[音频合成器虚拟乐器]Klevgrand Tomofon v1.2.0 Rev [WiN](895Mb)

Klevgrand Tomofon v1.2.0-TCD| 895 MB

Tomofon – 真正的音频合成器
我们很高兴地推出 Tomofon,一款全新的富有表现力的音频合成器。该虚拟乐器引入了一种新的“音频模型”格式,能够包含从普通音频文件中提取的数千个波。这些波 – 以及它们的结构 – 为Tomofon如何生成音频奠定了基础,从而产生了一种高度灵活且具有即时表现力的乐器。一方面听起来很有机,另一方面,就像这个世界之外的东西。无论您是想使用音频模型入门包(乐器和声音)和出厂预设,还是导入自己的音频来塑造自己独特的音景,都可以公平地说,您正处于一个创造性的旅程中。

Tomofon 将音频文件转换为一大组振荡波,然后将它们映射到每个波代表一层的音高区域(有点类似于采样器构建不同速度区域的方式)。主要区别在于,由于每个区域都填充了波而不是普通样本,因此合成器引擎可以在它们之间变形(层和区域)。这使得区域和图层之间的所有过渡都是连续和无缝的。这种包含这些有组织的波表的结构就是我们所说的音频模型,并赋予Tomofon其动态特性和独特的声音。


Tomofon 预装了 124 个音频模型包,这些音频模型基于多种表达的高质量录音。这些型号包括多种乐器,如弦乐、人声、铜管乐器、木管乐器、吉他等。除了这些型号外,还有 180 多种预设可让您立即开始。从那里开始,您可以进一步冒险,开始根据自己的音频文件创建音频模型,并尝试它们可以成长为的声音类型。


– 多种出厂型号和预设选择
– 集成的音频样本导入器和音频模型编辑器
– 音高和(图层)深度包络,可由用户
编辑– 包络时间可以通过 MIDI 速度单独控制
– 多个 LFO(包括随机采样和保持)
– 调制矩阵(2 x MIDI CC、速度和键盘图)
– 单声道播放,音高和速度
分别滑行时间– 开始音符的复调连奏播放将包络与当前播放的音段同步
– 多达 4 个加倍声音,具有单独的音高、声像和电平
– 具有调制可能性
的滤波器– 后期混响、延迟和均衡器

Tomofon Real Audio Synth 插件到 v1.2
Klevgrand 宣布发布其最先进、最强大的乐器的重大更新,旨在扩展用户体验和音乐,并进一步展开新的声音创作。

Tomofon Real Audio Synth 是一款用途广泛的乐器,在最近的更新中,它得到了更多创造性和有价值的功能。版本 1.2 引入了 MPE 支持(MIDI 复音表达),随着 Ableton Push 3 的发布,这一功能在过去几周获得了更多关注。得益于新的Tomofon MPE模式,用户可以以复音方式使用弯音和控制器,从而释放出更大的表现力。

另一个新增功能是能够为每个补丁分配一个“正文”。此功能通过模拟各种共振空间的自然特性来增强声学模型的真实感。用户可以从多种机身中进行选择,从大盒子到金属材料。为了响应用户反馈,Klevgrand 还扩展了 Tomofon 的过滤功能。除了现有的低通滤波器外,用户现在还可以切换到具有两种不同斜率选项(12 dB/oct 或 24 dB/oct)的高通和带通滤波器。

在导入文件时,Tomofon v1.2 现在还支持导入 .tun 文件,允许用户在他们的作品中使用自定义调音。此功能迎合了探索替代音阶和调音系统的音乐家。

此外,Klevgrand 还进行了一些方便的更新,以改善 Tomofon 的用户体验。在其他改进中,音频模型编辑器现在具有缩放和滚动功能,可以更轻松地处理包含大量波浪的音频模型。曲线工具也进行了视觉改造,在背景中具有音频模型的图形表示,使用户能够更直观地编辑和塑造声音。

Tomofon – Real Audio Synth
We are pleased to introduce Tomofon, a completely new expressive audio synth. This virtual instrument introduces a new “Audio Model” format capable of containing thousands of waves extracted from ordinary audio files. These waves – and how they’re structured – lays the ground for how Tomofon generates audio, resulting in a highly flexible and instantly expressive instrument. that on one hand sounds very organic and on the other, like something out of this world. Whether you want to play around with the Audio Model Starter Pack (instruments & voices) and factory presets, or import your own audio to shape your own unique soundscapes – it is fair to say that you are in for a creative journey.

How does it work
Tomofon converts audio files into a large set of oscillating waves, which then are mapped into pitch zones where each wave represents one layer (a bit similar to how a sampler structures different velocity zones). The main difference is that since each zone is populated with waves instead of ordinary samples, the synth engine can morph between them (both layers and zones). This makes all transitions between zones and layers continuous and seamless. This structure containing these organized wavetables is what we call an Audio Model, and give Tomofon its dynamic properties and characteristic sound.

Create and share your own unique sounds
A significant feature of this plug-in is that users can import their own audio files and create new and unique Audio Models. Ordinary audio files (preferably with monophonic content) can easily be imported and distributed into different pitch zones over the keyboard range, either automatically or manually. Doing an automatic import is basically a one-click process which instantly results in a proper playable Audio Model. A manual import gives the user full control of which waves should end up in which pitch zone. Last but not least you can easily share your own created Audio Models with others.

Tomofon comes pre-loaded with a pack of 124 Audio Models based on high quality audio recordings of multiple expressions. These models includes several instrument like strings, vocals, brass, woodwind, guitars and more. Along with these models there are over 180 presets to get you going right away. From there on you can venture further and start creating Audio Models based on your own audio files and experiment on the types of sounds they can grow to be.


– Wide selection of factory models and presets
– Integrated audio sample importer and Audio Model editor
– Pitch and (layer) depth envelopes that can be edited by the user
– Envelope times can separately be controlled via MIDI velocity
– Several LFO’s (including Sample and Hold with randomness)
– Modulation matrix (2 x MIDI CC, Velocity and Keymap)
– Monophonic playback with separate glide times for pitch and velocity
– Polyphonic legato playback where started notes syncs envelopes with currently playing ones
– Up to 4 doubling voices with separate pitch, pan and level
– Filter with modulation possibilities
– Post Reverb, Delay and EQ

Tomofon Real Audio Synth plugin to v1.2
Klevgrand has announced the release of a major update to its most advanced and powerful instrument, designed to expand the user experience and music and unfold new sound creations even further.

Tomofon Real Audio Synth is a highly versatile instrument, and with this recent update it has been enriched with even more creative and valuable capabilities. Version 1.2 introduces MPE support (MIDI Polyphonic Expression), a feature that has gained even more attention in the past weeks with the release of Ableton Push 3. Thanks to the new Tomofon MPE mode, users can utilize pitch bend and controllers in a polyphonic manner, unlocking greater expressive possibilities.

Another new added feature is the ability to assign a “Body” to each patch. This feature enhances the realism of acoustic models by simulating the natural characteristics of various resonant spaces. Users can choose from a diverse selection of bodies, ranging from large boxes to metallic materials. In response to user feedback, Klevgrand has also expanded the filter capabilities of Tomofon. In addition to the existing low-pass filter, users can now switch to high-pass and band-pass filters with two different slope options (12 dB/oct or 24 dB/oct).

When it comes to importing files, Tomofon v1.2 now also supports the import of .tun files, allowing users to utilize custom tunings in their compositions. This feature caters to musicians exploring alternative musical scales and tuning systems.

Furthermore, Klevgrand has also made several convenient updates to improve the user experience of Tomofon. Among other improvements, the audio model editor now featuring a zoom and scroll function, making it easier to work with audio models containing numerous waves. The curve tool has also received a visual makeover, with a graphical representation of the audio model in the background, enabling users to edit and shape sounds more intuitively.


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