[小提琴音源]8Dio Adagio Violins 2.0 [KONTAKT](13.99Gb)

8Dio Adagio Violins 2.0 KONTAKT- 13,99 GB

从小提琴开始,这本新近重新制作的卷为您带来了以前仅在我们广受好评的世纪系列中才能找到的编程和工作流程的最新改进。此次更新包括熟悉且易于使用的 Century 界面、重新制作的发音、强大的发音矩阵、集成混音功能,以及用于高级实时处理的混沌效果。

使用新的高级发音浏览器,您可以创建自己的自定义演奏风格矩阵,以满足您的作曲需求。您可以轻松平衡每个发音,并为每种风格分配自己的专用按键开关或 Midi CC。无论您是在构建模板并需要分离长短关节;从数十种演奏风格中构建基于性能的补丁;或者创建一组特定编曲所需的自定义补丁,Adagio 都能让您根据自己的工作流程塑造这种标志性的声音。

告别 Multis。随着 Adagio 的更新,您会发现由 11 种独立风格的抒情连奏组成的各种重新制作的分层连奏发音。


Adagio系列是在美丽的教堂环境中录制的,包含三组主要的小提琴大师:全合奏小提琴(11名演奏者),小型合奏或室内小提琴(3名演奏者)和独奏小提琴家(1名演奏者)。每个部分都经过采样,以捕捉每个弦乐合奏中的原始情感和真实表达。每个发音都经过了广泛的采样,包括总共 11 种单独的连奏技巧,每种技巧最多有三次循环,以及丰富的动态短音,包括多种风格的 Spiccato。每个发音都以动作和特征进行采样;每个样本中的自然表情都带来了真正真实的演奏体验,在您的下一次制作中会立即引起注意。

我们在 Adagio 的更新中加入了 2 种不同的连奏类型,每种类型最多包含 3 个响应层和 3 个循环重复。Legato I 由我们的 Agitato Strings 制成,灵感来自 Williams 和 Mancini 的飙升旋律风格,旨在坐在您的管弦乐队的前面。Legato II 来自我们第一次录制 Adagio,声音更流畅、更不明显,非常适合多用途弦乐创作。

Adagio 经过重新设计,每件标志性和富有表现力的乐器都可以开箱即用,立即获得专业音效。完全可定制的铰接矩阵让您可以直接访问 Adagio 提供的任何铰接。我们还为每个关节提供独立的补丁,因此您可以自定义仪器以最适合您的工作流程。

我们用大量专业放置的麦克风录制了 Adagio Strings,使我们能够最好地捕捉每个合奏。我们创建了 3 个独立的混音,让您在合奏的声音(混音、近距离、远距离)方面具有极大的灵活性。混合麦克风位置提供了近距离和远距离视角的完美组合,以获得完美平衡的声音。


– 延音
– 连奏 I 带 3 层连奏(粗音、正常、快速)
– 连奏 II 带 3 层连奏(粗音、正常、快速)
– 电弧控制
– 弧长
– 颤音– 颤音
小调 2nd (半步)– 颤音大调 2nd (Whole-step)

– Spiccato Feathered
– Spiccato Tapped
– Staccato
– Marcato
– Pizzicato
– Bartok Pizzicato

小提琴合奏 Sordino (Muted):

– 延音静音
– 连奏静音,具有表现力的分层
– 电弧控制静音
– 电弧长静音
– Spiccato 静音

Divisi / 室内小提琴:

– 延音
– 具有表现力分层的 Legato I
– 连奏 II–
– Spiccato 羽毛


– 延音
– 连奏
– Spiccato 羽毛
– 标记
– 拨奏


– 第一
银行– 第二银行

需要完整零售版本的Kontakt 5.8.1或更高版本!

Starting with the Violins, this newly reworked volume brings you the latest improvements in programming and workflow previously found only in our critically acclaimed Century Series. The update includes the familiar and easy to use Century interface, remastered articulations, a powerful articulation matrix, integrated mixing capabilities, and for advanced real-time processing, our Chaos Effects.

With the new advanced Articulation browser, you can create your very own matrix of custom playing styles to suit your compositional needs. You can easily balance each articulation and assign each style its own dedicated Key-switch or Midi CC. Whether you are building a template and need to separate the long and short articulations; building performance-based patches out of the dozens of playing styles; or creating a custom set of patches needed for your specific arrangement, Adagio gives you the power to shape this iconic sound to your workflow.

Say goodbye to Multis. With the update to Adagio, you will find various remastered layered Legato articulations made from 11 independent styles of lyrical Legato.

These Legatos have been completely reworked and redesigned to make expressive string writing completely effortless. The new legatos now adapt to the way you play, a softer velocity will trigger a more passionate set of Legato transitions, whereas playing more intensely triggers Legatos with a stronger transition.

The Adagio series was recorded in a beautiful church environment and contains three main groups of master violinists: Full Ensemble Violins (11 Players), Small Ensemble or Chamber Violins (3 Players) and a Solo Virtuoso Violinist (1 Player). Each section was sampled to capture the raw emotions and true expression within each string ensemble. Every articulation has been extensively sampled, including a total of 11 individual legato techniques, each with up to three times round robin, and a wealth of dynamic short notes including multiple styles of Spiccato. Each articulation is sampled with movement and character; the natural expression in each sample makes for a truly authentic playing experience that will be instantly noticeable in your next production.

We have included 2 distinct Legato types within the update to Adagio, each containing up to 3 responsive layers and 3 round robin repetitions. Legato I is made from our Agitato Strings, inspired by the soaring melodic styles of Williams and Mancini, designed to sit at the front of your orchestrations. Legato II is from our first recording sessions of Adagio and has a much smoother and less pronounced sound, ideal for multipurpose string writing.

Adagio has been redesigned so that each iconic and expressive instrument can be used out-of-the-box for instantly professional-sounding results. The fully customizable articulation matrix gives you direct access to any articulation Adagio has to offer. We also include independent patches for each articulation, so you can customize the instrument to best suit your workflow.

We recorded Adagio Strings with a vast array of expertly placed microphones allowing us to best capture each ensemble. We created 3 independent mixes, giving you ultimate flexibility over the sound of your ensemble (Mixed, Close, Far). The Mixed Microphone position offers a beautiful combination of both the Close and Far perspectives for a perfectly balanced sound.

Ensemble Violins:

– Sustains
– Legato I W/ 3-Layered Legato (Slur, Normal, Fast)
– Legato II W/ 3-Layered Legato (Slur, Normal, Fast)
– Arc Control
– Arc Long
– Tremolo
– Trills Minor 2nd (Half-Step)
– Trills Major 2nd (Whole-Step)
– Spiccato Feathered
– Spiccato Tapped
– Staccato
– Marcato
– Pizzicato
– Bartok Pizzicato

Ensemble Violins Sordino (Muted):

– Sustains Muted
– Legato Muted With Expressive Layering
– Arc Control Muted
– Arc Long Muted
– Spiccato Muted

Divisi / Chamber Violins:

– Sustains
– Legato I With Expressive Layering
– Legato II
– Arc Control
– Spiccato Feathered

Solo Violin:

– Sustains
– Legato
– Spiccato Feathered
– Marcato
– Pizzicato

Bonus Ambiences:

– Bank I
– Bank II


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