[插件联盟一键安装版]Lindell-Plugin Alliance All Bundle 2024.6 [WiN](137Mb)

TeamCubeadooby | 06.2024 | 137 MB

Lindell Audio 自 2010 年成立以来,就因生产高品质模拟设备而迅速赢得了声誉。唱片制作人 Tobias Lindell(Bohus Sound Studios 的常驻制作人)着手设计录音设备以满足他自己的工作方式。开发他在市场上找不到的功能和用户界面。现在,随着 Lindell 插件产品线的推出,您可以在 DAW 中找到同样对音频质量和高效工作流程的真诚关注。

多年来,Tobias Lindell 制作和混音了许多热门唱片,包括 Europe、“Last Look At Eden”、Mustasch “Latest Version Of The Truth” 和“Hardcore Superstar” 等。Lindell 音频插件带来了 Tobias 对录音和制作过程的深刻理解。他们的目标是使他们的产品适应日常录音室生活的当前需求。

x64:AAX、VST3、VST2 | x86:VST3、VST2 + JBridge 仅适用于 x64 插件

只需安装!AppID 与上一版本相同。

插件将显示在您的 DAW 中的“插件联盟”下。尽情享受吧!

Lindell 6X-500 v1.2.2
Lindell 7X-500 v1.2.2
Lindell 50 系列 v1.0.3
Lindell 69 系列 v1.0.0
Lindell 80 系列 v1.0.6
Lindell 902 De-esser v1.0.2
Lindell 254E v1.2.2
Lindell 354E v1.0.4
Lindell ChannelX v1.2.2
Lindell MBC v1.0.3
Lindell MU-66 v1.0.0
Lindell PEX-500 v1.2.2
Lindell SBC v1.0.3
Lindell TE-100 v1.1.3 TCD 注意:由于 Plugin Alliance 忘记包含 VST3 预设,因此

高度怀疑版本 1.0.1 即将发布。AAX插件具有预设,因为它是插件本身的内部架构;即:预设位于 .aaxplugin 文件夹中,并已为此格式化。它们显然存在。

Lindell Audio, since its founding in 2010, has quickly gained a reputation for producing high quality analog gear. Record producer Tobias Lindell—resident producer at Bohus Sound Studios—set out to design recording equipment to satisfy his own way of working. Developing functions and user interfaces that he couldn’t find on the market. Now, with the introduction of Lindell’s plugin product line, that same authentic attention to audio quality and efficient workflow can be found inside your DAW.

Tobias Lindell has produced and mixed many hit records throughout the years including Europe, “Last Look At Eden”, Mustasch “Latest Version Of The Truth” & “Hardcore Superstar” and many others. The Lindell audio plugins bring along with them Tobias’ deep understanding of the recording and production process. Their goal is to adapt their products to current demands in every day studio life.

x64: AAX, VST3, VST2 | x86: VST3, VST2 + JBridge for x64-only Plugs

Just install! Same AppID as previous release.

Plugins will show up under “Plugin Alliance” in your DAW. Enjoy!


Lindell 6X-500 v1.2.2
Lindell 7X-500 v1.2.2
Lindell 50 Series v1.0.3
Lindell 69 Series v1.0.0
Lindell 80 Series v1.0.6
Lindell 902 De-esser v1.0.2
Lindell 254E v1.2.2
Lindell 354E v1.0.4
Lindell ChannelX v1.2.2
Lindell MBC v1.0.3
Lindell MU-66 v1.0.0
Lindell PEX-500 v1.2.2
Lindell SBC v1.0.3
Lindell TE-100 v1.1.3

TCD Note: It is highly suspected that version 1.0.1 will be
out soon, as Plugin Alliance forgot to include VST3 presets.
The AAX plugin has presets because it is internal architecture
to the plugin itself; i.e.: The presets are in the .aaxplugin folder,
formatted for it as such. They were obviously present.


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