[6段均衡器插件]Red Rock Sound EQ3 v3.5.3 [WiN](99Mb)

Red Rock Sound EQ3 v3.5.3-BUBBiX| 22 June 2024 | 99 MB

EQ3 6 段均衡器
在 80 年代,它是第一个使用不同方法来调整音调的人。在传统的模拟均衡器中,无论是架式、可扫描式、图形式还是参数式均衡器,音频频谱的各个部分都会通过增加或减少带通来增强或衰减。在这种情况下,频率整形是通过对带通求和来实现的。我们对这种方法的模拟与原始方法非常相似,并随着数字技术的更多可能性而得到改进。现在你可以亲耳听到了。

有五个宽阔的、重叠的、相互作用的频段:10(Sub)、40、160、650 和 2.5 кHz,以及“摇滚(通风)波段”控制,这是一个仅限 HF 增强的控制。

使用 EQ3 时,请记住频段很宽,大约 2 个八度。它们相互重叠。例如:当将 10 kHz 的“摇滚乐队”提升到旋钮上的 +6 位置时,为了在 2.5 kHz 区域保持响应平坦,您应该将 2.5 kHz 粗旋钮旋转到大约 -1 位置。当然,您退出 2.5 kHz 控制的量应该由耳朵设置。遵循这种程序将获得更轻盈的声音,更清晰。

通过应用相同的原理,您可以为低频响应完成同样的事情。EQ3 将比您以前听到的更深入地进入您的混音,相位失真最小。
因此,您可能需要花一点时间“玩转”EQ3 上的控件,然后才能进行直观的调整。

EQ3 扩展了原始硬件的功能,并将数字世界的灵活性与模拟处理的特性相结合。EQ3 插件从头开始设计,可在沉浸式混音环境中快速、高效地处理中/侧、立体声和对象、床(固定通道)。



要绕过 Eq 处理,请按所选均衡器一键 + 移位。在旁路模式下,按钮将发出红色光。


输入路由允许您在 44 种常见通道设置之间进行选择,从立体声到 7.1.4 和 9.1.6。只需在输入路由模块中选择适合您轨道的通道设置即可。

您还可以创建自己的输入路由配置文件。提供 16 个独立频道。

单击输入路由选择显示旁边的编辑按钮。按住 shift 按钮并选择所需的通道数。按顺序命名所选频道。然后单击保存并命名配置文件。


来自 nfo:

(64 位:VST2、VST3、AAX)
(32 位:VST2、VST3)



EQ3 6-Band Equalizer
In the ’80s it was the first to use a different approach to tonal adjustments. In conventional analog equalizers, whether they are shelving, sweepable, graphic or parametric types, various sections of the audio spectra are boosted or attenuated by adding or subtracting bandpasses. In this case, frequency shaping is achieved by summing bandpasses. Our emulation of this method is quite similar to the original and improved with additional possibilities of digital technology. Now you can hear it for yourself.

There are five broad, overlapping, interacting bands: 10 (Sub), 40, 160, 650 and 2.5 кHz, along with the «rock (airy) band» control, which is an HF boost-only control.

When using the EQ3, remember that the bands are broad, approximately 2 octaves. They overlap one another. For example: when boosting the 10 kHz «rock band» to a +6 position on the knob, to keep the response flat through in 2.5 kHz region you should rotate the 2.5 kHz coarse knob to about a -1 position. The amount you back off the 2.5 kHz control should, of course, be set by ear. Following this kind of procedure will accomplish a more airy sound, with much more clarity.

You can accomplish the same thing for the low frequency response by applying the same principles. The EQ3 will reach further into your mix than you’ve ever heard before with minimal phase distortion.
As a result, you may need to take a little time and «play around» with the controls on the EQ3 before you can make intuitive adjustments.

The EQ3 extends the features of the original hardware and joins the flexibility of the digital world to the character of the analog processing. The EQ3 plugin designed from the ground up for fast, efficient work on mid/side, stereo and the objects, the beds (fixed channels) of immersive mixing environments.

This module allows you to select an equalizer from four available. The equalizers are arranged in series, this allows you to process channels with different equalizers settings.
For example: the first EQ is only the mid channel, the second EQ is only the side channel, the third Eq is the left and right channel. For multi-channel modes: the first Eq is only the left and right channels, the second EQ is the center channel, the third EQ is the LFE, etc.

You can rename Unit Buttons for ease of use. To rename the selected Unit button, right-click on the button.

In order to turn on the solo (listen) of the equalizer, double-click on the selected equalizer number. The equalizer in solo mode glows yellow, to exit solo mode, double-click again. For two-channel modes, only one equalizer can be solo mode. For multi-channel modes, one or more equalizers can be soloed.
To bypass Eq processing, press the selected equalizer number one click + shift. In bypass mode, the button will glow red.

You can also copy all equalizer settings to another equalizer. To do this, select the equalizer from which you want to copy the settings, then click on the copy button, then select the equalizer to which you want to copy the settings.

Input Routing
Input Routing lets you choose between 44 common channel setups, starting from Stereo up to 7.1.4 and 9.1.6. Simply select in the input routing module the channel setup that fits your track.

You can also create your own input routing profiles. 16 independent channels are available.

Click on the edit button next to the input routing selection display. Hold down the shift button and select the desired number of channels. Name selected channels in order. Then click save and name the profile.

Channels Selection
In this module, you can select (activate) the channels that the equalizer (unit) will process.

From nfo:

(64-bit: VST2, VST3, AAX)
(32-bit: VST2, VST3)


Install & replace with patched or, overwrite any older installed binary, with old-school
drag’n’drop method.


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