎嵌入到网站中

修补 RNBO 时听到的声音是生成和编译的代码,它会随着您的更改而更新。此运行代码与您导出的代码相同,因此无论您选择哪个目标,您的工作听起来都一样。

尽管 RNBO 是基于新技术构建的,但它提供了一个可立即识别的修补环境,其中包含许多来自 Max 的熟悉对象和实践。如果您以前使用过 Max,那么您将立即上手并开始使用。

灵感源自您喜爱的 Max 作品

  • 完整的 Gen 集成,增加了事件支持和交互式 UI 对象
  • 每个 RNBO 对象都有自己的帮助文件,就像在 Max 中一样
  • 事件和信号可以在修补程序中混合,就像在 Max 中一样
  • 使用 param、inport 和 outport 对象来定义 RNBO 导出的控件
  • 直接在 RNBO 中混合修补和基于文本的编程
  • 使用复音属性轻松使您的补丁、子补丁和抽象成为复音
  • 支持的操作系统:
  • macOS 11.0 或更高版本
  • Apple Silicon 或 Intel Core 处理器

Max is a visual programming language for the specialized needs of artists, educators, and researchers working with audio, visual media, and physical computing.

Discover a new landscape of sonic possibilities
With MC, objects and patch cords contain multiple audio channels. MC will transform how you imagine sound design, effects processing, and mixing. It might be the closest thing to a mind-expanding drug Max has ever had.

Experience noticeably faster performance
For Max 8, we profiled real-world, messy patches to discover what we could optimize. You’ll notice the difference the moment you launch the application.

Control your patch with hardware – no patching required

We are pleased to announce the release of Max 8.1. This update brings initial Mac OS 10.15 Catalina support and “darkmode” window toolbars on Mac. We’ve also decided to include jit.mo in the distribution as a “factory” package (it has a few improvements as well). Additionally, the Inspector has been improved to have a “per-object” view (among other things). Be sure to take a look at the change log below for the complete details of improvements in this release.

► Introducing RNBO

RNBO is a new patching environment built to export software with the sound of Max.

Create web experiences, hardware music devices, audio plugins, and new Max objects all from the same patch. And when that’s not enough, RNBO generates source code that you can use however you want.

This Was Made in RNBO
The example below was patched in RNBO and exported to Web Audio. RNBO Web Export also provides easy access to your patcher’s interactive elements and seamlessly integrates with your HTML/javascript code to add rich sonic experiences.

One Patch, Many Targets
A single RNBO patch can export compiled code that runs in several defined target contexts, and source code you can integrate into any C++ or Web Audio project.

  • Build guitar pedals, Eurorack modules and much more with Raspberry Pi export
  • Run your patch in any DAW as a VST3 or AudioUnit Plugin
  • Compile your own self-contained, shareable Max object
  • Increase performance and loading times of your Max for Live devices
  • Embed your RNBO sound engine into a website using Web Export

Hear the Code While You Patch
The sound you hear while patching in RNBO is generated and compiled code that updates as you make changes. This running code is identical to the code you export, so your work will sound the same no matter which target you choose.

You’ll Feel Right at Home
Although built on new technology, RNBO offers an instantly recognizable patching environment with many familiar objects and practices from Max. If you’ve used Max before, you’ll be up and running in no time.

Inspired by What You Love in Max

  • Full Gen integration, with the addition of event support and interactive UI objects
  • Every RNBO object has its own help file, just like in Max
  • Events and signals can be mixed in the patcher, just like in Max
  • Use param, inport, and outport objects to define the controls for your RNBO export
  • Mix patching and text-based programming directly in RNBO
  • Easily make your patches, subpatches, and abstractions polyphonic with the polyphony attribute
  • Supported Operation System:
  • macOS 11.0 or later
  • Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor

Team HCiSO

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