[鼓机合成器]KORG Gadget 3 Plugins v3.1.1 [MacOSX](5.52Gb)

KORG Gadget 3 Plugins v3.1.1 macOS-R2R| 04 Jun 2024 | 5.52GB


v3.1.0 macOS-HCiSO:直接安装,免激活版本。

v3.1.1 R2R-mac:需要使用KORG Software Pass离线提取激活版本。

KORG Gadget 是一款理想的多合一音乐制作软件和插件套件,具有 40 多个小型合成器/鼓机(“小工具”),可以自由组合以创建由强大而直观的用户界面驱动的音乐。产品范围包括屡获殊荣的 iOS 版本、包含所有功能和插件的 Mac 版本,以及可在 Mac 上与您最喜欢的 DAW 一起使用的插件版本。

  • Gadget Instrument Collection,共有 6,000 多个声音程序
  • 新小工具:Santa Ana(吉他)和 Sydney(采样器)
  • 在您喜爱的 DAW 中提供即时声音的插件

KORG Gadget 3 现在更强大
现在是第三代,KORG Gadget 3 比以往任何时候都更强大,工作流程现在比以往任何时候都更直观、更易于使用,并且有很多新功能和新小工具。添加了两个新小工具:“Santa Ana”,它使任何人都可以轻松创建逼真的节奏吉他,以及“Sydney”,它导入长样本并操纵循环。

超过 40 种小工具乐器
的庞大集合 压倒性的声音。身临其境、直观且功能强大的用户界面。史无前例的创新品质。KORG Gadget 3 是 40 多种小工具的集合,包括紧凑型合成器、鼓机、采样器以及音频和 MIDI 实用程序。它具有复杂的参数,可让您轻松获得他们想要的声音,因此您可以立即创建自己的声音。新的声音浏览器可让您在最快的时间内获得您喜欢的声音。它非常适合舞曲以及摇滚、流行、爵士和其他音乐声音和流派。您一定会在众多小工具中找到您想要的声音。

在您最喜爱的 DAW 中提供即时声音的插件 KORG Gadget 3 也可作为仅限插件的包使用,让您可以在您最喜爱的 DAW 中利用 KORG Gadget 3 的即用型声音。
随着期待已久的 VST3 支持,KORG Gadget 3 插件现在可以在更广泛的音乐制作环境中使用。壮观的插件系列包括标准小工具捆绑包、所有基于广受好评的 KORG Module iOS 应用程序、ELECTRIBE Wave、iM1 和 iWAVESTATION 的小工具,以及所有 IAP 小工具。包括一整套即用型声音/预设*1。各种独特而强大的声音和精心挑选的参数可以与您最喜欢的 DAW*2 一起使用。


  • macOS 11.7.9 或更高版本
  • Apple Silicon 或 Intel Core 处理器

KORG Gadget is the ideal all-in-one music production software and plug-in suite featuring over 40 small synthesizers/drum machines (“gadgets”), which can be freely combined to create music driven by a powerful yet intuitive user interface. The range of products includes the award-winning iOS version, a Mac version that includes all functions and plug-ins, and a plug-in version that can be used with your favorite DAW on Mac.

  • Gadget Instrument Collection with a total over 6,000 sound programs
  • New gadgets: Santa Ana (Guitar) and Sydney (Sampler)
  • Plug-ins for instant sound in your favorite DAW

KORG Gadget 3 is now even more powerful
Now in its third generation, KORG Gadget 3 is more powerful than ever, the workflow is now more intuitive and easier to use than ever before and there are plenty of new features and new gadgets. Two new gadgets have been added: “Santa Ana,” which makes it easy for anyone to create realistic rhythm guitar, and “Sydney,” which imports long samples and manipulates loops.

A huge collection of over 40 gadget instruments
Overwhelming sound. Immersive, intuitive and powerful user interface. Unprecedented and innovative quality. KORG Gadget 3 is a collection of over 40 gadget instruments, including compact synthesizers, drum machines, samplers, and audio and MIDI utilities. It has sophisticated parameters that make it easy for you to get to the sound they want, so you can create your own sounds instantly. The new Sound Browser allows you to get to your favorite sounds in the quickest time possible. It is perfectly suited for dance music as well as rock, pop, jazz, and other music sounds and genres. You are sure to find the sound you want among the numerous gadgets.

Plug-ins for instant sound in your favorite DAW
KORG Gadget 3 is also available as a plug-in only package that allows you to leverage the ready-to-use sounds of KORG Gadget 3 in your favorite DAW. With the long-awaited addition of VST3 support, KORG Gadget 3 Plug-ins can now be used in a wider range of music production environments. The spectacular plug-in collection includes the standard bundle of gadgets, all of the gadgets based on the acclaimed KORG Module iOS app, ELECTRIBE Wave, iM1, and iWAVESTATION, as well as all of the IAP gadgets. A complete set of ready-to-use sounds/presets*1 is included. A variety of unique and powerful sounds with carefully selected parameters can be used with your favorite DAW*2.

Supported Operation System:

  • macOS 11.7.9 or later
  • Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor

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