[人工智能合成器插件]Sonic Charge Synplant 2 v2.0.1 [WiN, MacOSX](81.32Mb)

Sonic Charge Synplant 2 macOS U2B – pknr 46MB
Sonic Charge Synplant 2 v2.0.1-ZOM | 35.32 MB

Synplant 对声音设计进行了基因改造,超越了传统的旋钮和拨盘调节,强调探索和发现。在这里,你的耳朵将引导你穿越有机纹理和音色演变的森林。
Genopatch 技术:
Genopatch 根据录音制作合成器补丁,利用人工智能根据源样本找到最佳合成器设置。当用户界面中的股线萌芽生长时,它们会生成与所选音频越来越匹配的补丁。
有时,你会得到一个完美的匹配;有时,你会得到一些意想不到的新东西。这种精确性和不可预测性之间的平衡使 Genopatch 成为探索声音的独特工具。
Genopatch 完全在本地电脑上运行,无需连接互联网。

无论你是从随机种子、现有补丁,还是从 Genopatch 中的创作开始,Synplant 都能提供多种不同的方法来雕琢你的声音。当你准备好进一步深入探讨补丁的核心时,你可以打开声音种子,修改其底层遗传密码。
Synplant 2 中全新直观的 DNA 编辑器为包络线、振荡器类型和滤波器等设置提供了图形化的结构布局。

Synplant 可让你使用不同的 MIDI 音符和速度演奏不同的音色,从而轻松创建有机、多面的合成音色。它还提供层模式,用于创建丰富的多维音效。此外,它还提供多声道和单声道播放模式,并带有渐强、节奏同步等功能,进一步丰富了合成器的深度和多样性,让你玩得不亦乐乎。
在 Synplant 中制作自己的声音易如反掌,而且它还捆绑了数百种精心设计的补丁,购买时还可下载更多补丁。
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Synplant takes a genetic twist on sound design by moving beyond traditional knob-twisting and dial-adjusting, emphasizing exploration and discovery. Here, your ears guide you through a forest of organic textures and evolving timbres.

Genopatch Technology:
Genopatch crafts synth patches from audio recordings, using AI to find optimal synth settings based on your source sample. As the strands in the user interface sprout and grow, they generate patches that increasingly match the chosen audio.
Sometimes, you will get a perfect match; other times, something new and unexpected. This balance of precision and unpredictability makes Genopatch a unique tool for sound exploration.
Genopatch runs entirely on your local computer, requiring no internet connection.

Digging into the Genome:
Whether you begin from a random seed, an existing patch, or a creation from Genopatch, Synplant offers many different ways to sculpt your sound. When you are ready to delve further into the core of your patch, you can crack open your sound seeds and modify their underlying genetic code.
The new intuitive DNA Editor in Synplant 2 offers a structured layout with graphical representations for settings like envelopes, oscillator types, and filters.

Performance Features:
Synplant makes it easy to create organic, multi-faceted synth patches by letting you play variations of a sound using different MIDI notes and velocities. It also offers a layer mode for creating rich, multi-dimensional sounds. There are polyphonic and monophonic play modes with portamento, tempo sync and more, further contributing to deep and versatile synth patches that are a joy to play.
Making your own sounds in Synplant is easy as a breeze, but it also comes bundled with hundreds of well-designed patches, and more are available to download when you purchase.
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下载价格2 金币
1.新疆和台湾是百度网盘限制区,可以使用手机网络,不要连接WIFI,然后转存到网盘下载! 2.海外打不开百度网盘链接,可以使用梯子,连接大陆网络即可!


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