[贝斯音源插件]Plugin Alliance WEDGE FORCE Keemun v1.1.2 [WiN](2.66Gb)

Plugin Alliance WEDGE FORCE Keemun v1.1.2 Incl Patched and Keygen-R2R| 07 Jun 2024 | 2.66GB

从键盘上创建逼真的 DI 低音线,从拾音和静音到拍打和爆裂

就像在键盘内拥有专业贝斯手一样,WEDGE FORCE Keemun 是一种创新的乐器,可再现专业录制的贝斯 DI 的声音,让键盘手可以自己制作逼真而富有表现力的贝斯线。

干净、高品质的低音 DI 音色,为您最喜欢的效果
做好准备 因为历史上许多最具传奇色彩的低音线都是在良好的 DI 输入下录制的,所以 Keemun 开箱即用,只需轻轻一点 EQ 和其他处理,就能提供令人印象深刻的巨大效果。但是,当 Keemun 使用您自己喜欢的贝斯装备和效果器(无论是物理还是虚拟)进行 REAMPED 时,它就会处于最佳状态,以获得更独特和鼓舞人心的音色。

更好 普通的采样低音听起来从来都不太逼真,因为真实低音的谐波共振对于每个音符的快速组合都是不同的。这就是WEDGE FORCE构建其专有的“合成力引擎II”的原因。它将世界上最具标志性的定制贝司和录音链的录音室采样波形与实时合成声音相结合。

与其他贝斯合成器和采样器不同,Keemun 使用精心设计的算法实时合成每个音符,以在低音泛音的音高弯曲、滑动、静音、拍打、弹拨、拾取、拉动和捏合时保留原始波形的音色。

上手方便 Keemon 的声音引擎已经针对最后一个 CPU 周期的性能进行了优化,以释放资源用于效果和合成器可能与之一起运行。使用 64 位双精度进行内部计算,WEDGE FORCE 软件仪器的延迟接近于零 – 不到 1 毫秒 – 因此它的感觉和响应就像真正的仪器一样。


从您的键盘创建真实的低音 DI 音轨,准备使用您最喜欢的工具进行进一步处理。
接近零延迟的响应能力和低 CPU 负载,适合实时表演。
可变琴弦阻尼:将琴弦从完全打开到重度静音。静音或介于两者之间的任何位置,使用 MIDI 键盘的延音踏板。
MIDI CC:使用 MIDI 键盘的旋钮来控制 Keemon 的参数。

Create realistic-sounding D.I. bass lines from your keyboard, from picking and muting to slapping and popping

Like having a professional bass player inside your keyboard
WEDGE FORCE Keemun is an innovative musical instrument that recreates the sound of a professionally-recorded bass DI, allowing keyboard players to craft realistic and expressive bass lines all on their own.

Clean, high quality Bass DI tones ready for your favorite effects
Because so many of the most legendary bass lines in history have been recorded with nothing but a good DI input, Keemun gives impressively massive results right out of the box, with just a touch of EQ and other processing. But Keemun is at its best when it is REAMPED with your own favorite bass rigs and effects – whether physical or virtual – for even more unique and inspiring tones.

Better than sampled bass
Ordinary sampled basses have never quite sounded realistic because the harmonic resonances of a real bass are different for each quick combination of notes. This is why WEDGE FORCE built their proprietary “Synthetic Force Engine II”. It combines studio sampled waveforms of the world’s most iconic custom-made basses and recording chains with real-time synthesized sounds.

Capture a bass player’s full range of expression
Unlike other bass synths and samplers, Keemun synthesizes each note in real time, using algorithms that are carefully designed to preserve the original waveform’s timbre during pitch bending, sliding, muting, slapping, plucking, picking, pulling and pinching of bass harmonics.

Fast enough for live performance, easy on the CPU
Keemun’s sound engine has been optimized for performance up to the last CPU cycle to free up resources for the effects and synths may be running alongside it. Using 64bit double precision for internal calculations, the latency of WEDGE FORCE software instruments is close to zero – less than 1 millisecond – so it feels and responds just like a real instrument should.


Create authentic sounding Bass D.I. tracks from your keyboard, ready for further processing with your favorite tools.
Near zero latency responsiveness and low CPU load, suitable for live performance.
Emulate finger-plucked bass sounds, including slapping and popping, fingernail picking and more.
Recreate picked bass sounds with the option to change your picking position and picking pattern for authentic variations in tone.
Variable String Damping: Mute the strings as much as you like from fully open to heavily. muted or anywhere in between, using the sustain pedal of your MIDI keyboard.
Neck Play Position: Identical notes are available on multiple different frets on the bass neck and they all sound different: Use this function to choose your neck position across all four strings of the bass.
Real-Time Note Detune: A randomized detune option gives your tone more realism.
Release time and Velocity controls gives you control over the attack and fading of your notes.
MIDI CC: Use the knobs of your MIDI keyboard to control Keemun’s parameters.

Team R2R

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