[魔法创意效果器插件包]GS DSP Magic Plugins Bundle v2023.7 [WiN](16.8Mb)

GS DSP Magic Bundle v2023.7 Incl Keygen-R2R| 2023.12.26 | 16.8 MB

包括:MagicBlur | Magic Pitch | MagicDelay | MMM | MagicFusion


MagicBlur – 终极光谱模糊和冻结效果
MagicBlur 是一种带有内置调制系统的多曲线光谱模糊和冻结效果。将您的样本变成合成器,以创建郁郁葱葱的大气声音、无尽的泛音滑音世界、疯狂的反转和类似故障的声音——应有尽有!轻松快速地应用每个频率或频率范围的单独模糊时间。混合它们,调制它们,传播它们,狂野地运行,并创造原始的频谱转换,从微妙的混响冲洗声音到精神错乱边缘的极端效果。

MagicPitch – 实时音高和频率变换
MagicPitch 是一款具有内置调制系统的多曲线频谱音高和移频器。去调谐波,增肥你的鼓,创造超凡脱俗的人声——一切都在那里!轻松快速地应用每个频率或频率范围的单独音高和频移。混合它们,调制它们,传播它们,狂野地运行,并创建原始的频率转换,从微妙的失谐到精神错乱边缘的极端效果。

一次吗?我们需要数以千计的延迟,所有这些都以高保真度协同工作。这就是为什么我们为您带来 MagicDelay,这是一种带有内置调制系统的多曲线频谱延迟。轻松快速地为每个频率或频率范围创建单独的延迟时间。混合它们,调制它们,传播它们,狂野地运行,并创造原始的美丽延迟,以丰富您的声音。

MMM – 魔术 MIDI 调制
添加一点“Mmmph”了吗 看看 MMM – Magic MIDI 调制器太好了,你会整天都在说 mmMMMmm!

听着,音乐魔术师们——如果你想成为你的MIDI世界的统治者,那就看看MMM吧!这个强大的工具可以控制任何接受 MIDI CC 的东西——你希望有调制的软合成器、插件和硬件,甚至是你一直用作临时 MIDI 控制器的老式熔岩灯。凭借其众多的旋钮、滑块和 xy 垫,您很快就会感觉自己像一个未来派的太空 DJ。

但这还不是全部!借助MMM的创新调制系统,您可以为合成器或效果器添加调制,并创建让莫扎特在坟墓中翻身的声音。自定义 LFO、调整波形,甚至根据源信号的幅度或音高进行调制。有了MMM,调制的可能性是无穷无尽的!

那么你还在等什么 拿到MMM并开始创作音乐,让所有其他制作人羡慕不已。谁知道呢,也许你的熔岩灯最终会有一个目的,而不仅仅是一个时髦的装饰。

MagicFusion – 世界上第一台频谱声码器!





我们很自豪地向您展示真正的注册机 KEYZY 许可服务.


AAX 在合法的 ProTools 中工作,尽情享受吧!


Incl. MagicBlur | Magic Pitch | MagicDelay | MMM | MagicFusion
Our custom audio algorithms will take you on a journey beyond your wildest sonic dreams! Years of dedicated development have gone into perfecting our spectral audio processes, and we continue to enhance them with each update. With our built-in modulation system, you can modulate everything, to create an audio experience that is dynamic and exciting. Say goodbye to generic effects and hello to unparalleled creativity with our cutting-edge plugins.

MagicBlur – The ultimate Spectral Blur & Freeze Effect
MagicBlur is a multi-curve spectral blur and freeze effect with a built-in modulation system. Turn your samples into a synthesiser to create lush atmospheric sounds, endless worlds of overtone glissandi, crazy reversed and glitch-like sounds – it’s all there! Easily and quickly apply separate blur times per frequency, or ranges of frequencies. Mix them, modulate them, spread them, run wild, and create original spectral transformations from subtle reverberish washed out sounds to extreme effects on the brink of insanity.

MagicPitch – Real-Time Pitch & Frequency Transformation
MagicPitch is a multi-curve spectral pitch and frequency shifter with a built-in modulation system. De-tune harmonics, fatten up your drums, create otherworldly vocals – it’s all there! Easily and quickly apply separate pitch and frequency shifting per frequency, or ranges of frequencies. Mix them, modulate them, spread them, run wild, and create original frequency transformations from subtle de-tunings to extreme effects on the brink of insanity.

Do we need yet another delay
Of course! We need thousands of delays all working in concert and in high fidelity. That’s why we bring you MagicDelay, the multi-curve spectral delay with a built-in modulation system. Easily and quickly create separate delay times per frequency, or ranges of frequencies. Mix them, modulate them, spread them, run wild, and create original beautiful delays to enrich your sounds.

MMM – Magic MIDI Modulation
Are you ready to add a little “Mmmph” to your music production
Look no further than MMM – the Magic Midi Modulator that’s so good, you’ll be saying mmMMMmm all day long!

Listen up, fellow music magicians – if you want to be the ruler of your MIDI universe, look no further than MMM! This powerful tool can control anything that accepts MIDI CC – soft synths, plugins and hardware that you wished had modulation, and even that vintage lava lamp you’ve been using as a makeshift MIDI controller. And with its numerous knobs, sliders, and xy pads, you’ll feel like a futuristic space DJ in no time.

But that’s not all! With MMM’s innovative modulation system, you can add modulation to your synths or effects and create sounds that will make Mozart roll over in his grave. Customize your LFOs, shape your waveforms, and even modulate based on the amplitude or pitch of a source signal. With MMM, the modulation possibilities are endless!

So what are you waiting for Get your hands on MMM and start creating music that will make all the other producers green with envy. And who knows Maybe your lava lamp will finally have a purpose beyond just being a funky decoration.

MagicFusion – The World’s First Spectral Vocoder!
MagicFusion is a multi-curve spectral vocoder workstation with a built-in modulation system.
This is not your average vocoder. Oh no, it defies convention and transcends the analog limitations of its counterparts. No mere band pass filters and signal followers here! This wizardry operates in the frequency domain, harnessing the very essence of sound itself.

Easily and quickly apply the amount of the effect per frequency, or ranges of frequencies. Mix them, modulate them, spread them, run wild, and create original spectral transformations from organic pumping filter sounds to extreme effects on the brink of insanity.

This Vocoder is truly one of a kind, never before has such a creation been witnessed before!

Imagine, if you will, a portal through which two signals intertwine, creating a harmonious fusion that transcends the ordinary. It possesses the power to extract the spectral essence of one sound, the modulator, and apply it to another, the carrier, creating a spellbinding synthesis of both. That’s why you must use two audio inputs: the input aka carrier, and the sidechain aka modulator.

A witch says,

We proudly present you the true keygen for KEYZY licensing service.


AAX works in legit ProTools, enjoy!

Team R2R

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