[5套CSS影视音源合集]Cinematic Studio Strings/Solo Strings/Brass/Piano/Woodwinds [KONTAKT](220.74Gb)
Cinematic Studio Solo Strings KONTAKT | 38.6 Gb
在Cinematic Studio Solo Strings中,我们采用了Studio Series的简单性、工作流程和真实的声音,并将其应用于小提琴独奏、中提琴和大提琴,为Kontakt和Kontakt Player创建了一个令人难以置信的逼真的弦乐独奏样本库。Cinematic Studio Solo Strings 的耳语和颤音、情感连奏和滑音以及刺耳的断奏和断奏将为您提供真正让您的音乐栩栩如生所需的工具。CSSS 既是一个完美的“第一把椅子”补充,可以与我们标志性的 Cinematic Studio 弦乐库融合在一起,也是一个广泛的独立库,为您的作品带来优雅、充满活力和优雅的弦乐四重奏部分。
Cinematic Studio Solo Strings 与 Cinematic Studio 系列的其他作品在同一个世界级的配乐舞台上录制。这是该系列其余部分的完美弦乐独奏伴奏。具有集成的高品质混响、多个麦克风位置、精心录制的一致发音集、直观的 GUI 和充满活力、逼真的声音……Cinematic Solo Strings 是管弦乐模板的宝贵补充。
呈现电影工作室弦乐独奏Cinematic Studio Solo Strings 是 Cinematic Studio 系列的最新作品,为您带来小提琴独奏 1 和 2、中提琴和大提琴,为您的音乐创作增添诱人的新维度。我们花了 120 多个小时在世界级的配乐舞台上录制澳大利亚最优秀的弦乐演奏家,使用独特的麦克风组合来捕捉每种乐器的个性和魅力。其结果是一套令人惊叹的可演奏、逼真的独奏弦乐包,无论是单独使用还是作为 Cinematic Studio Strings 的完美补充,都能从人群中脱颖而出。
独奏、四重奏或第一把椅子Cinematic Studio Solo Strings 将杰出四重奏的所有情感深度和精湛技艺带到您的指尖,使其成为暴露抒情独奏或四重奏段落的完美作曲工具。由于我们保持了位置的准确性并记录了同样多样化的发音,CSSS为我们的完整部分库Cinematic Studio Strings提供了一个充满活力的第一把椅子伴奏。这使您可以在独奏弦乐和完整部分的写作之间无缝转换。
直观、易用的 GUIGUI 精简高效,补丁数量最少,易于学习。布局在功能上与Cinematic Studio Strings相同,因此您可以将独奏乐器的音色与它们的部分对应物(例如Solo Violin I with 1st Violins)加倍,并在一个MIDI通道上同时演奏它们。这种第一把椅子的功能用于加强每个部分的声音,该部分的丰富声音由第一把椅子的独奏补丁支持。两个库的这种融合创造了更流畅、更丰富的声音。
无与伦比的现实主义Cinematic Studio Solo Strings 富有表现力、情感和力量,具有流畅逼真的声音,赋予任何旋律难以捉摸的人情味。每个样本都经过耳朵调音,并经过精心编辑和编程,以确保一致性、可玩性和真实感之间的微妙平衡。所有的动态都保持在自然状态,与CSS一样,没有将EQ或混响应用于演示,所以你听到的是纯粹的、开箱即用的声音。
全面的衔接列表Cinematic Studio Solo Strings 提供全面的演奏发音和风格列表。这些包括真正的表演连奏、滑音、断奏、断奏、马卡托斯、短笛、斯福尔赞多重音、拨奏、巴托克拨奏、col legnos、测量和未测量的颤音、大颤音和小颤音以及和声。库的发音列表、动态层和按键开关布局与 Cinematic Studio Strings 相匹配,以提供完美的第一把椅子伴奏。
With Cinematic Studio Solo Strings, we’ve taken the simplicity, workflow and authentic sound of the Studio Series and applied it to solo violins, viola and cello to create an incredibly realistic solo strings sample library, for Kontakt and Kontakt Player. The whispering harmonics and tremolos, emotional legatos and portamentos, and biting staccatos and staccatissimos of Cinematic Studio Solo Strings will give you the tools you need to truly bring your music to life. CSSS is both a perfect “first chair” complement to blend with our hallmark Cinematic Studio Strings library, and an extensive standalone library that brings a classy, vibrant and elegant string quartet section to your productions
Cinematic Studio Solo Strings was recorded in the same world-class scoring stage as the rest of the Cinematic Studio Series. It’s the perfect solo strings accompaniment to the rest of the series. Featuring an integrated high quality reverb, multiple microphone positions, carefully recorded consistent articulation sets, an intuitive GUI and a vibrant, real-life sound… Cinematic Solo Strings is an invaluable addition to your orchestral template.
PRESENTING CINEMATIC STUDIO SOLO STRINGSCinematic Studio Solo Strings is the latest instalment in the Cinematic Studio Series, bringing you solo violins 1 and 2, viola and cello to add a tantalising new dimension to your musical creations. We spent more than 120 hours recording Australia’s finest string players in a world-class scoring stage, using a unique combination of microphones to capture the individual character and charm of each instrument. The result is a stunning package of playable, realistic solo strings that stands out from the crowd either on its own, or as a perfect complement to Cinematic Studio Strings.
VIRTUOSO SOLO, QUARTET OR FIRST CHAIRCinematic Studio Solo Strings brings all the emotional depth and virtuosity of an outstanding quartet to your fingertips, making it the perfect compositional tool for exposed lyrical solo or quartet passages. And because we maintained positional accuracy and recorded the same diverse range of articulations, CSSS provides a vibrant first-chair accompaniment to our full section library Cinematic Studio Strings. This allows you to seamlessly transition between writing for solo strings and full sections.
INTUITIVE, EASY TO USE GUIThe GUI is streamlined and efficient, with a minimal number of patches making it quick and easy to learn. The layout is functionally the same as for Cinematic Studio Strings, so you can double the solo instrument patches with their section counterparts (eg Solo Violin I with 1st Violins), and play them at the same time on one MIDI channel. This first-chair functionality serves to reinforce the sound of each section, with the lush sound of the section bolstered by a 1st-chair solo patch. This blending together of the two libraries creates an even smoother, richer sound.
UNPARALLELED REALISMCinematic Studio Solo Strings are expressive, emotive and powerful, with a smooth realistic sound that gives any melody that elusive human touch. Every sample was tuned by ear, and carefully edited and programmed to ensure that delicate balance between consistency, playability and realism. All of the dynamics have been preserved in their natural state, and as with CSS, no EQ or reverb was applied to the demos, so what you hear is the pure, out-of-the-box sound.
COMPREHENSIVE LIST OF ARTICULATIONSCinematic Studio Solo Strings features a comprehensive list of playing articulations and styles. These include true performance legatos, portamentos, staccatos, staccatissimos, marcatos, spiccatos, sforzando accents, pizzicatos, bartok pizzicatos, col legnos, measured and unmeasured tremolos, major and minor trills and harmonics. The articulation list, dynamic layers and keyswitch layout of the library matches Cinematic Studio Strings in order to provide a perfect first-chair accompaniment.