[全能型 DAW] Tracktion Software Waveform v10.4.2 [MacOSX](90Mb)


与其他负担得起的DAW不同,Waveform并没有施加任何限制-我们相信曲目数量无限制,功能齐全并且可以自由添加任何插件。 Waveform还可以在所有主要的桌面操作系统(macOS,Windows和Linux)上运行。您的想象力是唯一的极限。

Waveform包含80多个内置FX插件的庞大套件。还包括一套功能极为强大的虚拟乐器,Collective为每种音乐类型提供了多种不同的乐器类型,革命性的Multi Sampler是声音设计师的游乐场,Subtractive为您的乐曲带来经典的模拟声音。

波形包括出色的Imagina Loops’Alex Sanfilippo’系列世界一流的多音轨鼓环。这些补充了诸如模式发生器和高级乐器之类的创意MIDI制作工具,使您可以专注于创造力而不是编程。


Waveform 10具有许多新的用户界面和工作流改进功能,旨在帮助导航其深层功能。通过在浏览器中可访问的全新“操作面板”的添加,用户可以完全自定义显示的功能-支持常用操作并隐藏那些很少需要的操作。用户还可以使用宏脚本创建自己的动作,并分配自定义按键命令,从而进一步提高应用程序响应其用户特定工作流程的能力。可通过右键单击菜单执行操作,并且可以通过光标位置访问操作,从而极大地提高了访问核心功能的能力。也可以直接从此“动作面板”启动其他编辑屏幕和插件UI,从而将所有常用工具集中在一个位置。准备成为一名编辑忍者。
编辑组的添加打开了许多非常有用的工具,可以显着增强您的音频编辑功能。其中最重要的是超酷的“ Groove Doctor”编辑过程,通常用于多音轨鼓录音。快速跨录制音频的多个轨道执行相位精确量化,同时捕获快照,以便以后需要重新编辑时进行调用。除了修复演奏中的错误之外,该工具还可以用于快速提取复杂的凹槽模板,这些模板可用于将您的编辑锁定到记录的凹槽。编辑组在处理多音轨伴奏时非常有用,可以节省复杂编辑以及混音过程中的时间和精力。通过浏览器中的“编辑组”面板,可以轻松管理和访问组,深入进行音频手术从未如此简单。

任何DAW中不稳定的最大原因是插件。 Tracktion开发团队通过开发一个开源插件验证工具来帮助用户和开发人员,从而在主机稳定性管理方面处于领先地位。该开发工具可以测试可能影响所有DAW应用程序的常见问题,并为所有主机带来好处,并为插件开发人员提供了更为有效的解决方案。短期内完全消除不稳定性是不可行的,因此Waveform 10具有“恒定保存”技术和立即的崩溃恢复功能。这意味着,如果发生崩溃,绝对不会丢失任何数据,并且在隔离有问题的插件后,系统会在几秒钟内重新启动。告别崩溃的妄想症。

Waveform是唯一包含来自Antares Technologies的正版Auto-Tune®技术的DAW。 Waveform包括新的Auto-Tune Access插件,可提供传奇般的实时音高校正和人声效果,从而产生了无数次点击。自动调谐访问通过简单直观的界面提供核心的自动调谐功能。其轻巧的CPU占用空间和专业的质量处理能力也使其成为处理大型项目的高级用户的便捷选择。三位重调速度和人性化旋钮允许进行各种调音应用,从微妙和自然的音高校正到最极端的自动调音效果。低延迟处理使您可以在舞台上或工作室中通过自动调谐访问进行实时表演,而不必担心分散注意力。

Melodyne让您以全新的方式处理音频。如果小错误会破坏良好的拍摄效果,则不必扔掉它,因为使用Melodyne可以轻松对其进行维修。不论音调或时机错误,音符太大或太小,颤音太大或太小。您可以优化录音的最小细节,使它们尽可能接近完美。而且由于Melodyne以高度音乐性的方式进行演奏,因此在此过程中既不牺牲表演的活力也不缺乏自然感。此外,Melodyne令人难以置信的音频灵活性可以成为您最大胆创意的启动垫。 Melodyne中的音符,短语,节奏和声音成为您可以随意拉伸,重塑,分层和变形的原材料。如果可以想像某件事,那么借助Melodyne,您很有可能也可以将其变为现实。

Z-Plane的Elastique Pro时间拉伸算法是高级音频时间拉伸的业界领先算法。 Elastique Pro模式特别适合于在不引入通常的定相伪像的情况下将语音/声音清晰度保持在最高水平的专业用途。内置于Waveform的心脏中,无论源素材如何,您都可以绝对放心地时间扩展和收缩音频。准备轻松拉伸,收缩和扭曲声音

Waveform is a rapidly evolving application specifically designed for the needs of modern music producers. Specializing in creative and inspirational workflows and avoiding features not explicitly needed allow the app to remain surprisingly fun and intuitive. While other apps try to appeal to broad user groups, for example film score, live sound, performance – we are laser focused on music production.

Unlike other affordable DAW’s, Waveform does not impose any restrictions whatsoever – we believe in unlimited track count, full feature set and freedom to add any plugins. Waveform also runs on all the major desktop operating systems – macOS, Windows and Linux. Your imagination is the only limit.

Waveform includes a massive suite of over 80 built in FX plugins. Also included are a suite of extremely powerful virtual instruments, Collective provides a vast array of different instrument types for every musical genre, the revolutionary Multi Sampler is a sound designers playground and Subtractive brings classic analog sounds to your compositions.

Waveform includes the excellent Imagina Loops ‘Alex Sanfilippo’ collection of world class multi track drum loops. These compliment the creative MIDI production tools such as the pattern generator and premium instruments, allowing you to focus on creativity rather than programming.

Extensive free online video tutorials are constantly being expanded and a detailed user guide is available within the app, plus contextual popup help guides you when needed. Free online support is available via our streamlined Zendesk portal, connecting you to the most relevant team member.

Waveform 10 features a host of new user interface and workflow improvements designed to help navigate its deep capabilities. The addition of an all new ‘Actions Panel’ accessible in the browser allows the user to fully customize what features are displayed – favoriting commonly used actions and hiding those rarely needed. Users can also create their own actions using macro scripts and assign custom key commands further increasing the apps ability to respond to its users particular workflow. Actions are available via the right click menu and can be accessed by the cursor position greatly speeding up your ability to access core functions. Additional edit screens and plugin UI’s can also be launched directly from this Actions Panel keeping all your common tools in one place. Prepare to become an editing ninja.

The addition of edit groups opens up a number of really useful tools to significantly enhance your audio editing capabilities. The most significant of these is the ultra cool ‘Groove Doctor’ editing process most typically used for multi track drum recordings. Quickly perform phase accurate quantization across multiple tracks of recorded audio whilst capturing snapshots for recall at a later date if edits need revisiting. Besides repairing errors in a performance, the tool can also be used to quickly extract complex groove templates that can be used to lock your edit to a recorded groove. Edit groups are also particularly useful when handling multi track comps, saving time and effort during complex editing as well as during mix down. With an edit group panel in the browser allowing for easy management and access to your groups, diving deep into audio surgery has never been easier.

The biggest cause of instability in any DAW is plugins. The Tracktion development team is taking the lead in host stability management by developing an open source plugin validation tool to help both users and developers alike. This development tool benefits all hosts as it tests for common problems that would affect all DAW apps and provides a much more efficient resolution path for plugin developers. Eradicating instability completely is not feasible in the short term, so Waveform 10 features ‘constant save’ technology and immediate crash recovery. This means if a crash occurs, there is absolutely no loss of data and the system is restarted in a matter of seconds with the offending plugin quarantined. Say goodbye to crash paranoia.

Waveform is the only DAW to include genuine Auto-Tune® technology from Antares Technologies. Waveform includes the new Auto-Tune Access plug-in to provide the legendary real-time pitch correction and vocal effects that have launched countless hits. Auto-Tune Access delivers the core Auto-Tune features with a simple and intuitive interface. Its light CPU footprint and professional quality processing also make it a convenient option for more advanced users working with larger projects. Three-position Retune Speed and Humanize knobs allow for a variety of tuning applications, from subtle and natural-sounding pitch correction to the most extreme Auto-Tune Effect. Low latency processing lets you perform through Auto-Tune Access in real time on stage or in the studio, without worrying about distracting delay.

Melodyne lets you work with audio in an entirely new way. If a good take is spoiled by small errors, you don’t have to throw it away, because with Melodyne you can simply repair it. Regardless whether they’re intonation or timing errors, notes that are too loud or too quiet, with too much vibrato or too little. You can optimize the tiniest details of your recordings, bringing them as close to perfection as you desire. And since Melodyne works in a highly musical way, neither the vitality nor the naturalness of the performance is sacrificed in the process. Furthermore, the unbelievable flexibility of audio in Melodyne can be the launching pad for your boldest ideas. Notes, phrases, rhythms and noises in Melodyne become raw material that you can stretch, reshape, layer and transform – virtually at will. If a thing is conceivable, there’s a good chance that with Melodyne you can also make it reality.

Elastique Pro time stretch algorithm by Z-Plane is the industry leading algorithm for advanced audio time stretching. The Elastique Pro mode is especially suited for professional usage maintaining speech/vocal intelligibility at the highest level without introducing usual phasing artefacts. Built into the heart of Waveform, this allows you to time expand and contract your audio with absolute confidence whatever the source material. Get ready to stretch, contract and warp your sounds with ease
Subtractive synthesis started it all, creating the classic analog sounds musicians need for their tracks. Tracktion’s Subtractive synthesizer plugin puts a modern spin on things with 4 oscillators, each with ring modulator, 2 filters, a drive stage in-between and lots of modulation possibilities. This is followed by a 4-band EQ and 4 effect busses with a wide variety of high quality effects to choose from. Besides its classic sawtooth, pulse and triangle oscillators, it adds a Spinal Saw oscillator type delivering up to 11 sawtooth waveforms at once. Multiply that with four oscillators and you get 44 detuned sawtooth waveforms per voice. Its filters provide State-Variable, Transistor Ladder and Sallen-Key filter types to faithfully recreate classic analog synth sounds. 4 LFOs and 4 envelopes take care of modulations and a nice user interface makes editing quick and easy. Prepare to deep dive into the inspiring world of Subtractive synthesis.

We are proud to announce the inclusion of a whopping 62 new plugins built into Waveform 10. The Artisan Collection is based on the wildly popular Airwindows DSP providing inspirational audio sculpting tools. Each plugin is laser focused on a particular task which can be used individually to add specific edge to your sound, or in combination to build a rich multi effect. Due to their narrow focus, the user interfaces are extremely simple and there are minimal presets, the user can easily adapt, experiment and combine. There is a wide variety of tools in the collection – everything from really useful sound shaping to some weird and wonderful surprises. Dive in and create your own sonic playground.

The concept of sampling has been around for decades and still remains relevant in all forms of music production. The process of finding sounds, manipulating them and storing them for use in your own compositions can be a critical element for defining ‘your sound’. The Multi-Sampler instrument goes deep, offering truly contemporary sampling capabilities – but that’s not where the innovation ends. We have gone beyond the standard sampler features and optimized user workflow and integration within the DAW so creating your own sounds is faster and more intuitive. For example, the sampler can record directly from other apps – such as your web browser – which means sound sources are literally unlimited. Fans of ReCycle will love the one button audio clip import/slice and convert to MIDI tool. Adding content into the sampler, manipulating in creative ways and storing/recalling your sounds has never been more inspirational – create your sound.

Waveform features six new modifiers, building on the popular LFO tools from previous generations. These creative tools allow you to manipulate parameters adding movement and ‘life’ to your sounds. The new tools consist of:

LFO – Basic LFO with a range of shapes now including random (S&H) and noise (ramp).

Breakpoint – An oscillator with a variable number of points that can be dragged to create a custom shape.

Step – A step sequence between 2 & 64 bipolar steps.

Envelope Follower – Follows the audio signal on the track and maps this to parameter changes.

Random – Similar to the random types of the LFO except this has smoothing and step depth controls for random-walk type movements.

MIDI Tracker – Track incoming pitch or velocity in absolute or relative modes. Create a map of MIDI to output value.

Creating and assigning plugin macro parameters allows you to quickly extract your favorite features from complex virtual instruments and effects and placing them at your finger tips. Macro’s can control any number of parameters from any number of devices, so the feature can be used for creative sound design and sound shaping, as well as a time saving tool to be recalled with your favorite plugins – always have your favorite tools right where you need them.

Modern virtual instruments and effects are constantly becoming more powerful and editing capabilities are getting deeper. This results in plugin user interfaces that can be overwhelming and complex. Now you can create your own faceplates for your favorite plugins allowing you to choose exactly what controls and parameters you want to view and manipulate – even adding different controls not available on the original UI such as X/Y pads. Quickly build an interface with the exact controls you need for your favorite plugs.

The powerful modular ‘rack’ environment in Waveform has become highly revered for its limitless capabilities. Creating complex assemblies of DSP is easy and intuitive, allowing you to focus on the task at hand – whether that be processing a vocal or diving deep into multi instrument sound design. Racks 2.0 takes it to the next level with the addition of the ‘stacked’ view and new auto connection capabilities. Add to this the ability to create custom face plates and macros, and the Rack 2.0 environment just became a whole lot more visual and creative.

The chord track allows you to visually track the musical progressions throughout your arrangement. Paired with the extremely popular MIDI pattern generator, you can quickly experiment with different chords across multiple synchronized MIDI clips.

Track loops are a new way to save multi track data along with a stereo preview clip. The preview clip can be auditioned when browsing your libraries, then expanded to the original multi track format upon adding to your edit – or simply use the preview clip if desired. Recall of complete track setup including plugins, LFO’s, automation etc can be saved as part of the track loop format. Creating your own libraries of content has never been more flexible or convenient.

Composition Tools
The MIDI composition tools available in Waveform are designed to empower and inspire the creative process. Tools which demystify complex musical structures and allow non trained enthusiasts to explore composition. Synchronized pattern generators allow you to dive into chord progressions with matching bass lines, melodies and arpeggios. Real time chord players turn one finger keyboard players into musical maestros. Don’t let your instrumental abilities restrict your creative flow.

Modular Mixing
Waveform features an expanded modular mixer that can take advantage of multi screen setups. The customizable interface allows you to quickly switch from editing to mixing workflows and desired viewing. Waveform’s powerful ‘racks’ environment allow you to build limitless DSP chains and save/recall them as presets, whether it be your favorite DSP for a particular vocalist, or deep sound design patch. Embrace the power and flexibility of digital modular.

Collective is a powerful sampler and synthesizer capable of generating a wide variety of instrument sounds. Developed to accompany the new music composition tools, Collective allows you to immediately start creating diverse musical styles. Quickly select from over 600 presets and deep dive to surgically craft your unique sound. Pull from the included sample library or load your own, combine with synthesis or cherish the supreme quality of traditional samples. One instrument to rule them all.

Unlimited Potential
Waveform is an unlimited app designed for modern music production. Developed to be creative and inspirational and with a minimal learning curve, our goal is to empower music enthusiasts. Unlike other apps, Waveform supports all major plugin and loop varieties and runs on all major desktop operating systems – now including Raspberry Pi. The beautiful user interface has been
carefully crafted to guide the user through the deep capabilities of a digital audio workstation. Dive in and start creating today.


All Tracktion DAWs feature a single screen interface and an ever-growing list of premium features. They’ve been designed specifically for use by musicians, artists and composers in need of a powerful, easy-to-use and affordable recording platform. The differences between T7 and Waveform are shown on the comparison chart.

10.4.2 released 12/11/19

macOS: Fixed plugins that use eLicenser not scanning on macOS Mojave and newer
Plugins: Added the Micro Drum Sampler
Plugins: Optionally sorted built in plugin menu by type
Plugins: By default, hide legacy plugins like Sampler and FM Synth

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