[Acon Digital音频处理插件套装]Acon Digital Mastering Suite v1.2.1 [WiN, MacOSX](144Mb)

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Acon Digital Mastering Suite由五个用于音频母带处理的插件组成,旨在实现极致的信号透明度。Mastering Suite 适用于 PC 和 Macintosh,支持 VST、VST3、AAX 和 AU 插件格式。提供 32 位和 64 位版本。

Acon Digital Mastering Suite由五个音频母带插件组成,旨在实现极致的信号透明度:

Dynamics是组合式压缩机、膨胀机或浇口。前瞻可以设置在 0 到 30 毫秒之间的任何位置,智能算法确保了带限增益信号,即使以最小的起音和释放时间,也能将潜在失真降至最低。您可以使用多达 4 倍的过采样来进一步减少失真。侧链信号可以是内部的,也可以是外部的,并且有一个完整的侧链均衡器,集成了低切、低切、峰值、高切和高切滤波器。算法的复杂性没有反映在直观的用户界面中,该界面提供了处理各个方面的图形可视化。

Multiband Dynamics是Dynamics的多频段扩展,允许在多达四个单独的频段中进行动态处理。您可以自由设置交叉频率,甚至可以在每倍频程 6 和 48 dB 的范围内自由设置滤波器斜率。多频段动力学在线性相位模式下运行,以避免处理频段之间的相位问题。

Limit 是一种透明限制器,具有 0 到 30 毫秒范围内的智能前瞻功能,可将失真降至最低。通过实际的峰值限制算法,使用预压缩器跟随器在两步过程中执行限制。您可以使用多达 4 倍的过采样来实现真正的峰值限制并进一步减少失真。

Equalize 是一种参数均衡器。与其他均衡器不同,您不仅可以自由调整中心频率、增益和带宽,还可以自由调整每个频段的滤波器斜率。滤波器斜率可以设置为每倍频程 3 dB 到 120 dB 的超尖锐。在使用最小相位模式时,您可以将均衡作为零延迟插件进行操作,选择在线性相位模式下保留相位关系或使用唯一的混合相位模式。混合相位模式允许您在 5 到 120 毫秒的范围内自由设置延迟,同时尽可能保留相位关系。这为潜在的预振铃伪影提供了独特的控制,这是线性相位滤波的常见问题。

Dither 是一个抖动插件,具有灵活的感知噪声整形功能。您可以调整最大增益,并以图形方式显示噪声整形滤波器频率响应的滤波器长度。

Acon Digital Mastering Suite consists of five plug-ins for audio mastering that were designed for ultimate signal transparency. Mastering Suite is available for PC and Macintosh and supports the VST, VST3, AAX and AU plug-in formats. Both 32 bit and 64 bit versions are available.

Acon Digital Mastering Suite consists of five plug-ins for audio mastering that were designed for ultimate signal transparency:

Dynamics is a combined compressor, expander or gate. The look-ahead can be set anywhere from 0 to 30 milliseconds and the intelligent algorithm ensures a band-limited gain signal which reduces potential distortion to a minimum even with minimal attack and release times. You can use up to 4 times oversampling to further reduce distortion. The side chain signal can be either internal or external and there’s a full blown side chain equalizer integrated with low cut, low shelf, peak, high shelf and high cut filters. The complexity of algorithms is not reflected in the intuitive user interface which provides graphical visualizations of all aspects of the processing.

Multiband Dynamics is the multiband extension of Dynamics which allows dynamic processing in up to four separate bands. You can freely set the cross-over frequencies and even the filter slopes can be set freely in the range 6 and 48 dB per octave. Multiband Dynamics operates in linear phase mode to avoid phase issues between the processed bands.

Limit is a transparent limiter with intelligent look-ahead in the range 0 to 30 milliseconds that reduces distortion to a minimum. The limiting is performed in a two step process with a pre-compressor follower by the actual peak limiting algorithm. You can use up to 4 times oversampling for true peak limiting and to further reduce distortion.

Equalize is a parametric equalizer. Unlike other equalizers, you can freely adjust not only center frequency, gain and bandwidths, but also the filter slope for each band. The filter slope can be set anywhere from 3 dB to ultra-sharp 120 dB per octave. You can operate Equalize as a zero latency plug-in when using the minimum phase mode, choose to preserve the phase relationships in the linear phase mode or use the unique mixed phase mode. The mixed phase mode allows you to set the latency freely in the range 5 to 120 milliseconds while preserving the phase relationships as far as possible. That gives a unique control over potential pre-ringing artifacts which is a common problem with linear phase filtering.

Dither is a dithering plug-in with flexible perceptual noise shaping. You can adjust the maximum gain and the filter length of the frequency response of the noise shaping filter is visualized graphically.

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