[高级母带效果套装]Newfangled Audio Elevate Bundle v1.13.2 [WiN](12Mb)

Newfangled Audio Elevate Bundle v1.13.2-R2R | 2024.06.09 | 11.4 MB



ELEVATE – 有头脑的母带限制器
SATURATE – 频谱削波器和心理声学超载器
PUNCTUATE – 智能瞬态整形器

Mastering with a Brain
Elevate 是有史以来最先进的母带制作插件。这款独特的多频段限幅器、人耳均衡器和强大的音频最大化器将增加混音的响度,同时保持或改善其动态感知。它使用智能、自适应技术,实时响应您的音乐;不仅创造了最响亮的声音,而且创造了最好的声音大师。

Elevate 由 Newfangled Audio 开发,可保持微妙的动态并改善混音的音调平衡。自适应限幅器可分析 26 个频段,并实时更改每个频段的增益、速度和瞬态。结果是透明、自然的声音,无论你如何用力推动它。

Elevate 利用 26 个从人耳建模的关键滤波带。每个频段都是间隔的,以最大限度地控制声音如何撞击您的耳膜。绘制曲线、独奏乐队并操纵每个单独乐队的瞬态起音,以带出特定的乐器,例如底鼓或军鼓。

Adaptive Technology
Elevate 使用人工智能算法让您轻松获得最佳声音,但您仍然可以在引擎盖下进行所需的精确控制。这包括让您控制最终限制级内的音调平衡和瞬态。自适应算法可减少可听音损,附加控件可为您提供最大的灵活性和专业效果。


– 实时分析和改变每个滤波器带的增益、速度和瞬态。
– 包括以下预设:APS Mastering、Matt Lange、Jeremy Lubsey、Eric Beam、ROCAsound、Chris Tabron 和 John McCaig。
– 自动调整每个滤波器频段的起音、释放和前瞻参数,以大大减少“泵送”和呼吸伪影以及感知失真。
– 保留或强调快速瞬变,以避免压扁您的混音。
– 操纵关键频段的瞬态,以保留底鼓、军鼓和钹的起音,而不会影响整个混音。
– 使用线性相位听觉滤波器 – 基于梅尔量表 – 以内耳自然的方式操纵音频。
– 独奏一个频段(或多个频段)的输出,以磨练问题频率、调整瞬态或改变增益。
– 使用自动输出电平功能将有限信号与具有相同增益的非限制信号进行比较,让您轻松听到处理对声音的影响。
– 使用 Spectral Clipper 超速驱动最终输出,而不会影响音调平衡或让信号变得“胖”。非常适合更具侵略性的声音。
– 六种不同类型的计量可让您密切关注输出音频的各个方面。

Mastering with a Brain
Elevate is the most advanced mastering plug-in ever created. This unique multi-band limiter, human-ear EQ and powerful audio maximizer will increase the loudness of your mix while maintaining or improving its dynamic perception. It uses intelligent, adaptive technology that responds in real time to your music; creating not only the loudest, but the best sounding master.

Developed by Newfangled Audio, Elevate maintains subtle dynamics and improves the tonal balance of your mix. The adaptive limiter analyzes 26 frequency bands and alters the gain, speed and transients for each band in real time. The result is a transparent, natural sound, no matter how hard you push it.

Elevate utilizes 26 critical filter bands modeled from the human ear. Each of the bands are spaced to give maximum control over how the sound hits your eardrum. Draw curves, solo bands and manipulate the transient attack for each individual band to bring out particular instruments such as kick or snare drums.

Adaptive Technology
Elevate uses artificial intelligence algorithms to make it easy for you to get the best sounds, but you can still get under the hood for as much precise control as you desire. This includes giving you control over the tonal balance and transients inside the final limiting stage. The adaptive algorithms reduce audible artifacts and the additional controls give you maximum flexibility with professional results.


– Analyzes and alters the gain, speed and transients of each filter band in real time.
– Includes presets by: APS Mastering, Matt Lange, Jeremy Lubsey, Eric Beam, ROCAsound, Chris Tabron and John McCaig.
– Automatically adapts the attack, release and look-ahead parameters for each filter band to greatly reduce “pumping” and breathing artifacts and perceived distortion.
– Preserves or emphasizes fast transients to avoid squashing your mix.
– Manipulates transients across the critical bands to preserve the attacks from kick drums, snares and cymbals, without affecting the entire mix.
– Uses linear phase auditory filters – based on the Mel Scale – to manipulate the audio in a way that is natural to your inner ear.
– Solo the output of one band (or a number of bands) to hone in on problem frequencies, tweak transients or alter gain.
– Use the Auto Output Level feature to compare the limited signal to non-limited signals with the same amount of gain allowing you to easily hear what impact the processing is having on your sound.
– Use the Spectral Clipper to overdrive the final output without affecting the tonal balance or allowing the signal to get “tubby.” Perfect for a more aggressive sound.
– Six different types of metering allow you to keep an eye on every aspect of your output audio.

Team R2R

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