Slate Digital Infinity EQ v1.1.7.0-R2R| 28.1MB
INFINITY EQ是Slate Digital最先进的现代均衡器。凭借零延迟模拟匹配曲线、闪电般快速的直观工作流程、独特的滤波器和 M/S 选项,以及由 Mike Dean 和 Oak Felder 等专业人士制作的预设,INFINITY EQ 将帮助您轻松实现您的音乐创意。
INFINITY EQ 可让您以最少的鼠标移动、点击和修饰键处理曲目。光滑的接口可以极快地选择滤波器、斜率、增益、分组、M/S 和旁路。
* 无需安装 iLok 驱动程序即可运行。
* 我们的版本加载速度更快,使用的内存比合法版本少。
INFINITY EQ is Slate Digital’s most advanced modern equalizer. With zero latency analog matched curves, lightning fast intuitive workflow, unique filter and M/S options, and presets made by pros like Mike Dean and Oak Felder, INFINITY EQ will help you execute your musical ideas with ease.
INFINITY EQ lets you process your tracks with the least amount of mouse movements, clicks, and modifier keys. The slick interface enables extremely fast selection of filters, slopes, gain, grouping, M/S, and bypass.
A witch says,
* No iLok Driver installation is required to run.
* Our release loads faster and uses less memory than legit version.
Team R2R