[前置放大器-吉他效果器套装]BBE Sound Stomp Board v1.6.1 [WiN](24Mb)

Stomp Board 是一个独立的应用程序和插件套件,包含带有集成放大器模拟器的主机 “Stomp Board”,以及 8 个来自 BBE Stomp Ware 经典原版的高级建模效果插件。

这些踏板也可单独出售,并向后兼容前 Stomp Ware 产品系列(RTAS 格式除外,现已贬值)。Stomp Board 及其后续踏板采用 AAX、AU、VST 和 VST3 格式,适用于 Windows 和 macOS。

Stomp Board 可作为 8 个吉他效果踏板的主机应用程序/插件,这些踏板取自 “Stomp Ware “的经典原版,可通过简单拖放以任意顺序无限加载和串联,详情如下。它包括一个专用的微调门、4 个集成放大器,让你从一开始就能弹奏摇滚乐;一个倾斜式音调控制器,用于全局均衡器设置和内置弹簧混响,以及输入和输出旋钮和增益分段计量视图。



Free Fuzz 仿照 60 年代末 Jimi Hendrix 等著名演奏家使用的罕见、抢手的硅晶体管模糊效果踏板设计,提供各种细腻、动感的模糊效果,以及几乎无穷无尽的延音,适合独奏和强劲的节奏。


Green Screamer 是一款复古超载效果器,能够产生与复古电子管放大器相关的动态范围平滑而温暖的超载音色。


Mind Bender 是一款双模式颤音/和声器,采用 BBD(Bucket Brigade Delay,水桶旅延迟)电路,可产生各种温暖、丰富的颤音、和声和旋转扬声器效果。


Opto Stomp 是一款透明光学压缩器,可提供多种软膝关节压缩效果,让人想起 60 年代生产的最好的老式压缩器。

Sonic Stomp

Sonic Stomp 是我们广受欢迎的 Sonic Maximizer 的踩踏盒版本。Sonic Stomp 经过精心设计,与我们的机架式 482i Sonic Maximizer 具有相同的音质改进效果,可为任何乐器增添清晰度、明确性和冲击力。


Soul Vibe 是一款复古振动/旋转扬声器模拟器,因其咀嚼式相位纹理而闻名,在 60 年代末和 70 年代深受 Jimi Hendrix、David Gilmour 和 Robin Trower 等演奏家的喜爱。


Tremor 是一款双模式颤音/自动平移插件,它利用光学电路创造出各种温暖的脉动音效,这些音效通常与老式电子管放大器的 “颤音 “效果有关。

Tremor 插件具有两种独立效果的灵活性,可通过脚踏开关切换(以保持原始硬件外观),使演奏者可以在颤音效果和自动平移效果之间进行选择。


双定时器的灵感来源于早已停产的 DM-2 延时器,它以温暖、萦绕的混响和磁带般的回声而著称。双定时器提供两个独立的延迟时间,可通过 Time1/Time2 模式脚踏开关进行切换。

在软件版本中,Time1/Time2 开关标签被改为单声道(Time1 延迟时间)和立体声(Time1:左延迟时间,Time2:右延迟时间),并提供单声道和立体声复古延迟,可创造出一系列令人惊叹的空间效果。


内置放大器模拟器(包括 4 个放大器)
8 种吉他效果踏板(可在 Stomp Board 中使用,也可作为单独插件使用)

Stomp Board is a standalone application and plug-in set containing the host “Stomp Board” with an integrated amp simulator, and 8 premium modelled effect plug-ins from the original BBE Stomp Ware classics.

The pedals are also sold individually and are backward compatible with the former Stomp Ware product line (except RTAS format, now depreciated). Stomp Board and its subsequent pedals are available in AAX, AU, VST and VST3 format for Windows and macOS.

Stomp Board acts as a host application/plug-in for 8 guitar effect pedals taken from the original “Stomp Ware” classics and which can be unlimitedly loaded and chained in any order via simple drag/drop, detailed below. It includes a dedicated and finely tuned Gate, 4 integrated Amps to get you up and rocking from the start, a tilt style Tone control for global EQ setting and inbuilt spring reverb alongside input and output knobs and gain staging metering view.

The Pedals :

Free Fuzz

The Free Fuzz was patterned after a rare and sought-after silicon transistor fuzz pedal made famous by players like Jimi Hendrix in the late ’60s and provides a wide range of creamy, dynamic fuzz effects with an almost endless amount of sustain for soloing and chunky rhythms.

Green Screamer

The Green Screamer is a vintage overdrive capable of producing a dynamic range of smooth and warm overdrive tones associated with vintage tube amplifiers.

Mind Bender

The Mind Bender is a dual-mode vibrato/chorus that utilizes a BBD (Bucket Brigade Delay) circuit and produces a wide range of warm, lush vibrato, chorus and rotating speaker effects.

Opto Stomp

The Opto Stomp is a transparent optical compressor that provides a wide range of soft-knee compression effects, reminiscent of the best vintage compressors made in the 60s.

Sonic Stomp

The Sonic Stomp is a stomp-box version of our ever-popular Sonic Maximizer. The Sonic Stomp was carefully designed to deliver the same sonic improvement as our rack-mounted 482i Sonic Maximizer, adding clarity, definition and punch to any instrument.

Soul Vibe

The Soul Vibe is a vintage vibe/rotary speaker simulator known for its chewy phase-like textures made popular in the late 60s and 70s by players like Jimi Hendrix, David Gilmour and Robin Trower.


The Tremor is a dual-mode Tremolo/Auto-Pan that utilizes an optical circuit to create a wide range of warm pulsating sounds normally associated with the “vibrato” effect of vintage tube amps.

The Tremor plug-in offers the flexibility of two independent effects that are foot switchable (to keep the original hardware look), enabling a player to select between a Tremolo effect and Auto-Pan effect.

Two Timer

The Two Timer was inspired by the long discontinued DM-2 Delay, which was known for its warm, haunting reverb and tape-like echoes. The Two Timer offers two independent delay times foot switchable via the Time1/Time2 mode footswitch.

In the software version, the Time1/Time2 switch label is changed to MONO (Time1 delay) and STEREO (Time1: left delay time, Time2: right delay time), and provides a mono and stereo vintage delay that can create an amazing range of space effects.


Stomp Board host and standalone application
Inbuilt Amp Simulator (inc. 4 Amps)
Fine tuned Gate specifically designed for guitarists
Tilt style global EQ
Inbuilt Reverb
8 Guitar effect pedals (available inside Stomp Board and as individual plugin)

x64: SAL, AAX, VST3, VST2 | x86: JBridge

Just install!

Rock on! -TCD

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