[模拟机架效果器套装]Nembrini Audio Analog Rack FX Bundle v2.0.6 [WiN](28Mb)

Nembrini Audio 自豪地推出新的 Analog Rack Bundle,这是 13 个经典吉他效果踏板的集合,为新的数字时代重新审视和重新设计。

Nembrini Audio 采用了吉他手最喜欢的模拟和数字效果踏板,并将其重新打包为新的机架式插件,易于使用且功能强大,同时又添加了定制设计的电子管前置放大器虚拟电路,以一种非常特殊的方式为信号赋予颜色。

只需在您的轨道中插入一个 Analog Rack Bundle 插件,即可听到其美丽的模拟管着色!

Analog Rack Bundle 包括:

模拟机架延迟:将 Nembrini Audio 延迟算法的强大功能集成在一个简单的包装中!BPM 同步、立体声扩频电路和非常多汁的声音!这只美丽的小野兽也是免费的!
Analog Rack Chorus:一个非常简单但功能强大的 Chorus 插件,灵感来自最著名的 Chorus 踏板和机架效果单元。对所有人免费!
Analog Rack Phaser:一个旋钮,用于梦幻般的 Phaser Fx,灵感来自著名的橙色 Phaser 90 踏板。
Analog Rack Flanger:一个 Fx 插件,可让您使用三个简单的旋钮将漂亮的 Flanger Fx 应用于每个轨道。
Analog Rack Tremolo:非常简单有效的颤音 Fx 插件。
Analog Rack Screamer:一种非常特别的超速踏板仿真,灵感来自著名的绿色踩踏箱。
Analog Rack Fuzz:一个定制设计的模糊失真插件,灵感来自辉煌的红色 Fuzz 踏板。
Analog Rack Compressor:一个压缩器插件,非常适合通过易于使用的界面塑造吉他的动态。
Analog Rack Guitar Equalizer:一个 7 波段图形 eq 插件,专为吉他调音,灵感来自紧凑的日本 eq 踏板。
Analog Rack Bass Equalizer:另一个 7 波段图形均衡器插件,带有用于低音吉他的选定频段。
模拟机架清洁器:单机架 Fx 插件中的高通和低通滤波器,以清除低端隆隆声和高频噪声。所有用户免费!


* 无需 iLok 驱动程序即可运行。
* 我们的版本加载速度更快,使用的内存比原始版本少。

Nembrini Audio proudly presents the new Analog Rack Bundle, a collection of 13 classic guitar effect pedals revisited and redesigned for the new digital era.

Nembrini Audio has taken the guitarists most preferred analog and digital effect pedals and has repacked it in new rack style plugins easy to use and extremely powerful at the same time, with the addition of a custom design tube preamp virtual circuit which gives color to the signal in a very special way.

Just insert one of the Analog Rack Bundle plugin in your tracks to hear its beautiful analog tube coloration!

The Analog Rack Bundle includes:

Analog Rack Delay: the power of Nembrini Audio’s delay algorithms in a simple package! BPM Sync, stereo spread circuit and a very juicy sound! This beautiful little beast is FREE too!
Analog Rack Reverb: two plugins in one, Stereo Hall and Stereo Room reverb algorithms ideal for every source!
Analog Rack Chorus: a very simple but powerful Chorus plugin inspired by the most famous Chorus pedals and rack effect units. FREE for everyone!
Analog Rack Phaser: one knob for a fantastic Phaser Fx inspired by the famous orange Phaser 90 pedal.
Analog Rack Flanger: a Fx plugin which let you apply beautiful Flanger Fx to each track with three simple knobs.
Analog Rack Tremolo: pretty simple and effective tremolo Fx plugin.
Analog Rack Screamer: a very special overdrive pedal emulation inspired by the famous green stomp box.
Analog Rack Fuzz: a custom design fuzz distortion plugin inspired by the glorious red Fuzz pedal.
Analog Rack Compressor: a compressor plugin ideal to sculpt the dynamic of your guitar with an easy to use interface.
Analog Rack Guitar Equalizer: a 7 bands graphic eq plugin especially tuned for guitar, inspired by the compact Japanese eq pedal.
Analog Rack Bass Equalizer: another 7 bands graphic eq plugin with selected frequency bands for bass guitar.
Analog Rack Cleaner: high pass and low pass filters in a single rack Fx plugin to clear up low-end rumble and high frequency noise . FREE for all users!
Analog Rack Noise Gate: a very simple but powerful noise gate plugin especially tuned for guitar and bass. This is another FREE plugin!

Team R2R Note:(v2.0.0)

* No iLok Driver is required to run.
* Our release loads faster and uses less memory than original.

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